Katie, you're bad donkey if you know what I mean ?
Scott, we'll set something up soon, dedicated Cat fishing until I can get a new boat. Finally broke a rod today in part due to hard it to fish from......underhand casting a CB, and it caught a clearance SLX spinning rod, took 4-5" tip off. Loved the rod, but at least it was cheapest at $50. I talked with the fish biologist on the lake today, ask him what's the biggest he's seen in the lake. Said last shock study got one that close to 40lbs. Dude isn't a BSer at all, but I'm struggling to believe that. He said he's seen 20lb fish caught....that I have no doubt about.
Tim, what can I say besides absolutely EPIC, and you are winning at life having a wife unit who loves to share such priceless memories. Congrats on the 5lb fish too......that's the giddy like a kitty size.
Woody B, love how you are giving some feedback on the FFS, and awesome Spot as usual. You and Greenpig are Spot hunters for sure. Stay with that Chatterbait, hated reading that part, but it's only a matter of time until you love it.
Way North Bass Guy, what an incredibly honey hole you have in your backyard....large private lakes are the stuff that fuels my fishing dreams. Beautiful fish and awesome day. I'd be over the moon if I caught 25 smallies in a day. Love me some fat fish too, what a beautiful belly. Post a pic of your backyard lake if you can.
Beautiful last pic especially, love that.... could be a motivational poster or something. I always enjoy seeing the fish you post because it's fun guessing the genetics. You have some really neat Bass. Second Bass is a great example.....to a lesser degree so is the third one. As for the fourth, he's just so cute, but I'm sure you ate him on the spot like an Anchovy ?