Previous few years, it was just the wife and I living a quiet life on a few acres out in the country out west, keeping to ourselves, working from home, shooting off the back deck while on conference calls. She did her gardening and fish pond stuff, I did my random projects, quiet and relatively peaceful, low stress. Then we started the full time RVing deal which was an adventure and a whole lot of fun, still pretty peaceful and just the two of us.
Now - in NJ, taking care of elderly parents and wife, working from home, doctor appointments and hospital visits between meetings, forcing my dad to diet. I literally have chains and locks on refrigerators and pantry, it's working, he's lost 35lbs so far, but all he ever does is ask for food, he's obsessed. Now have way more interaction with people between running errands and coordinating with my brother and sister. I suspect the stress hit some relative highs recently, I came down with shingles the other day. Thought that was an older person disease, I can't even walk into Walgreens and get a vaccine for it because I'm still not 50. Usually I can mentally reason through/ignore pain in general, but man, shingles read the book on possible types of pain and said, "I'm going to try all of them, at once!". All that said, it is good to spend time with my family, they're happy to have me back around and are grateful for the help and overall I get out fishing more here than I did out west (mainly did shooting stuff out there). Not complaining, but man it's a huge change.
@Sam - may I ask who did your wife's surgery? Duke Medical is awesome, wife (from Charleston) swears by them. We initially came east with the RV to have her foot put back together properly and Dr. Kerzner did an amazing job and a year later implanted a stimrouter to help with neuropathy in her foot as well (think TENS unit implanted in your lower leg). Next up for her is addressing her spinal issues. I'm trying to decipher my notes from when we were there for her foot, I think Brandon Smith was a recommended neurosurgeon.