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Everything posted by dixiemagnum80

  1. Thanks all! I’ve been doing my research also and these have all been on my radar. I got what I was looking for which was some reinforcement on my thoughts from folks who have actually used them. Thanks again!
  2. I believe every word of this! It seems y’all whisper sweet nuthins to them and they give themselves up, meanwhile I struggle for days on end to get one fish to bite😂
  3. Hello all from central IL! I’ve been a lurker for a while now. I’ll never have the knowledge that I read on here but I’ll chime in where I can. I grew up trapping, hunting, and fishing for stripers, bass, bluegill, and catfish on the Mississippi River with my grandpa and father. I married a beautiful Wisconsin girl who outfishes me all the time. Now at 43, I have 4 kids who are becoming addicted to the outdoors like we are. I’m excited to join in on some conversation and continue my knowledge about bass fishing!
  4. I took advantage of the BOGO and picked up a M/H and a heavy rod for my son for his birthday. 2 is always better than one, right?? He’s just really getting into bass fishing at almost 17 years old and mainly fishes ours and the neighbored small farm pond. I need to get reels for them now. What’s everyone’s thoughts on the Cobb rods and what reel would you pair them with for a teenager? Budget is under $100 each. Thanks for any input!
  5. I would turn it in. I figure if I don’t, then someone else will.
  6. dixiemagnum80


  7. I’m new to the bass fishing scene so I don’t really have a best. My worst is definitely pitching. I can’t figure that out to save my life.
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