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Everything posted by ScottW

  1. In my defense I was young and my back was turned to my little 4-legged aggressor while bent over picking up bales of hay. ? Bet your frat prez had one heck of a hangover the next day.
  2. Until it head butts you in the nads! ? ? Don’t ask me how I know…
  3. Since no one was catching anything at Lake Guntersville state park the past few days, I decided to try my luck at our pond after we got back home and unloaded. Should have stayed home. ? Caught a small bass that I released immediately without taking a picture and on the very next cast I nailed this 2#’ er +/- on a 1/4oz jig with black/blue Big Bite Baits Coontail worm.
  4. Dull the pain a bit I’d guess ?
  5. I’ve had 3 so far and understand how bad they hurt. Have your doctors found what’s causing them? Some foods and/or drinks I’ve been told can be the cause.
  6. Warm?! Where? Weather forecast called for 80* temps! They lied! ?️ ☔️
  7. @A-Jay, all I can offer is our thoughts and prayers for y’all and hope everything works out for the best. We’re going through the wringer here as well and have learned to be grateful for all the highs we can get while hoping the lows are brief. Please let me know if there’s anything we can do to help. ?
  8. They’re all over the place here at Lake Guntersville bleating and crapping everywhere too. Almost let my newest rescue loose on a few yesterday. ? So far no fish, just rain, fog and bass boats running around the lake. @AlabamaSpothunter, did you by chance swing by and abscond with the fish ? ??
  9. Nooooooo! These winds need to back off up here! Casting to my extreme left to try and hit a spot on my right stinks! ? ?
  10. PM’d you with the details. ?
  11. Organized chaos! ? Thanks man, it’s a good setup for pond fishing. Still working out some kinks but it’s getting there.
  12. Caught me a biggun this afternoon. Almost lost him he put up such a fight. ? Gonna have to hire a crane if this keeps up!
  13. If I’ve learned anything about lures on this forum it’s that the fish want what the fish want. No YT video spouting this, that or the other color or bait means all that much to me as they’re pushing affiliate sales more than knowledge and experience. On this page alone several different lures in differing colors and styles were used to catch fish. Match the forage as well as the time of year factors in more for me. Of course all the bass in our pond have taken to ordering from Dominos lately so I need to find out if they prefer pepperoni with black olives or ham and pineapple. ?
  14. Caught a beautiful snag yesterday at the pond. No pics as I left my phone in the cart while I paddled out to ‘collect’ my bigun. I dropped a hook retriever down the line and hauled my catch to the surface with sheer glee in my eyes. ? Beautiful specimen of a lipless crank bait! I was so proud that I immediately casted the little devil out to see what other snags awaited me. ? Instead I caught a LM about 15 inches long. I glanced at my phone over in yon fishing cart and sighed. No pixel-proof and more snags awaited me so I returned my unexpected gift to the watery depths and began my snag hunt anew. ?
  15. You got that right! ? I try to take the inflatable pontoon out on the pond when the wind isn’t blowing hard. Sucks to be blown all over the place and get line tangled up. Still bank fish it when I can as I know they’re there. Catch ‘em or not, still loads of fun to me.
  16. And another hit on the ‘ol wallet. ?
  17. Congrats on the new PB! 9+ pounds! That’s awesome!
  18. Huntsville around 3pm to 6pm is a traffic nightmare which is probably true most anywhere but summertime isn’t too bad around the lake. You’ll have your usual fishermen, water craft (boaters, sea-doos, etc) but not too bad. We’re heading up there next week so I’ll ask around and see if I can get any info from some locals for you.
  19. I’ve used both and I bank fish. Spinning for smaller, lighter lures and bc for larger heavier ones. Both have worked equally well for me.
  20. Speaking of jet skis and idgits, my father in law used to go up to Smith Lake to fish a lot. He’d put out at Smith Lake Park mostly and start fishing the sloughs and drop offs nearby. The lake is huge and has its fair share of idgits on jet skis or sea doos that could care less about anyone trying to fish. Well, my father in law had a remedy for that if/when it happened to him. Which it did. He had one rod rigged up with a 2oz. sinker on 20# mono that he would sling at the offending idgit if he roared by too close all intentional like. He’d give them one chance and if they did it again the sinker would fly! He got pretty darn accurate with that thing over time and became well known among the local idgits. They tended to give him a wide berth if they saw him. ? Can’t say I blame them. I’d hate to get hit with a 2oz. sinker traveling at velocity!
  21. First time using my brand new whopper plopper here at the pond and as I made my first cast along side the bank I'm watching for it to land. It didn't. I thought I was following it but it went high and snagged in a tree beside the pond. Had to be 25-30ft up. Don't ask me how as I have no idea. I was pretty upset and headed back to the house. My son in law was cutting grass the following weekend and asked me how/why my lure was up a tree. I told him and we went down to the pond and since I had tied the line off to the tree, we tugged on it from the opposite side and miraculously got it down. I tend to stay away from the trees now and really pay attention to my casts. ?
  22. Anyone hear of them? It’s an app (free & premium) that monitors lake levels, temps, wind, etc. If you have, is it worth using? https://lakemonster.com/
  23. I’ve witnessed that sadly years ago here. I was dumbfounded at first then embarrassed like you mentioned.
  24. Same here. Forecasters called for ‘light snow flurries’ last night so all the bread, milk and beer disappeared in minutes here. All we really got was some rain and it’s mostly cleared up now. Like you it’s dropping down to freezing this weekend so ‘supposedly’ some more yo-yo weather. ? Nice fish but don’t you have an Auburn University hat? ? *Scott hides behind @AlabamaSpothunter’s fish finder. No one will damage that to get to me! ?
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