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Everything posted by Cbump

  1. Regardless of whether you want to call It senko or worm Fishing, a weighted t-rig senko works when you can’t do weightless. Go for It.
  2. Unfortunately right after I bumped this 45 minutes ago on another forum someone offered me senkos. I’m waiting on a reply back from him because he asked me what colors I like. If that falls through I’ll let you know.
  3. Ok 2 bags of senkos?
  4. I have the jdm zillion sv and it’s the best reel I’ve ever used. Just got the jdm zillion hd in which could give It a run for its money. We will see. PS I’ve never held a US model Zillion and if It wasn’t for this forum telling me, I would have never known the knobs were smaller. It’s a non issue to me.
  5. Man I can’t get over this reel. The mix of the shiny and matte black. ? The digitaka website pics didn’t do It justice. I thought my zillion tw sv was good looking but wow.
  6. Should be arriving today!
  7. That’s the best time
  8. I wanted to pick an SLX rod for $60 at my academy, but there’s only been one and it’s a broomstick cranking rod I don’t need.
  9. My swimbait rod is a Dobyns 795sb. No way I’m pitching/flipping with that big sucker.
  10. 8-10hrs a year?
  11. 2021 Vexus AVX1980 Will have a ‘23 hull in a month. Same blue with black bottom.
  12. I didn’t but I read this recently in another forum: ”Bummer about japanlureshop is they only allow paypal (in my experience) and paypal had their own exchange rate that added approx 3% to the cost. Digitaka does not do that (straight through with credit card for the going exchange rate).” So It appears that’s what happened. On digitaka I used the PayPal options because It was quicker to just click that than to manually enter the card number. I know now not to do that. More than 3% though.
  13. The guy laying down on the left is the tow truck driver. They are usually partially responsible for clearing debris. So something clearly happened at this ramp. No one would put that level of detail in a photoshop. My guess is the trailer, tow truck, and people belong in this picture. However, I’m leaning towards the truck part of the picture itself to be photoshop from a Highway accident. Too much damage, and whatever that thing is coming off the bumper doesn’t seem to belong. Although that looks like a pontoon trailer and they sometimes have something similar on the trailer. This just looks off though.
  14. To me, unless I’m fishing offshore with heavy leader (80-100lb plus), it’s more cost effective to use a spool of regular line as leader. Never been a problem for me.
  15. I found this: https://savage-gear.com/products/3d-roach-shine-glider https://www.ebay.com/itm/314108440694?epid=1442388637&hash=item4922527076:g:SuYAAOSwCURi-ZaZ&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsESLAznwKL%2FyUXRtq3dsdmOe68TXhfnlQtT8xaTDxh%2FZD0HRnNJ%2FGFYFl1uBCnr%2F93sinTeUkorFfI30vs8vYmS9Dej8AKQa6QZEXxmBao%2FVJQZAKdogDwHlK0kdX%2FbxLX9tQEpJQarsSXXeYLZBL6qKjSfFkw2V4OUvpe3TRbCuQ2BiSSIHXWrzzyKnlRJXKd6MXmQHRKD9fnMFFvq%2FKpyxtO2%2FplLPskjSgLkTxMd2|tkp%3ABk9SR7zd3LLXYA It king of looks like the glider is an older model.
  16. I’ve used digitaka twice. Great experiences. PayPal screwed my over with them and charged me way more though, so I recommend using CC directly to digitaka.
  17. I have two. Both red. I use them in the fall.
  18. I feel like he didn’t mean literally stick them on the desk.
  19. Unfortunately they’ve had It closed since COVID.
  20. Got these TG’s Rocket Fuel red label oil and liquid grease because I thought I’d get in to building reels. But I know I won’t. According to bulldog on here, this is good stuff. These go for $12-$15 or so each. Would like to trade for 3 or 4 bags of senkos. Let me know. Thanks
  21. I’m not trying to be rude but that reel is junk. I bought one for my son a few years back and we took It back almost immediately.
  22. When I was boatless and only kayak fished, yes I had those days of no motivation to go a lot. Loading the Kayak in the truck, tying It down, get It and gear to the lake, dragging It to the water, getting wet and muddy possibly, putting gear on kayak, paddling to spot, etc etc etc. Just sounds like a beating some days. Now I never have that. Hook boat up, back into water, 5 minutes later I’m flying across the lake to anywhere I want to go, gear stays in the boat, reach in locker and start fishing. Love It.
  23. OG Fuegos for me as well. Was really surprised by them.
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