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Everything posted by ScottW

  1. I can understand why what happened happened. We didn’t want to take the chance of sparking a third world war, his wingman was probably ordered not to fire on the migs unless fired upon and since this pilot had already opened fire (in self defense) if things went sideways he would be made a scapegoat to the American public in an attempt to prevent a war and to appease the Russian government. I didn’t see that in the article or YT video about it. His CIC did have him fly as a barrier between the migs and the task force but that’s part of his job as a pilot to protect the task force. Especially since they had scrambled a quick reaction force to assist/relieve him. You might be surprised at how much crap took place over the years/wars that’s still classified to this day that the government doesn’t want to see the light of day. ?
  2. Rechargeable too. https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/garmin-striker-4-portable-fishfinder-and-gps-plotter
  3. No ice down here, fortunately. Got it as it’s portable and has its own battery and charger. It’s going on the inflatable pontoon I have. ?
  4. I’ve been to Simmons before too! You’re right about the bait monkey power there. Good thing I live further away now or my wife would have me mixed up in the pond feeder. ?
  5. Been a minute since I’ve been to Marks Outdoors. They still on Hwy 31 in Vestavia?
  6. @AlabamaSpothunter, are you sure these Flashback Minis are all that? They’re tiny! I also got my Garmin Striker 4 kit today. Looking forward to using it asap. Got it on sale at BPS.
  7. She watches too many crime shows on tv and there’d be no trace of me left ?
  8. My wife is so gonna kill me! ?
  9. Yum dingers in Green Pumpkin Chartreuse 5” size
  10. One time stands out back when I was living at home with my mother (father had passed) and brother. It was late at night and some jackwagon tried shimmying the patio sliding door open. Keep in mind we lived on the 2nd floor. ? I had been asleep on the couch and woke up to the racket he was making. I see this shadow outside the door because of the streetlight across the road. This guy wasn’t too bright. Anyhow, I waited until he got the door opened and stuck his head through the drapes. Que one roundhouse and he fell back on the patio furniture. It was game on for a few then and ended with me serving an uppercut that sent him over the railing. He didn’t fall but it was close. Cops rolled up about then since someone had seen him breaking in and called them. My knuckles hurt something fierce for a few days after. I stuck a broom handle in the track after that to prevent any further attempts.
  11. Almost got skunked
  12. My absolute best friend had three tours in Viet Nam, two as a sniper. He loved everything Army and took any class/courses he could. While we often disagreed about jumping out of a perfectly good airplane (he would and I wouldn’t) he could tell me stories about his time in ‘nam that would make me feel as if I were there right beside him. We would often cry during the telling of these stories. Sadly, he passed away years ago in a car accident. One of my regrets is that I couldn’t help him tame his nightmares of the war. PTSD is a soul crushing thing.
  13. Last time we had any come to our door was after a bad storm. Roofing contractors wanting to give me a ‘free’ roof inspection for any possible damage. I’d already spotted them on my neighbor’s roof kicking shingles loose. ? Needless to say I told him to hit the road. They already had their ladder propped up against the roof and wanted to get pushy about it. My other neighbor was a cop so a quick phone call cured any further problems.
  14. It’s easy enough to add a drive to a dedicated server and keep on trucking but it costs money to do so. Other plans like VPS, Cloud, etc. require upgrades which can mean lengthy downtime in some cases due to a migration from one server to the new one. @Glenn is right. Hosting a site these days can be expensive. *Now my curiosity is raised about where BR is hosted. Time to load the terminal up! #nerdstuffonacoldday
  15. Those look to be in the same My Attachment section in your profile. That’s where I found mine.
  16. Just got off the phone with Katie and she’s going to contact Glen as her user account has an issue of some kind.
  17. Odd. I almost didn’t see them myself at first they’re so faint. Any chance you could side scroll to the right to see them?
  18. Some humans act like ostriches in that they stick their heads in the ground to avoid anything they don’t like or are afraid of. The one animal that will survive us all though is the cockroach.
  19. @ol'crickety Katie, go to your profile > My Attachments. When the page loads (it’ll load the most recent first) tick the box on the far right to select the images you want to delete. A small confirmation box with a trash can icon will appear below. ?
  20. Spent over 40 years in the printing industry and worked more crazy hours and weekends than I thought possible. If I had to go with just one regret it would be not being able to spend more time with my family. I did this so my wife could be a stay-at-home mom so in the long run it was worth it. It beat my mind and body to a pulp. I often thought that if I had gone to college and got a degree I might have gotten to spend more time with my family but it was a trade job that paid well. Hindsight is always 20/20 but foresight is still dim. I stopped the ‘what ifs’ and just look at the past as hard lessons learned.
  21. I hated that thing back when I was toting my M16. Could have made it a cigarette lighter for all the use it was
  22. Ahh, ok. Thanks Ken!
  23. Color me confused here: ‘unmentionables’? To stay on topic, all my purchases from TW have taken 5 days +/- to ship. Not too fond of that especially since my grandson started working at Academy.
  24. Used to wear old spice back in the day. Now? Irish Spring. ?
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