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Everything posted by AlabamaSpothunter

  1. I'm just looking for the 110Jr +1, but no GG Threadfin ?
  2. 50 small ones, 1 big one, it's an epic party either way ?
  3. What is KTP?.....you had me at MegaBass
  4. Massive rains all yesterday and this morning, I expect my lake to up several feet, docks will be underwater. In the summer I've found this advantegous, however in the winter I've found this makes fishing significantly harder. The frontal conditions that follow these huge water fluctuations play as large of role as the water rising imho.
  5. Nice stuff brother, I bought one of those 100x Crush baits last night at Academy for 5.90.....$3 off. They had Vision 110s for $17 but I missed them all ?
  6. A circle hook requires the fish to essentially hook itself, you set the hook on a circle, and you'll just pull the bait 100% of the time. Why not just go barb less on the back, come to think of it on long baits like 110s, that might be a good ethical move, occasionally they eat the thing from the back pefectly and get a treble down deep.
  7. I understand, been shooting AR15s for decades, and apparently to many the buffer tube makes a "sproing" sound when fired.....never once heard it.
  8. I have both the new Zillions, but this thread is full of overkill, the monkey can never satisfy its thirst for blood What's interesting though is the noise the Mag Z boost spool makes when you really chunk a bait, doesn't do it unless you really chuck it though.
  9. Katie I enjoyed reading it so much, you have such a special gift for writing. Each situation reads like it's own poem. I'm the same way on many of those things, but just at night verses the pre light morning. I love night fishing as much as I like catching a big Bass or Bass fishing in general. Being on the water, alone, in the dark is absolutely magical. Only the real ones bother fishing in the pitchblack. Your senses reach a whole different level of alive. Only one I can't agree on is #6, #9 is my favorite situation on the list, and #5 is the best written one. Now you have my opinion, and I thoroughly highjacked Bob's awesome thread ?
  10. Where is this new article Katie, your loyal reader base demands a link! ? ETA I found it, I don't check the home page, I'm 4 days late to the party...... The Perfect Day | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC (bassresource.com)
  11. Finally.....we've been waiting patiently ? Seriously, that was a very informative post....I award you some special token or emotion if I could lol. You answered the one major question I had at the end......you can't because there isn't a new Steez SV...hopefully TW yet. To me it seems that the SV TW reels are just brilliant do it all reels whereas the other models slowly delve into the niche/technique specific realms. This was the one Steez I wanted besides the 16? SV TW.....barring we don't get an updated SV TW. What reel b/t all the JDM Zillions and Steez models would you recommend for general purpose bottom contact stuff from 3/8th-1/2 jigs, to 1/8th-3/16th T-Rigged 8" Mag Zoom lizards or 7" Roboworms? Something tells me I can't beat the Zillion SV TW in a higher gear ratio, but dang want another Steez. They are just the coolest reels made imho, and obviously the performance/craftsmanship/and weight are unrivaled again imho as Daiwa reel fanboy. I still like the flagship Shimano reels, but they just don't offer anything close to the Zillions at the price point.
  12. Mine is 7'9......so I'd say yeah 7'9-8' HF would be superior to your current 7'3 HF The rod is the key part with these heavy baits, 7'3 sounds awfully short to me, but I only started throwing these baits a few months ago.
  13. If you are lucky enough to fish a major thriving Shad/other pelagic roaming forage based fishery, I think he's spot on. Anybody would good down scan and side scan or Mega 360 can see the traditional rules don't apply at these places. Big fish are under these schools of baitfish, getting them to bite is something that eludes me 99% of the time. Not sure how fast FFS would change that, but I know it would once I can evaluate fish's response to certain lures being presented to them. If not, Bass still heavily depend on shallows for forage, and I think many of those traditional laws still hold true. Just my 2cents Caught 10 fish yesterday in 10ft of water or less as they were targeting thousands of Shad pushed up against a Dam bank's corner. Feeding frenzy, fish launching themselves in the air, water temps were low 50s. Agree with your last sentence......not a great angler, but I try to spend more time on the water than other anglers, and by doing so I see things that go against convential wisdom quite often. I mean I'm still catching fish strolling a flashback mini.
  14. Second the superglue notion.....even with a trailer if you'll glue that bait right up sung about the jighead, it makes all the difference in the world. I can catch 40-50 fish on a Armor Shad if I superglue it on a flashback mini, and it's not even elastech or whatever the stronger 10x plastics are called like the Zman stuff you are using. Just make sure you get that good quick setting super glue. Cheap stuff sometimes works the best.
  15. I've caught two really nice fish over 5 on the Crush Flat 75x. Over time I've found certain CBs just have a certain wobble to them that makes them big fish baits. Safe to say the 75x is a big fish CB.
  16. Yeah that's like the SM version O.H. Ivie for LGMs right now. To me the hottest big fish lake for SMs is the SLR the hottest big fish lake for LGMs is OH Ivie If I ever got a shot at fishing SLR, you better believe I'm targeting big SMs because of how great of an opportunity I have to catch one there. I imagine the lake has big LGMs, but it seemingly has a ton of big, and bigger SMs. I just want to hear your fishing report from the trip you and those buddies take ?
  17. I'd bet the biggest Bass were holding in the deepest pocket of the pond. Saving that energy waiting until it warmed up enough to come shallow to feed briefly, and then return to that deep hole or pocket. Then again I know next to nothing about the Bass species even after trying to learn about them for years lol.
  18. This one hits close to home lol
  19. I watched enough MLF events this summer on those type of lakes to know the answer.....Smallmouth easily. All of them were catching 5lb SMs, I can't recall a big LGM being caught though. Dudes were bringing in 19-20lb bags each day.....5 SM bags.
  20. Great job Bob, I'd say 14 is a heck of day, lots of beautiful fish as well. Keeping chunking that 110Jr....."If you chunk it, they will come" ?
  21. I say this before going fishing every single time " why not you" ? I like your game plan and that's how I fish my lake. Just getting to fish that lake in the winter will be exceptionally exciting knowing what's swimming underneath you potentially.
  22. Yeah I've recently discovered this is the greatest 110jr rod I'll ever find, imagine the P5 you have would be similar. I jerk straight down and if not on the most perfect elevated platform, the shorter the rod the better. I just love the beefy little backbone in this rod with the very top being a bit more soft than your typical fast action. To me it's a great shakeyhead and finesse t rig rod as well. I think we all have some flaws in our technique, and certain baits brings those out more than others thus needing technique specific rods.....for me that was the Chatterbait. Once I got a tier 1 specific chatterbait rod, the success percentages skyrocketed. For cranks though I can slow down a bit and let them play out a bit more on a heavier blank. Rods are so end user taste specific. That's why when we find a truly great rod, we want to be buried with them ?
  23. Got two special edition models 6'6 MHF MBR, they are my general-purpose rods. They are brilliant at bottom contact T Rigs and similar applications but are great in various other roles as well. Not a great single hook moving bait rod though outside of Buzzbaits for whatever reason. I have an OG Steez AGS 6'3 MHF from pre 2010......every time it's in my hand since starting back fishing and seeing the shocking absent of even 6'6 stuff, I'd amazed at the disappearance of rods this length. So many unique applications it does better than any rod made today by light years, sad to see the industry move away from these rod lengths.
  24. LOL.....I truly am if it wasn't such a special gift. How cool would that be to catch a Bass on a lure made 80-100yrs ago ?
  25. Just went out for an hour or two as I wanted to start a new tradition in line with this thread. Caught two and enjoyed the beautiful hot blue bird day. Happy New Year fellow Bass heads, and to those who have to wait up north, the first fish will only be that much sweeter.
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