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Everything posted by MoeBass

  1. I pulled the spool out and opened the side. Everything looks fine, im sure its deeper then that though.
  2. Left my Piscifun Torrent Baitcaster reel outside all year. I live in the Midwest so it saw plenty of temp changes, snow, rain etc.. Seems totally fine, but I'm sure it needs to be cleaned really good. I know its just a $30 reel, but believe it or not its one of my favorites. Should I take it 100% apart, f just a simple soapy bath and re apply lube and oil?
  3. I can relate with that more so when it comes to Duck hunting... ohhhhh boy
  4. No, good dude. He works mornings till afternoons. He wont mess with you nor will the other guards. Hes told em all to NOT bother the fishing dudes! lol was just out there the other Sat morning.
  5. Kinda what I was thinking as well.. thanks
  6. I mostly fish ponds and smaller lakes in residential neighborhoods and or business's in industrial parks. I tend to have way more success then the local City parks or Forest Preserve parks, for obvious reasons. My question is has probably been asked 1000x, but ill ask it 1001. Can you over fish a location? I know places like I mentioned above, parks, public fishing areas are for sure pressured. But is it possible to over fish places single handedly? There is a good size pond (small lake) that I got permission to fish. Its almost cheating at times. Every cast a Bass. Nothing under 2 lbs. Even some freak of nature monster blue gill. I've been fishing it 3-4 days a week. I don't want to burn this place out. I've read so many different articles all saying different theories on Bass memory. I cant say I recall catching the same Bass or not. Hate to say they all look the same, but... they do. Unless of course there are definite characteristics like wounds or other obvious things. But I cant say I have caught the same ones or not. Now, some days are better then others. One day I might reel in over 15 bass in a couple hours, others maybe reel in 2. Yesterday evening I went out for 2 hrs. and caught 1. with zero bites. Any input would be great.
  7. Naperville? Oh man you got a great spot in town. White Eagle Golf course in Naper. There is a Main pond off 59 and White Eagle. Big bass there. Just don't go walking in the Golf course to the other ponds or you'll get booted from Security. The Guy that runs the Security in the Neighborhood is a really cool dude. Big sportsman, Bass fishes and hunts. So he understands. But, he will boot you if your trekking across the course to get to the other ponds. Stay in the one off 59 and White Eagle and also there is a good one there off Winberie Ave at the little over pass on the street. Here is a follow up to my prior post. This map will help. Ignore that red highlighted route. I placed a P for parking at the main pond. Circled Black. The other little black circle is the one pond off Winberire.
  8. We got nailed here in DuPage county yesterday (7/24/22) small tornado touched down in Naperville and heavy flooding. Heavy rain most the day. Cleared up after I got off work, so I had to wet a line. Stopped at one of my hidden ponds in an industrial park. Every cast was a Bass, biggest was a 3lb. Ill take that, Was using a Berkeley PB swim shad. Think im gonna hit one of the White Eagle Ponds in Naperville today. Talked to the Security guard who also is a big Bass dude. He said he didn't care and wouldn't run me out
  9. Late to the show, IL dude here! Northern IL, DuPage Co area
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