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About Dannyinorthidaho

  • Birthday 04/21/1957

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  • Gender
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  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Ponderey
  • Other Interests
    Retired from hunting ducks

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  • About Me
    Sold my awesome boat to get a truck. Life sucks now Big time

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Community Answers

  1. Im sure they work well like a senior but wondering since not fishing from a boat any more my fishing has been limited to shore😫 has anyone had success wacky rigging googan lunker logs? I tried from a rocky marina maybe next time! I have used them with screw in tungsten weight at the head of the worm using it to hop and by using short turns of the spinning reel to glide it to a stop. Nothing yet but our largest lake in Idaho has plenty of smallmouth and LM. Thank you
  2. don’t remember that and I don’t qualify because of my income . Even with a 11k paid. For 08 sierrra the bank said no so screw ‘em. What you mention has nothing to do with my situation and if it did you’d say making interest pmts is bad so I couldn’t win with some of you n I don’t care. Stick to selling a nice truck for a boat and shop for a truck that’s decent I’m income is what it is. Retired so stay on point. Get rid of your 2012 or 2019 truck for all I care. I’ll bet 95% of you wouldn’t try doing what I am. Plus with a good job instead of being retired on a fixed income you’ll just go out n make pmts instead of giving your fancy truck up dont think that’s me but by golly woul dj you like some sort of trophy award for digging up something without my user name only to go back and try to paste that too. Knock yourself out. Has nothing to do with what I’m trying to do so I’m done here. But before I go “let me remind you”. Learn how to follow directions
  3. Hi capt. I was happy as ever with my, 5500 aluminum crestliner. I didn’t want some 80,000 boat. I was happy. I just wasn’t happy with my lousy decisiononthesoccermom suv. don’t remember that and I don’t qualify because of my income . Even with a 11k paid. For 08 sierrra the bank said no so screw ‘em. What you mention has nothing to do with my situation and if it did you’d say making interest pmts is bad so I couldn’t win with some of you n I don’t care. Stick to selling a nice truck for a boat and shop for a truck that’s decent I’m income is what it is. Retired so stay on point. Get rid of your 2012 or 2019 truck for all I care. I’ll bet 95% of you wouldn’t try doing what I am. Plus with a good job instead of being retired on a fixed income you’ll just go out n make pmts instead of giving your fancy truck up
  4. Enough of this you married with wives kids school clothes a too much house to mortgage sheesh, man I’m only talking of downgrading a nice truck and most of you think I’m having a financial crisis?. I don’t need to know about your economic strategies. When I had my boat I never has issues putting enough gas in it. I’m only asking if some would get rid of their 13,000 truck for a modest boat n older truck to tow with! Geese enough of you marrieds sharing your marriage and life history. ?? ?you marrieds have nothing in common with me. ps don’t forget to say your magic words……”Honey, can I go fishing”?
  5. I think I’m all healed now?? I’ll get it right
  6. Yeah?? but it sure feels good driving a great truck heck that’s why most of us men buy ‘em. Period. I don’t do shore fishing for some of u reference. Shore fishing does nothing for me. A nice truck don’t float but next time I’ll get the boat I need and take more time FInding a truck tow vehicle instead of the first thing that came my way in a soccermom suv with 236k. I can do better and I’ll be happy with what I have
  7. Jesus is my silverbullet of happiness . God gave us his creation to pursue, fish deer elk ducks, I just love being out there & will make a wiser decision on tow vehicle and or boat . My decision last yrwasnt quite right
  8. Ah! Marriage. YOu have your wife to consult with on everything right? Lol yes everything! I just have me. You have had money rolling in for years. So you buy a nice Tacoma nice boat. That’s one scenero. Plus you have entertainment somebody to talk with. You’re not board! I talk to my dog. I need to enrich my passion that I’ve had all my life. I’m happy waiting for until spring. Save myself 900.00 in storage fees because I live in a crappy apt. This Might Be another reason why maybe I should scrap the boat plan but God has a way of working things out! ??
  9. Hey thanks for your thoughts on this. I think I’m downright crazy or just that it’s 5 to 7k that’s needed to help me find much better happiness. I don’t care for bank fishing. Plus I live on idahos largest lake full of smallmouth pike trout walleye. I’ve had 6 boats but that was in ca, wa, ak. I moved around but think I’m staying put. I’ll be honest I felt like a wuss when driving in a soccer mom suv with 236k miles but it got me through winter and the ramps are 1 mile to 20 miles away. No ramp fees which is great.I’m struggling coming to grips with giving up fishin. A kayak won’t do it for me . truck I paid cash is paid off from the sale of my boat. I have never owned a truck this new I guess I feel good in it and I feel like a guy again and I’ll be more patient if I do sell n find a used gmc sierra. YO, I’m no ford guy I dislike ford I’m gmc all the way but this truck came along it’s black like my black lab fishin buddy. She’s my fish buddy and I’ve posted on fb looking for a fish buddy it just doesn’t work that way ppl r picky who they want on their boat plus I’m old now and it’s horrible making friends here. I want my own darn boat n be happy.
  10. 2nd time around doing this only two have a few thousand more to work with if I get what I want for my truck. Last yr i sold my gmc sierra for a great boat with a 4 stroke. No fancy bass boat just a great alum crestliner Canadian with 25 merc turns out after winter was over I decided I wanted a nice truck to drive again so I doubled my money with the sale of the boat early march and said screw-it I’m getting older 66 slowing down with dialysis and needed open heart surgery which I’m recovering nicely 4 bypass. Maybe my lord has another miracle for me! question…… we’re all different but I’m low income my boat buying power is gone being retired. So I have to sell the truck in order to get a boat and a decent tow vehicle . Last yr I wasn’t patient enough as the boat came first then the suv. I don’t drive suv! I’ll look for an older truck with a bench seat for my dog ?? I was cooped up all darn summer long never fished but once. What’s more unnerving is when I come hm to my apt I see my bass rods just standing up against a closet and it makes me mad seeing them not being used! I wanted a truck more I guess but I have no freedom. No boat not much peace! Not the freedom I had. I m now driving a real nice 2012 ford F150 super crew 3.5 ecoboost. Black metallic. I’ve had it since April and I love it . And it came with the same bf Goodrich K20s 10 ply tires as I had on my sierra last yr but heck looks like my mind is made up but if you guys are single married what would you do. Downgrading from luxury is tough to deal with but finding a older truck might work well for me and say the heck with luxury I want a boat l
  11. Thanks man, I’ve tried wackyrig small Ned rigs but not much of a bite didn’t try enough times as I was trying to get them on crank baits. Also tried the technique screwing in tungsten weight into a stick bait worm but the wind was tough to cast through. I got my 2012 truck up for sale I’m wanting a boat
  12. Yes indeed thanks to all. I’ve thought about where worms live and its s no brained on or in the friggen bottom not dangling a ft above. Saw a video on this but a hellegrammit….I do have plenty of them green pumpkin. Time to change tactics & work a bit with finesses but drop shotting a helle might not look to natural either! I tried it for s as few hrs a while back. Should of Carolina rigged it Which is why Carolina like u guys mentioned would be better so many, millions of us drop shot wacky Ned rigs and I’ve done good. So maybe with the drop rig smaller could be better. I caught smallies n perch on zman neg rig .
  13. Hello hope everyone is really enjoying their summer bass fishing this year???? Ian planning on using live worms for smallmouth off the jetty where I live. Drop shotting a sz 4 octopus needle point wacky rigging it but what sz worms work best for smallness. Sadly I no longer have my great boat and life sucks without it! the fish have seen it all from the jetty rockS here in town and I’ve now seen and heard that worms are one of the best baits to use , One being an ole timer who was walking by me he was just going for a walk this was last year. me having my decent boat load of tackle I haven’t tried them but I will now after I saw someone with 5 in his net. I’m strictly c&r not gonna kill any. Thanks for your help on rigging
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