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Everything posted by ScottW

  1. Some browsers don't render web pages the same. Also depends on the device you're using as well: phone, tablet, pc. For example I'm using Safari on a Mac Pro laptop at the moment. Pages here render fine for me. Same goes for on my iPad but on my phone they render long like you mentioned.
  2. You’d think they’d (the bass) share once in a while, but nooooo! Gotta leave the ‘hooman’ guessing! Went out to the pond this morning to try out some of the new worms I got from Big Bite Baits and only took one rod. A baitcaster. Figured with 12# flouro I’d be good. Hit the shallow end and after a few casts I switched out worms (colors). First cast with the ‘new’ color and the reel birdnested enough a pterodactyl could lay eggs in it. ? Picked at it until I noticed the line running on the ground. Looked up to see something had taken the worm. Dropped the rod and started hand-reeling the line back until whatever it was spit the worm and ‘finned me off’ as it swam away. ? Suffice it to say I’m now cutting the nest out so I can respool with some new line. Knew I should have brought a spinning rod. ?
  3. Welcome! Met the ‘older’ Charles Barkley once. Awesome man.
  4. Sketchers work great for me. Mine is mostly back pain after walking the bank for a few hours. The Sketchers help to alleviate it since I’m in Croc flip-flops the rest of the time. After ~45 years of working on concrete floors (printing industry) in steel toed boots they’re a slice of heaven. ?
  5. Welcome! This board does have lots of great info but beware the bait monkey! He’s evil! ?
  6. Caught a couple decent ones over the past few days. Seems like each day they’re wanting something different from the menu. ? Yesterday it was a weightless plastic creature and today it was back to the popper. The one in the last two pics weighed 3.11 and looked like it tried to inhale the popper.
  7. Congrats on a great day Katie! Glad you recovered from the spill ok too!
  8. Weightless fluke in baby bass Frog Roboworm (nose hooked, weedless) Wacky rigged Yum Dinger Coon tail worm on a jig (Big Bite Baits) — The above is what works best plastic-wise on our pond.
  9. Nope but I did see a small bass or bream snatch one flying at water level yesterday. I was impressed
  10. A-rig (so far), most creature baits (I know, weird, right?!). I got bags of different types but worms will work where a creature won’t. For example, I have a 3/8oz jig head with a blue/black coontail worm (Big Bite Baits, 5”) that I can drag along the bottom of the pond that catches fish than the same jig with a creature on it. Yet I get suckered into buying more thinking a different type will work.
  11. Not to hijack the thread but what’s the deal about Reel Magic?
  12. Congrats on her new PB!
  13. I know, right?! Thing is I just started throwing it a few days ago to try something different that our pond fish hadn’t seen before. I had no idea it would bring this biggun up. I’m still shaking a bit from yesterday ?. I was using 12# Seaguar FC on my KK Royale Legend II/Fenwick Eagle 6’6” baitcaster. I thought the line was gonna snap when I got it to the bank but it held. I may go to slightly bigger line like 15 or 17# for more strength. What do you think? Edit: after a little digging it looks like bigger line is recommended for top water so I’ll look at maybe 15/17# mono or possibly 50/65# braid.
  14. Broke my PB this evening fishing that same little popper. Had tried several different baits but no interest until I tossed this little guy. 6.14 according to the scale. It tried to get underneath the pier to break me off but I grabbed the line against the rod and pulled it back ? Put up one hell of a fight right up until I banked it. I’m really liking this popper!
  15. Should have mentioned it’s a Yo-Zuri in gold/black with a ‘prism’ bottom. 3” +/-.
  16. I’m guessing that our pond bass got tired of worms and decided poppers were their new ‘go-to’ bait as they’ve been hammering them here lately. Not huge fish but decent sized so far. Thinking the bigger ones are hiding out at the bottom post-spawn for a while. Was watching that YT channel that @AlabamaSpothunter likes so much (TB) and saw them tossing poppers so figured I’d give it a try. You know, broaden my horizons and all that. ? These guys were tearing it up! Managed a few yesterday and the day before close to sunset. They were exploding on them after I managed to get it to ‘pop’ the water just right. I swapped over to a whopper plopper and they ignored it. Went with a buzzbait…dead. Back to the popper and they went back to destroying it. Hey! Who am I to deny a bass what it wants? ? Gonna head back down later this evening and see if they’ll still jump it.
  17. I always try to look for the head if possible (and safe). If it’s diamond shaped(poisonous ) I’ll back off immediately. Went back down to the pond again around noon and caught two before the thunder chased me away. One on a 6th sense 50x crush in black n blue craw (pictured) and my first ever on a buzzbait with a blue/black goat trailer (no pic as I was on the phone at the moment). The one on the buzzbait blew it up right as it crossed a small fallen tree. Water is maybe a couple feet deep there. So I have a few on a whopper plopper and one on a buzzbait now for top water catches. ? The one caught with the square bill weighed just shy of 3lbs. Thinking things may be picking up with the warmer temps here. May try some night fishing to see if they’ll tend to hit more then.
  18. I got lucky! I wanted to fish some more so badly but figured I didn’t need to push my chances and hightailed it back to the house.
  19. Slipped down to the pond right before the storm hit. Not too shabby if I say so myself. 10 minutes and 3rd cast. Made a couple of top water dances while putting up a fight. Was a nice end to the day.
  20. Hahahaha! Three KastKings with a side order of birdnest to go? ? I’m retired, on a fixed ‘budget’ and my boss (wife) had us buy a camper recently. So if I pursue this further it’ll be something I have to save up for. I call myself feathering the spool but if I’m being honest I’d have to say I’m mucking it up most likely.
  21. I’ve tried. I mean really tried to get a handle on baitcasters. I even bought a KastKing Megajaws Elite with their Automag which is advertised as being birdnest free. B.S.! I’ve managed to birdnest every baitcast reel I own. Flouro, mono, braid made no difference. Yes, I went through them and made sure to set everything up properly from the get go. Still birdnested. Made sure to match the lure up with the proper rod. Birdnest. Sprayed Real Magic on the spools liberally. Birdnest. Side arm, overhead cast. Birdnest. Since the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result but getting the same outcome I think it’s time to park the BCs for now. I can throw pretty much anything on my spinning setups with no issues whatsoever. Note: They all have Power Pro braid on ‘em. Some rods are 6’ 6” M/F, others are 7’ M/F and 7’ MH/F. Yup, I’m probably doing something wrong but I’m darned if I know what. I used to be a machinist in another life dialing in machines and fabricating parts with tight tolerances. Dialing in a BC reel should have been a cakewalk. ☹️
  22. Did pretty good today with 3 decent fish all caught on Ned rigged roboworms. 6” in morning dawn and a 7” in green pumpkin. I could see ‘em hanging out in the shallow water which was odd as they’ve been pretty skittish lately. Wouldn’t bite anything the past several days so figured I’d go back to the basics and offer up some worms. Just cast out past them and bounced it back with little hops spaced out around a pause. Wound up in the low 80s here today with clouds rolling in by late afternoon. Water clarity was maybe close to 2 feet and still a tad muddy.
  23. Hey Alex, @AlabamaSpothunter they do hit the WP like a freight train! This one hit it right as it passed over. ?
  24. It did until my wife came down with something. Doc thinks it was allergies. We cut off the trip to the Keys and tracked over to Tampa on the way home instead. Other than a few 'incidents' of which I'll save for later the overall trip was a blast. They are, aren't they? I think they're moving up shallow here too and the blue/black combo is working for now.
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