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Everything posted by Cbump

  1. Add s-waver 120 to my list.
  2. Why get another brand that’s like power pro instead of just getting power pro?
  3. Cool. Same concept.
  4. I’ve got some freestyles with 6/0 beast hooks. But seems like hookset would be tough to get that big hook through the plastic. @JediAmoeba
  5. Also got a pack of pink 5” suicide shads for like $1.97 on clearance. Probably great at the coast.
  6. I threw It all away at the boat ramp. Wish I had kept the treble hook. Lol So I have Big Bites B6 6” line thrus, Big Bites 5” and 7” suicide shads, Big Bites 5.5” BB kickers coming. Going to rig the kickers with homemade line thru and use Big bites 3/4 oz and 1/4 oz swimbait heads for the suicide shads. Also already have some 4” storm largo shads. Between all these, surely I can accomplish what the magdraft does without It being one and done. Got probably 30 or more baits for the price of 6 magdrafts.
  7. Cbump

    S-waver 120

    Yessir let’s do It! I’ll pm you
  8. Why? His question was what’s a good tip on feeling the bite with senkos at night. If anyone didn’t any answer that question and added a whole bunch of extra stuff like what they use at night, then that’s on them.
  9. Cbump

    S-waver 120

    @ironbjorn yessir
  10. I can’t edit my post now but it’s supposed to say spooks not spoons. My son used It yesterday for hellraizer and It did great for that.
  11. Yeah that’s why I don’t want to original. The plastic one works for me! I just want to catch fish.
  12. Cbump

    Memorial Day

  13. Cbump

    S-waver 120

    Thanks. Not really what I was looking for. Y’all interested in trading?
  14. @AlabamaSpothunter where did you order? I want one! @UncleSasquatch I’ll pay shipping if you go grab one for me! Look at these prices! And that’s pro level hitting $50 for free shipping.
  15. Good line, no wind, keep most of the slack out of the line.
  16. I use line so much and have so many reels that I rarely have a spool more than a year or so. Almost all my reels are about halfway spooled with big game mono, then the fc. So I get about 4 reels out of a spool of 300yd sniper. If I don’t go through the 75 yards, I’ll leave It on the reel about a year. On my spinning rods I use 20lb braid to 10-15lb fc leader. About 6’ tied on with Alberto knot. 8 is way too tiny for my liking.
  17. I think, Just this part sticks out of the top of the magdraft nose and is where you tie. The treble hook comes out the bottom. That entire contraption ripped out the front/bottom of the bait.
  18. I went through 4 brands and couldn’t find one that the clip didn’t pop off on a lively fish. Bought a metal stringer and used It to replace the clips on a set. No more issues. Sorry not sorry.
  19. My guess is old line and too hard of a hook set on 8lb fc. Fyi I’ve used improved clinch for 30+ years on every line type and size from bluegill to 100+ pound sharks and never had problem. Tie a proper knot with quality line and there’s no way a little bass is breaking your knot. btw, make sure you aren’t seeing the hooking on slack line and popping It.
  20. Was just looking closely at the picture and my line slipped so far along that wire that I almost lost that fish. No more magdraft for me. I ordered some big bite baits b6 line thru and 7” suicide Shads last night. And some shine glides.
  21. Jury still out on those for me lol. Ohhh A-rigs for sure. Probably great baits, hated casting them. That lasted one trip. Maybe It was the Fury 795sb rod I was using. Heavy beast.
  22. Anyone else get excited to try something, go over board, then end up with bunch of duds that you have zero confidence in? off the top of my head- 8” smashtech with 10/0 beast hook yamatanukis tubes 5” bellow gills dark sleepers Centipede (French fry) plastics 10” bull worms (HUGE!) fyi, make someone a heck of a trade for dark sleepers and coffee tubes.
  23. This exactly. They gotta eat some time. Just gotta catch them in the right mood lol. Man since I got livescope my tackle selection has been way simpler. I target isolated, completed submerged trees mostly. They’re senko over the top and let It sink down for any suspended fish or fish willing to come up and get It. Drag a c-rig by the base for any hiders on bottom. My big fish today was the size of my thumbnail on Livescope. Watched It shoot up from 15’ to 3’ in about 1 second literally to get my senko. It’s incredible how fast they are when they want to be.
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