I’ve tried. I mean really tried to get a handle on baitcasters. I even bought a KastKing Megajaws Elite with their Automag which is advertised as being birdnest free. B.S.! I’ve managed to birdnest every baitcast reel I own. Flouro, mono, braid made no difference. Yes, I went through them and made sure to set everything up properly from the get go. Still birdnested. Made sure to match the lure up with the proper rod. Birdnest. Sprayed Real Magic on the spools liberally. Birdnest. Side arm, overhead cast. Birdnest. Since the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result but getting the same outcome I think it’s time to park the BCs for now.
I can throw pretty much anything on my spinning setups with no issues whatsoever. Note: They all have Power Pro braid on ‘em. Some rods are 6’ 6” M/F, others are 7’ M/F and 7’ MH/F.
Yup, I’m probably doing something wrong but I’m darned if I know what. I used to be a machinist in another life dialing in machines and fabricating parts with tight tolerances. Dialing in a BC reel should have been a cakewalk. ☹️