@NorcalBassin reports perhaps make me the most envious, what a special thing to share the love of Bass fishing with three generations!
My grandfather apparently loved to fish, however my father doesn't. I always hear my parents tell me how much me and my grandfather would have gotten along, as they say he was fishing any free chance. He built a small pond on his property, but fished Lake Lanier on the weekends, and then had a Bertram sportfishing boat in Destin. He might have been eaten up by it more than me.
Many people say the fishing gene skips a generation. I also don't believe you can convince, or slowly talk someone into loving Bass fishing. Either you get it instantly, or you really aren't with it. To love Bass fishing, is to love failure in some large part. That rules out a huge part of the human population.
Your fish are always fat and healthy, wherever you fish has a fantastic forage base 🙂