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Everything posted by ScottW

  1. Welcome! I’m sure you can search/find what you’re looking for. One of the moderators could probably answer your ‘highlight’ question.
  2. Color me impressed big time with their prices! Ordered a Shimano 22 Sahara C3000HG spinning reel from them yesterday for a steal compared to US prices. Or my wife has a BBQ and uses my CC as fuel for the charcoal! ?
  3. Lake Guntersville!
  4. If we lived closer to you @A-Jay I’ve a feeling we’d be checking those two out as soon as my wife saw them. ?
  5. Digitaka dropped the price of the SAHARA 22 SAHARA C3000HG to ~$61 and change so I opted for it for the reel. The Miravel and NASCI were out of stock on the models I preferred. Anyone have any experience with the Fenwick Eagle spinning rod? Looking at it as a potential rod.
  6. Congratulations on the new property! Looking forward to hearing how things progress. ?
  7. I’d agree with @J Francho on this. Its going to be overkill for a 1/4oz lure and probably cause you more grief than success. I have a KastKing ArmorX Crixus that I love paired to a 7’6” BPS Graphite rod with 50# braid that handles heavier stuff with ease. The 1/4oz stuff I throw is from smaller spinning rigs. Maybe a 2-rod/reel approach would work better here?
  8. I’m wondering if the P-63 pilot had a heart attack or some other kind of health issue that debilitated him enough to cause the collision. Sad day for aviation.
  9. Thanks! Guess you could say it’s the wife’s and my Christmas present to each other. Pulls real good with the weight distribution hitch. Don’t know it’s there going down the road. Getting it ready for a short shake down trip possibly this week. The sick pup passed yesterday from a heart attack at the vet. We buried him shortly after. Thus the trip being planned to get away for a while. My wife was real close to him so she’s taking it pretty hard.
  10. Managed to catch one LM this afternoon that might have broke a pound but was around 14” +/-. Caught him on a @Siebert Outdoors Fogy in white/green with a green/silver fluke trailer. Can’t see the trailer as he swallowed it. ? Called it quits shortly after due to the wind chill. Fingers couldn’t handle it due to the bad case of trigger finger(s) in both hands. Doc is gonna have to cut on them to eliminate the pain and allow my fingers to work normally again.
  11. Ditto what @Jmontgomery87 said. I’m pretty much all spinning gear other than my 7’6” H/F BPS Graphite rod / Kastking Crixus ArmorX combo for heavier stuff.
  12. My head is spinning from the suggestions everyone has made so far. I’ve made a list and keep checking Digitaka’s site off and on to see when they have stocked up on any of the reels mentioned. That and Tackle Warehouse for comp shopping. Gonna be tough come decision time. ?
  13. Glad to hear you’re on the mend @LrgmouthShad! Slow is smooth and smooth is fast so one day at a time and before you know it you’ll be back to full strength. ?
  14. Those are some awesome pictures! My daughter used to use bread, string and a hook to fish with back when she was around your kids age. She’d make us look bad with how many she’d catch. Beautiful scenery too. Can’t beat that at all!
  15. Thanks! A milk crate, some pvc, zip ties and voila! Instant gear toter. Can’t take credit for the pond. It’s part of the property my daughter and son in law bought a year or so ago. I just fish the heck out of it as often as I can. ?
  16. @AlabamaSpothunter that was awesome! I’ve not been able to catch anything with a buzzbait to date except a sore shoulder (old injury). Those fish were tearing yours up. I did manage to catch a decent LM this afternoon that was around 2 pounds +/-. The sun was settling behind the trees too making the scenery something to awe. I tossed a high bomber of a cast by accident due to the resident goose squawking like it saw a zombie. The fact it had sidled up close to me when it cut loose made it all the more unexpected. Turned out the lure (One Knocker lipless crank in Sunset Craw) landed almost at the other end of the pond. Was halfway back with it when it must have slapped the fish and thumbed its nose at it on the way by. The LM wasn’t about to let that slide and nailed it with impunity. Needless to say he came to a ‘hook fight’ with only some fins and lips. ? Snapped his photo for posterity and sent him back on his way. Next cast was a snag so as it was getting darker I packed up after freeing up the lure.
  17. Budget is limited due to one pup having had surgery recently with twice weekly follow ups and car tags. Plus factor in we just purchased a travel trailer and the Bait Monkey is crying his eyes out over in the corner. ? Plans are to pull it to surrounding lakes and spend a few days fishing as well as seeing the sights. That being said I’ve got my eye on the St. Croix Mojo Bass spinning rod M/F 7’ 1” and the Daiwa Procyon M/EF 7’ for rods. For reels the Shimano Sahara FJ SHC3000HGFJ 6.2:1 and the Shimano Stradic STC3000XGFL in 6.4:1. I’ve checked Digitaka’s website as well as Tackle Warehouse and others so depending on how the dollar compares to the yen at the time of purchase will decide things. But until then, any suggestions and/or advice?
  18. Mine asks me when I’m going again. Leaves me a tad suspicious of her motives. ? I’ll echo the folks above and say welcome back! I sincerely appreciate your sacrifice and service as well. Ex E4 36C back in the day before that MOS got retired.
  19. It’s like they were made for each other. Smooth as butter and very sensitive.
  20. Proud American here and I use PayPal. Never had an issue with them. YMMV
  21. I’m going to need to look into these since the holidays are coming up. I like my Aird X paired with my Pflueger Trion spinning reel but I’m looking to add to my arsenal so the Tatulas may be my next buy soon.
  22. We got my son in law one of these Rod Runners for Christmas last year. It only holds 5 but he seems to like it. They make it in a 3-rod holder too for those short trips.
  23. After pouring over the digitaka website I’m wearing a bib. Too much drooling and it’s embarrassing for a 66 year old youngster. They really seem to work harder to beat local prices and their shipping is phenomenal. My daughter asked me for ideas for Christmas so I’m bookmarking pages now. ?
  24. Makes me want to visit some of those railroad lakes. Great job Katie @ol’crickety
  25. I use PayPal only for any online purchases if it’s accepted. If not I look elsewhere. Better safe than sorry.
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