Putting in that work every moment the lake will allow me, increasing the length of sessions to 6.5hrs, maxing out both batteries, I can see nothing in my universe outside of my White Whale, weather fronts, and 150+ acres of water.
11 fish, all but 1 fish were 2-3lb+ fish........absolutely spectacular aerial show today from both fighting LGMs, and watching wolf packs of largely Spots tossing dozens of threadfins/gizzards into the air. Last day before rains tom. AM/cold front for two days, then back to this pattern hopefully. These fish are all so fat compared to a few months ago, I see why people think this is the best time to get the PB.
Katie, I thought about you when I discovered two new retrieves for my new favorite bait, the 110jr. +1, first way is a burn............stop.....burn..........stop....burn retrieve, and incredibly trolling this thing at 2mph and sweeping the rod forward every 10-15secs produced two fantastic 2.5-3lb fish but since I was trolling I didn't get it on film. Next time out I plan to really experiment with the trolling aspect of this. I find these baits like the Flashback Mini w Armor Shad, and now this 110jr.+1, and they have such unique natural action, the different ways to retrieve them are seemingly endless. Some lures just have that magic in them.
Caught them on the 110jr. +1, the LuckyCraft StaySee 90SP, the A-Rig, and the magic lure flashback mini. I rarely tie on a new bait after I leave the dock, so catching fish on 4 baits is pretty rare for me. That LuckyCraft proved pretty quickly it has some unique specs that should make it a great producer hopefully. Runs a bit deeper than a Jr. +1 by 2-3ft but is the same basic size as the Jr models. Has a great rattle to it as well which is key for me to scatter Shad and present a better unobstructed view of the bait for the Bass.
Lastly on the videos, I do it primarily for selfish reasons, many/most of the videos I post in this thread are unlisted.....and get like 4 views, If I was doing it for other folks I'd be failing bigly lol. They are basically just a much better form of my fishing pic scrapbook. If you find yourself making videos for other people imho it's not worth the hassle of adding another level of complexity to your personal pursuit within the Bass fishing universe. I love to share the videos here, but even my own family has no idea these videos exist, they are very personal, a record of pure joy and excitement that sometimes I have to draw back on for inspiration or escape.....not every day can be spent on the water, or at the range in my other filming deal. The education value is extremely high as well, as I've said before I truly get lost in the excitment and moment of it all on the water.