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Everything posted by ScottW

  1. Agreed! Wife had to take him back due to complications so no telling what will happen next.
  2. That’s a good price! Just looked it up. Most models are out of stock. Let me know what you think of it when you get to use it. Might be placing an order. Being retired on a fixed income plus having just bought a travel trailer and paying for one of our pups to have surgery has left me more budget conscious than anticipated. ?
  3. ScottW

    Hi New here

    Welcome and Katie’s right about the help here ^. One of the best places I’ve found for fishing advice, stories and comedy. ?
  4. Congrats on the bass! It kinda looks like it’s looking at ya thinking: “Take the picture already! I’m missing happy hour at the pub!” ?
  5. I’ve been using the Dr. Fish clips from Amazon. $6 for a pack of 100 #2s. They’ve worked great so far for me. My eyes are too bad even with glasses to tie knots repeatedly.
  6. It IS too cold! ? When winter hits that is. ? Need another place to warehouse some lures? ? What’s the large swim bait in this photo?
  7. Went down to the pond this afternoon after looking at a camper we’re interested in getting. Figured we could camp at different lakes and make a long weekend of it. Anywho, dragged the fishing cart down to the pond and tossed a 3/16 EWG Ned with a green craw around. Lots of leaves floating everywhere due to the wind blowing them off the trees. 3rd cast and I was surprised by a nice little bass around a pound or two in the shallows. He fought pretty well and kept trying to throw the hook, swam to me then back out. Think he was trying to find something to break me off with but I managed to bring him to the bank.
  8. I’m good as long as it’s watertight ?. Been (trying) to use this inflatable pontoon I got and it’s been an act of congress to navigate around the pond with the kayak paddle I got for it. Other than that it does pretty good. I’ll post a couple of updated photos. But yeah, don’t worry about the Jon boat. It floats so that’s all that counts. ?
  9. Sounds like a plan. ? Let me know when. Cats are a whole new ballgame. They fight differently and hard. We’ve still got some in the pond here that surprise me when bass fishing. I’ve almost got to the point where I can tell if it’s a bass or cat now. I plan on targeting the carp with corn and/or bread. I hear they put up a heck of a fight.
  10. Wow! Nice kitty Alex! Gotta admit I saw the net getting hung up when you dipped it at the stern ?. I was saying watch the prop! Watch the prop! My wife was giving me a weird look by then. We’re you bobber fishing? Thought I saw one as you were fighting the fish.
  11. I got one of these this past July. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for any trouble. Hope you get yours fixed/swapped out. I’ve swapped their rods out before so that house-brand policy @KP Duty mentioned is worth pursuing if still within a year.
  12. I hate when they do that! Take no for an answer and move on. I know, right?! I forgot about when my wife got her new Corolla. She traded in her old one for it after beating them down on a price. When they said they were going to take it around back to detail it she told them the Michelins better still be on it. Turns out they swapped the tires out on her old Corolla when they detailed it. I never knew. ?
  13. I can honestly say that I ‘hate’ few things in life but car sales people are in that list. I detest the game playing they do to try wearing you down. I’ve walked away from a few so-called deals madder than a hornet from them wasting my time. I even had B’ham PD on the phone once because they wouldn’t return my old truck unless I had a sit down with their sales manager. The truck magically appeared after that. Car finance managers are no less evil either. ?
  14. Welcome to the forums Gerald! You’re sure to find a lot of helpful information here like I am. ?
  15. Tried hitting the pond just now and the wind is blowing/gusting so much I threw in the towel. Especially after it blew a jig with a dinger over the big rock in the middle of the pond. ? Temperature I can deal with but can’t fight Mother Nature ? —
  16. Looks like a real good trip there @Bluebasser86
  17. Skunked is fast becoming a theme at the pond here. I’m calling it casting practice to save face ?
  18. I feel you on the leaves. Our pond here has leaves all over it too. Anything like a choppo/plopper, buzzbait, etc. just gets clogged up with leaves. I’ve been tossing frogs, cranks, plastics and Neds to penetrate that.
  19. Agreed! I really don’t have any words other than I agree ?
  20. Colgate Raiders vs Army Black Knights And Charlotte 49ers vs UAB Blazers. I’ve given up on Auburn and could care less about the Tide so Army and UAB are my most watched. ?
  21. Check to see if @AlabamaSpothunter has been around your area lately. ? ? Its been sporadic here at best for me. I’ve thrown the whole tackle box and got nada most days but yesterday got 1 catfish and 1 LMB trying out the new Fogy Pro bladed jigs I just got from Siebert Outdoors. Makes me think they’re just wanting something shiny new or the galaxy is conspiring against me. ?
  22. Sorry for the late report. Tried these out yesterday afternoon and wow! They’re awesome. Wound up catching a 2# catfish on the 2nd cast with the black/blue one which took me by surprise as I thought there were no more in the pond. Tried switching to the green/chartreuse color and on the 3rd or 4th cast a 2 1/2# LMB jumped it for a ride. No photos as I left my phone in the house charging. I didn’t trim the skirts nor add a trailer to them. Just fished them right out of the box so to speak. Used my heavy 7’ 6” Basspro graphite rod with Kastking Crixus ArmorX reel and 50# braid that I had just spooled on it. Pond was it’s usual muddy/dingy clarity as well. If I ever fish clear water again anytime soon I’ll be lost. ?
  23. Filet of fish. I loved that part ?
  24. My order came in today and I’m looking forward to trying them out!
  25. Haven’t been there yet in all honesty. Since retiring this past March I’ve been getting back into fishing again. I’ve fished Guntersville and Neely Henry years ago so things have probably changed since then.
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