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Everything posted by MDB730

  1. Thank you all for your suggestions, I decided to hold off on putting new line on the rods and kept the cheap mono on while I experiment with different casting techniques. I'm now at pro at picking out backlashes but i'm also now getting less of them.
  2. Thanks, appreciate the feedback
  3. Hi I'm new to baitcasting/ freshwater fishing, have been going out 3 times a week to my local creek learning with cheap mono line how to use them. I'm finally feeling comfortable with a baitcaster and now i'm looking to change the cheap lines on my reels. I have 3 rods I use, 1 spinning rod 7" ft MH, and two 7"ft MH baitcasters (teaching myself) one Abu Garcia vengeance 6.4:1 and one Kastking Crixus 6:5:1. I came across a local sale where they were selling Fins windtamer #50,#30,#20 and #12 150 yards for 5 bucks and purchased 1 of each. I'm thinking of using #50 on the 6:5:1 reel as a frogging/T-rig/C-rig and #20 or #30 with a leader for cranks, topwater and #12 for the spinning rod to use for trout or finesse fishing. I'm open to suggestions as my experience is limited to fishing from a bulk carrier at anchor with a 12 ft surf rod lined with 30lb mono.
  4. Way to late to help the original poster but maybe it will help another person who purchased this combo down the line and is googling why it only cast 10 ft. I purchased the reel only off ebay for my 5 year old to use a "baitcaster" since he now wants to move past his zebco spincast. It works as intended if you do a one smooth full motion side cast and don't whip the rod or try to bomb cast, start slow and up the speed of the cast. The moment the reel experiences any resistance on the line from the rod tip or the lure hitting the water it will click and lock up immediately. The reel works as a teaching tool for smooth casting only as the anti backlash could also be a hinderance in my opinion (no brakes and can't really adjust tension) . On the other hand it has help teach my son how to sidecast, overhead cast, and flip cast without him worrying about backlashing and he is now learning to use his thumb with the "anti backlash" system off. I don't expect this thing to last the season as it is very cheaply made (all plastic) but do not regret the purchase.
  5. Thanks for the welcome, I'm near Collegeville PA, we started fishing the Perkiomen Creek, Marsh Creek and a local pond.
  6. Hi guys and gals, I'm new to Bass/freshwater fishing, I did a lot of surf fishing with tins and poppers in NY growing up but bass fishing seems like a completely new ball game. Long story short I was looking for ways to connect with 5 year old son since I travel often for work and we went fishing a few weeks ago. He caught a Blue gill and some sunnies and his eyes lit up. He is now hooked and I'm loving every minute of it. We been out fishing twice a week for the last couple of weeks but have yet to catch anything other than panfish so I look forward to learn as much as I can and hopefully put it to practice with my little guy.
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