Im beginning to hate its stiff characteristics, (mind you im using 15lb spiderwire ez-braid) I took it off my BFS baitcasting reel Piscifun spark pro model even though its diameter is equivalent of 4lb mono it casts terribly anything weighing under/less than 3gm's
My spool bought at wally world was not too expensive however (1st foul) was missing 150' of line (somebody pulled a fast one) secondly its stiff, thirdly coated in some sort of waxy substance which leaves a green film on my fingers and causes friction and hang ups when casting and during retrival, you can feel and hear the catching then releasing.
I just spooled up my sons zebco (33) spincast with it. After spooling with 150 ft of 15lb spiderwire ez-braid its almost impossible to get it to flow out of the reel opening totally binding up on its way out of the front of the zebco spincast (was spooled with 12lb 'cajun' mono which worked wonderfully) im completely disappointed in its performance on my baitcaster but now also on the spincaster...
I think spiderwire is crap, its only redeeming quality is its strength.
Change my mind somebody, I wanna believe the hype.