I'm new to baitcasting/ freshwater fishing, have been going out 3 times a week to my local creek learning with cheap mono line how to use them. I'm finally feeling comfortable with a baitcaster and now i'm looking to change the cheap lines on my reels. I have 3 rods I use, 1 spinning rod 7" ft MH, and two 7"ft MH baitcasters (teaching myself) one Abu Garcia vengeance 6.4:1 and one Kastking Crixus 6:5:1. I came across a local sale where they were selling Fins windtamer #50,#30,#20 and #12 150 yards for 5 bucks and purchased 1 of each. I'm thinking of using #50 on the 6:5:1 reel as a frogging/T-rig/C-rig and #20 or #30 with a leader for cranks, topwater and #12 for the spinning rod to use for trout or finesse fishing. I'm open to suggestions as my experience is limited to fishing from a bulk carrier at anchor with a 12 ft surf rod lined with 30lb mono.