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Everything posted by AlabamaSpothunter

  1. Beautiful cornocopia of black bass as always brother, and it's so cool how your fishing buddy is Don Johnson. Tell him I loved Miami Vice ?? Which ones taste the best, can you tell a difference b/t an Alabama Spot and Smallie?
  2. Nice! I'm at my wick's end, it's like a light switch flipped once that water hit 60+
  3. A 13lb Channel is a really big one in my book. They stole a couple high end cranks in the Fall from me. If you are able to turn them right away and get to open water, things go okay, but that first run on them so many times, combined with the twisting takes me into cover or breaks me off from the twisting. Savor that 54 degree water, my water has been in the 60s for a week+ now and I'm so frustrated that I might take a break. Dynamite stuff Pat, I not sure what impresses me more, the health and beauty on the 7lb fish, or the fact your wonderful family is involved in all of it. Being able to share and love these fish with a wife and son is exceptionally special and quite rare. Josh Jones might catch a DD everyday, but he's either by himself or with clients. I'm pretty sure the pre spawn is over here, and it's super depressing. Never thought I'd already be looking forward to winter. Water temps have been 62-66.5 for over a week, and my results are pathetic. Glad to see you making the most of pre spawn.
  4. Had one in May of 2020.....worst pain I've ever felt. Rolled on the floor for a few hours before I was convinced I was dying and had to get taken to ER. From that day forward I've only drank water......cold turkey stopped every other beverage. The pain is real lol. Get better friend, that's a massive one. Change up some things to avoid those in the future.
  5. Broke mine back out for the first time since the Fall today. Tough day for everything I threw, but to me the WM seems to really shine when the water is in the 60s+. It's just far more aggressive to me than a 110, and throws a ton more flash. Just wish it cast like a 110. I forgot how sharp the hooks were, and that's after 25-30 fish easy on it. Tied it on, look down 5 mins later and blood is on my cork knobs......oh that's right I tied that WM on ?
  6. I couldn't imagine working LE or EMS in a major city. I'm sure it's against policy, but I'd sure want to be carrying. The jungles are made of concrete these days, I guess that's why this story is shocking to most of us.
  7. Reminded me of a story I thought I'd share: My fishing mentor had a 1% stake in a private 50-75acre lake that was just a magical lake full of huge Bass. He'd take me to this lake several times a year. Well this one time we decided to go after the big girls and night fish. We'd been on the water at that point for several hours, and it was a very dark night. Out of the middle of nowhere and seemingly very close, and series of gunshots echoed across the water's surface. As I turn around to ask my mentor what the heck, he's already got one hand in the boat locker and pulling out the "snakecharmer" .410 he always kept in it. He let off a matching pair of shotgun blasts into the air, and next thing we hear is a bunch of frightened curse words and a vehicle driving away. The next day my mentor calls the lake owners and we find out that was the "property manager" shooting first and asking questions later. As a 14-15yr old boy, it was my first real taste of combat fishing ?
  8. Beast mode Bluegill.....it's amazing how fast they change color once you remove them from the water.
  9. Yeah you're right, CC states are finally winning at this point I think, meaning more are than aren't. To be honest I never even thought about carrying on the water until this thread. There is that famous Bassmaster Classic event down in LA IIrc where some angler got shot at by a homeowner in some backwater place. Our CC law just went into effect in Jan. My good friend's father was shot point blank with a .45 over a parking place on XMAS eve in front of his whole family.....dude who shot him was justified, and never was cuffed even. From that point forward, I've understood the reality that anybody can be carrying, and if you act like a fool and make somebody scared for their life, there's a good chance you'll get shot.....that simple.
  10. Well it's 73 here today but very gloomy with mist rain. Now yesterday it got down to 65. As Bassheads we're better weatherman than the talking heads ?
  11. Bingo, this hothead idiot should go home and thank his lucky stars he wasn't shot which would have been justified then by the other party. Down here in the South, especially around outdoorsman, the chances of someone carrying are great. There is a guy on YT that uses a G17 to kill Lionfish in FL ?
  12. It's been brutal here this last week, fished every day, had to change clothes the last two days after getting poured on. Before that it was 35mph gust day. It's getting frustrating. Hope you guys are still having a great time! Weather just sucks even though it's warm.
  13. Man I loved some Sbarro's at the Mall, and hated lots of pizza sauce, especially chunks of tomato....testament to the power of crust and napkins I say ? Roll that sucker up, and go to down, my mouth is watering as I type
  14. Neato! How does that bait fish? Had to google it and saw it's a C-Note, seems I need one lol
  15. Any word on Maggie? Felt like a jerk ever since that reply, really hope she turns up. She'll be spawning here real soon, hopefully you see her by then.
  16. The dang Geese returned to my home lake about 2-3 weeks ago, and I forgot how much I hate those things. Not a fan of the Beavers because of night Bassin, but those dang Geese are just annoying, and crap on everybody's docks. Not to mention stop traffic or get run over at the dam. They don't melt in the melting pot like everything else on the lake. Even the Swans fit in, but not these Primadonas from Leaf land ?
  17. @T-Billy is a true hammer, uses braid almost exclusively.....and this one time I said " no serious Bass angler uses braid exclusively" ? #BraidedWonder vs. #FluoroGang After being embarrassed by such a stupid statement on my behalf, I've stopped making assumptions about other Basshead's gear decisions.
  18. As someone who loves rough water and doesn't get sea sick.....YES PLEASE! Man that looks like a blast, doesn't hurt that USCG has some incredible vessels that can take almost anything thrown at them.
  19. You got it opposite in regard to backlashes, and especially not being able to get many bad ones out. That's braid, not mono or fluoro. In regard to the second strike......mono and fluoro are close enough that you wouldn't need two different setups for two different lines. Fluoro has less stretch, and sinks vs mono. Mono has better knot strength generally speaking as well. I find Fluoro to be king of abrasion resistance. A big swimbait/a-rig setup isn't a good Jack of all trades host imho. You should try to dedicate this rig to heavy moving baits. Throwing topwater or bottom contact stuff on it doesn't make much sense to me.
  20. Suddenly I just heard banjos in this thread.....
  21. Did you keep the Jigs that you caught your avatar giants with? I know I would have, they'd be in cool shadow box ?
  22. Fluoro is popular as well. I prefer 17-22lb Fluoro, but have an order for the Defier Armilo in 22lb to try out next. After lots of use with 17lb P line ultimate fluorocarbon with A-Rigs, S Wavers, 5 and 6" BD Shads, 6" Magdrafts, and a few others, I'm not sure I really need anything else, but there is always a better mousetrap perhaps. Everybody has different requirements for "big Swimbait" setup, for me, I don't need bomb casts and huge line caps. I also fish more slow sink hard swimbaits and A-rigs than anything else, and I really like the sinking quality of fluoro here. There is no wrong way as long as you are having success OP, buy the first type of line that you think will work and go from there, again your situation is going to be unique to you. Overcomplicating things in the beginning is never a good way to start something.
  23. I imagine you guys fishing for the first time like the launch of the Classic.....just rooster tails as far as the eye can see ?
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