After completely selling out to this pattern/technique for the entire month of August, I've blown away some personal benchmarks, and as I continue to refine my process over these last two weeks, the results are unlike any single month stretch I've had in terms of 5lb+ fish, as well as bags over 20lbs.
Over the course of about 70 hours spent on the water at night in the month of August......all using a Free Rigged 5/0 Mag Lizard, Mag Worm, Mag Finesse Straight tail:
Number of 5lb+ fish caught: 18 ( 2 fish over 7lbs)
Largest bag: 8/30 Blue Supermoon, 5 for 23lbs........7.3 big fish, 5.14 & 5.13 fish, and then a pair of 2lb class fish. These are bags over half days (4-5hr sessions)
** 8/29 5 for 20.5.....however I lost a 5+ pretty close to the boat that would have put me close to or a little over 25lbs.
Never got my August monster with a 7.3 being big fish, however unlike months where I've caught true monsters, I've never be able to ride a derby winning pattern for an entire month.
3.8 hrs fished for every 5+ fish
Favorite baits: Zoom's 8" Mag Lizard, Blackberry, Black Grape, Black w/ Red Flake, Black, Green Pumpkin w/ Blue Flake
this bait is the OG big fish night bait, my PB came on it, and it's dynamite when you alternate it with the other options listed below like with the Ol Monsters.
Zoom's Ol Monster: Black Grape, Green Pumpkin w/ Blue Flake, Junebug w/ Red Flake
this bait is just exceptional in every manner when it comes to big fish, and accounted for about 50% of my fish.
Roboworm 7" Fat Straight Tail: Black Grape, After Dark, Midnight
this bait excels when the bite is a bit tougher, but you are stilling looking for the 5lb+ bite.
6th Sense Boosa Worm 9.6": Pumpkinseed juice, Watermelon w/ Red Flake
this bait floats and is a real's the bait that Milliken was throwing when I got inspired to throw the Free Rig.
Colors: Can't see your hand in your face nights.......Black Grape, Blacks, dark stuff listed above.
Blue Supermoon type of can't beat the Green Pumpkin w/ Blue Flake.
*** I never believed much in scent or was too lazy to apply it in the manner where it would work......that's the only other gamechanger I can easily point to besides 1. Free Rig 2. Bulk plastics mainly 10" curly tail worms 3. religious use in Bang Garlic scent
**** last thing I think is important to point out as well, first time I treated Gama hooks like disposable gear.....meaning if I felt the hook was even the slightest dull, I changed it out.
This pattern is about over sadly though, already getting our first let up in the heat and the fish are going to be roaming more herding up bait.