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Everything posted by oldnewguy

  1. If so, do you just carry the extra rod(s) and lay it on the ground while you fish? Or have some other way of carrying the extra combo? I'm just curious if there's a better way of doing things.
  2. I've been looking for a new spinning rod. A 7' M/F do-it-all setup for pond hopping. Nothing bait or technique specific. Just an all around set-up. I've checked out everything I can get my hands on, and was about to go for an Expride. But I picked up a St Croix Legend Elite, and it felt really nice. And with the Midway promotion, they'd be about the same price. Any thoughts either way?
  3. What do you throw when bass are literally jumping out of the water?? I fished a pond this morning, with a weightless Texas rig, and also tried a drop shot with the Roboworm. Big bass were jumping out of the water right in front of me, but I couldn't get them to take the bait. Frustrating...
  4. Awesome, I'll add those things to my shopping list. Do you use the fat Roboworms at all?
  5. Yeah, I needed a little confidence booster. Would you put the Roboworm on a 3/0 EWG hook, like I use with a Senko? And the Shakey Head is a sort of jig, like the Ned?
  6. I stopped at Cabelas last night and picked up a few things. A bag of 6" Roboworms, 5" Senkos in Green Pumpkin and June Bug (up until today, I think I've only used Yum Dingers), a package of Ned rig jigheads, and probably something I'm forgetting. I had a little time this morning before church, so I drove to our little neighborhood pond. I've caught a couple of bass there, but it's usually where my daughter catch sunfish and bluegill. My first cast with a Texas Rigged Senko, I caught a small bass. I got a couple more bites, but didn't set the hook. I need some more practice feeling the way bass bite and setting the hook. I switched to the Ned rig with a piece of Senko. Tossed it for a few minutes and caught this guy... I played with it a few more minutes, but no more bites. I switched back to the Texas rig and caught a third bass, about the size of the first one. I fished for about an hour and fifteen minutes, but it was the best morning of fishing I've had since I started in June. So, big thanks to everyone who posted here! I can't wait to try out some of the other suggestions . I do have a couple of thoughts. One, I tried the Wacky rig for a bit today, but I've literally never had a bite using a WR. For it to be so popular, I must be doing it wrong. I liked the Ned rig, so I'd like to look into it further, get some ideas how to fish it, etc. Same with the Roboworm, I didn't have time to try it today. I also wasn't sure what type of hook to use, how to rig it, fish it. Same with a drop rig, I'd like to learn how to fish that as well. I'm about to order some stuff, so please throw out ideas of what I might add to my order.
  7. Thanks, I need all the help I can get. The 5 or 6 ponds that I fish all have Sunfish, LMB, Channel Catfish, and most have Bluegill. There may be other species, I just haven't caught anything else. I'd say clarity is a 4-5 out of 10. I'd guess water temp is in the mid-80s. There's usually 2-3' of surface foliage near the bank, and most all have spots with overhanging trees, or submerged trees. Access is generally 100%. They're suburban ponds, so they're all fished on a pretty regular basis. I avoid the ones that are super busy. And I doubt that any of them are more than ~12' at the deepest. Monday, I'll take some pictures of the spots I think seem the fishiest. There are weeds, but that's not even the issue. It's just this muck that seems the cover the bottom. It seems like if my jighead, or anything with a treble hook, hits the bottom, it's coming up with a trail of leaves or dead foliage.
  8. I'll pick up some 1/8 jigheads and grubs. And I'll practice finding a speed that keeps it off the bottom. Otherwise, is fishing these on some kind of a float not usually productive?
  9. I've ordered a Tatula 6'10" MHF casting rod, just need to choose a reel to go with...
  10. I should have added, I'm using a couple of 7' MF spinning rods and 2500 Daiwa reels with 10# mono. Although I'd like to try out a baitcaster as well. I assume that would open up different baits to use.
  11. I started fishing with my kiddo earlier this summer. We caught panfish on worms and bobbers, and we were both happy. I caught the bug, and now I fish in the mornings, 4 or 5 times a week. I can get out for an hour or two, about an hour after sunrise. Fishing on suburban ponds, from the bank. I picked up some 4" and 5" stickbaits, some Zoom Flukes, 3/0 EWG hooks and 1/0 wacky hooks, and that's mostly what I've been using. I've caught some bass with a weightless Texas rig, but nothing on the flukes or wacky rig. This is after a month of regular fishing in ponds that I know hold bass. Someone suggested inline spinners and rooster tails, and I picked up a couple of each. The ponds I'm fishing are pretty shallow and generally covered with gunk on the bottom. The only way I've been able at fish either of these is under a float, otherwise they come back dragging weeds. But again, I haven't caught a single fish on either. Other than a Texas rig, the only other ways I've caught a bass is with a smaller live fish, and once with a jighead and Gulp minnow. It's just getting a little frustrating. Any suggestions for something new I might try?
  12. Yeah, I've bought shooting and reloading gear from Midway for years, I didn't know they even sold fishing gear. But I found my reels there a couple of weeks ago at a great discount.
  13. What sites would be on your list to subscribe for notifications, or just check regularly for sales?
  14. Since I have the 2nd Exceler, I might as well get another rod to put it on. To keep things simple, I'll probably just get another Triumph. Since I have the 7' M/F, what would make sense as a second rod? I'm going to get a light setup for panfish. But just fishing ponds for bass and catfish, would something heavier or lighter make sense? Or just another M/F?
  15. Agreed It's reasonably good. I absolutely lost fish the first week or so that I started, just tying knots from memory, going through the wrong loop, etc. But it's much better now. That's exactly what I did this morning, and caught two fish that way.
  16. I ended up buying a St Croix Triumph last night (7' M/F) I tried it out this morning and it was definitely an improvement over the Ugly Stik.
  17. I got out early this morning to try my new gear (Exceler 2500/SC Triumph M/F) that I picked up after getting some good advice here. I'm using 10# Stren, and I set the drag to 3#. That is, I adjusted the drag until I could barely lift a 3# weight. Any heavier and the drag would slip (not exactly sure on the terminology) So, I'm on the bank of my favorite pond just at sunup. I had a simple rig with a plastic worm that I also read about here. Fish #1. I get a big bite and set the hook. He's taking out line, I'm reeling in when he's not. After a minute or two, I'm getting him close to the bank. I guess he started swimming toward me, there was some slack in the line, and then I'm reeling in the hook. I'm assuming the slack was the issue, and he was able to throw the hook? Fish #2, same thing. Big bite, set the hook. I'm letting him take out line, reel in when I can. I get him to abour two feet from the bank. He's exhausted and breathing hard. He must weigh more than three pounds, because I can't pick him up without the drag slipping. I'm not sure how deep it drops off where he's at, I debate for a second if I want to step out into the water. Instead, I close my hand over the line and start to pull him up with me rod. Of course, my line broke. I'm super frustrated, and I feel terrible because he's still hooked and dragging around this stupid plastic worm he can't actually eat. I guess I should reached down closer and grabbed the line? I'm just not sure. And he was easily the biggest fish I've caught. So, what did I do wrong?
  18. I would have bought one as well, but it was ML and 2 piece, and I didn't want a 2 piece rod. I've seen them clearanced at other places, just not the M/F version.
  19. That would require a personality transplant, which seems unlikely at my age
  20. Ok, so up my budget on the rod to $100-150 and I should find what I'm looking for... The 7' med/fast still seems like a good choice? I wish I could be more specific about what I need, but I just don't know. I've been going out to a couple of ponds, and catching small (probably 1-3#) catfish and bass on a bobber and live worm. I'm sure I'll start using other tackle and baits, but I don't know how that relates to the equipment I need.
  21. In another thread, I mentioned replacing my $15 Academy combo with something nicer. I bought an Ugly Stik Elite rod and added the Academy reel. I was expecting a big upgrade in feel, but I didn't notice that much difference tbh. The tip has more flexibility, but I can't say that I feel a lot more sensitivity. Then I added a Daiwa Exceler LT, which I didn't think would be a big difference. But wow, it is so much smoother, and the drag is so smooth, it's a big difference. Did I not get a nice enough rod to be blown away? Or am I still using pretty entry level gear?
  22. Will do. Can't wait to try out the new setup. I'll start looking into some tackle as well. The only thing I've used so far are bobbers, hooks and worms.
  23. I found the Exceler on sale for $54, so I bought two. I also ordered a 7' M/F Ugly Stik Elite.
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