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Bobber Bandit

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  1. I’m sorry they came out so blurry, it was causing an issue uploading the photos. I appreciate it bulldog! Last question, anything I need to do differently when I open and oil her up to get it back out on the water?
  2. Here’s some photos, If anyone can point to me what each knob is for id appreciate it! So with casting you literally just cast it out no steps needed ?
  3. Hey, I was digging through some very old buckets and found an old langley lakecast model 350 baitcaster. I have no idea how to work these older baitcaster reels, can anyone help me out with how these open reels work as there is not release button and am unsure how to cast. Also anyone familiar with this model knows if it is supposed to have bait clicker going off even when reeling? I haven’t ever seen a baitcaster have a bait clicker drag, I’ve only seen them just quiet; compared to most spinning reels have the drag clicker and I wasn’t sure if this model baitcaster is supposed to click with the line going both out and in direction on spool. Thank you.
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