You might make a place where you can kneel and shoot from. I have a customized 10 ft gheenee Its like a cross between a jon boat and a canoe. I had them turn the front seat sideways so I can kneel in the front of the boat and still be sitting on the seat if I need to to shoot . I dont use a bow,but all my shots are no more than 2 yards the length of a bangstick. It also has a flip top on the seat for dry storage . It could be converted to a livewell
Here is a picture of the front seat and a 10 ft gator I got out of my little boat Its perfect to kneel from . This boat is stable enough I can stand up in while being pulled around by big gators
Here is a better picture of the front seat It allows me to have more length on the floor of the boat also for fishing rods , gators etc.