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  1. I wish all of you great fishing and good health. I will no longer be posting on this forum. Rocky
  2. Matt, your family is my prayers as well. Keep us informed.
  3. Take care of yourself Muddy; you are in my thoughts and prayers as well. I need to walk and lose some weight myself but a painful knee has been hindering me. I finally got in to see a specialist to look at my right knee I had rebuilt about 20 years back by a sports surgeon. It had never given me any problems till the last couple of years with arthritis setting in to it. I was hoping for just the need of a lube job but it's a no go. They say that one whole side of the knee is about to go bone on bone so I will need a knee replacement in the not too distant future. Note to you younger types: they do don't tell you these things will come back to haunt you later in life and when you are younger you think you heal and it's over. It's not! Ask older in life former athletes those joint injuries take on a life of their own.
  4. That is my wife's favorite little gun. She has bad arthritis and it is a sweet little gun! With the right .22 high velocity ammo it's better than nothing; she is a very accurate shot and confident with it.
  5. Hi, Jim, I will be including you also in my prayers. My father had colon, liver and a third cancer that I believe was in his pancreas. Last year I also had a colon scare but it tested benign so I understand brother. Peace and healing to you. May all you tests be clear and your lines tight with big bass! Rocky
  6. This is my baby but she is a might large for concealed. Ruger Super RedHawk .44Mag. When In Grizzly country I always load her with Randy Garrett 330-GR SUPER-HARD-CAST GC LONG-HAMMERHEADs AT 1400-FPS
  7. FBI statistics show the average gunfight occurs at night at a distance of six feet. While, I generally agree with your comment; there is a reason why tactics at least used to teach not to let anyone armed with a knife get within 21 feet of you. Guns are great and often are the only tool. I hope you do know that a trained individual will not ever reveal the blade to you and your first indication that he is armed with a knife is after you have been cut and possibly multiple times. Don't be over confident just because you carry a gun. Since I once, as a part-time side job, sold body armor to the police down in the Houston, Texas area I became knowledgeable about what will and will not easily penetrate different body armor from Richard Davis the founder of Second Chance Body Armor. Even wearing the best body armor made does not make you Superman against someone who has been trained and knows how to deal with it. All things have strengths and weaknesses as they are all only tools. The best tool in you arsenal to keep you alive rests between your ears so the best thing you can do is train that and not look for the latest gadget. Under stress you will always go back to your instinctive training so make sure you are ready when the worst thing happens when you least expect it. As to guns I used to carry for years a "cocked & locked" custom .45 Colt and then went to a Glock 21 .45 Auto as I like the .45 Auto Cartridge. Back during my "Drug Suppression stint for the US Army in the early 70s when we knew we would not be dealing with military personnel we liked the Super Vel 190gr. HPs after we had our service .45s tuned to operate with them. Today I'm more traditional as I like the Hydra-Shock 230gr. HP and I can practice with the average 230gr ball. Now that I am in Arknasas, I plan on getting a Springfield Armory XD Custom with a few of my own ideas added. Sorry, I don't talk about how I would carry it or my knives.
  8. Until I get my CCW permit I only carry my knives. Arkansas has liberalized the law on the carry of a knife and from my martial art and military training I do know how to use them. At close range a man trained to use a knife can be faster and deadlier than a man going for a gun. Even when I get my CCW permit I will still carry at least one of my knives. There are times a knife is just a better choice because it is quite and does not give away your location.
  9. That is great news! I also will keep you in my prayers. Tight lines buddy.
  10. A painting from the year 1710:The Baptism of Christ Be careful what yours eyes tell you as things are not always as they first appear. :-? http://www.sprezzatura.it/Arte/Arte_UFO_eng.htm
  11. I am totally serious . If you were allowed, you should to talk with some of the un-named classified people in this area of expertise. They are not a bunch of fun guys but I did (not by choice) and you would not believe what they could tell you either just as you would not believe me if I could tell you everything I have witnessed. Others have tried to be whistle blowers on this whole area but they get labeled as liars, nut cases, their careers ruined even when they were listed as working on classified government compounds. So the way I see it, people deserve the information they demand and I have no obligation to ruin my life for people who could care less. So believe what you want. I know what I was involved in and witnessed as my father-in-law was in the Air Force. Most UFO stuff is garbage but the part that is not will scare the living daylights out of anyone no matter how hardened they are. They may talk tough but when you are there it is a whole different story and anyone that has been really close knows. People can laugh and enjoy their lack of understanding of the totality of what is going on around them because ignorance is bliss prevailing wisdom says. I, my wife, and some others in this world both inside and outside governmental agencies no longer have that luxury. This is a tar baby of a field of study from which the more you try to extricate yourself the more you seem to find yourself stuck to it. I have said everything I intend to say here on the subject and more than I ever intended to in the first place. If there is anyone with any knowledge of the subject then they know of what I am saying and if not my words fall on deaf ears. So, I withdraw from further comment.
  12. Below is the law used against anyone claimed to have contact with alien life forms until it was rescinded in 1991. It was also used as a threat. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL EXPOSURE LAW On 16 July 1969, a United States law was passed called the "Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law" that made it illegal for the public to come in contact with extra-terrestrials or their vehicles. (Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations). Anyone found guilty of such contact could face up to one year imprisonment as well as a fine of $5000. Also, any individual who had been "exposed" could be quarantined under armed guard by the NASA administrator without a hearing. The law was passed originally to protect Earth from possible biological contamination resulting from the US Apollo Space Program and other space exploration programs. It has been suggested by researchers and scientists that the U.S. government was very concerned that contact with extra-terrestrial bacteria could result in a worldwide plague. The immune system of human beings wouldn't be able to fight off extra-terrestrial bacteria, so therefore any kind of "extra-terrestrial exposure" was taken very seriously. People in the UFO community especially were alarmed with the law because its broad definitions could allow the US government to prosecute people in NASA as well as individuals of the general public who come into contact with extra-terrestrials and their vehicles. UFO and ET believers found it interesting that in one hand the government was denying they had any interest in extra-terrestrials, yet they had a law which forbid contact with ETs and their craft. 1211.100 Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space Part 1211 - Extra-terrestrial Exposure 1211.100 - Scope This part establishes: NASA policy, responsibility and authority to guard the Earth against any harmful contamination or adverse changes in its environment resulting from personnel, spacecraft and other property returning to the Earth after landing on or coming within the atmospheric envelope of a celestial body; and security requirements, restrictions and safeguards that are necessary in the interest of national security. 1211.101 - Applicability The provisions of this part to all NASA manned and unmanned space missions which land or come within the atmospheric envelope of a celestial body and return to the Earth. 1211.102 - Definitions "NASA" and the "Administrator" mean, respectively, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or his authorized representative. "Extra-terrestrially exposed" means the state of condition of any person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever, who or which has: Touched directly or come within the atmospheric envelope or any other celestial body Touched directly or been in close proximity to (or been exposed indirectly to) any person, property, animal or other form of life or matter who or which has been extra-terrestrially exposed by virtue of paragraph ((1) of this section. For example, if person or thing "A" touches the surface of the Moon, and on "A's" return to Earth, "B" touches "A" and, subsequently, "C" touches "B", all of these - "A" through "C" inclusive - would be extra-terrestrially exposed ("A" and "B" directly; "C" indirectly). "Quarantine" means the detention, examination and decontamination of any persons, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever that is extra-terrestrially exposed, and includes the apprehension or seizure of such person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever. "Quarantine period" means a period of consecutive calendar days as may be established in accordance with 1211.104 Administrative actions. The Administrator or his designee..shall in his discretion: Determine the beginning and duration of a quarantine period with respect to any space mission; the quarantine period as it applies to various life forms will be announced. Designate in writing quarantine officers to exercise quarantine authority. Determine that a particular person, property, animal, or other form of life or matter, whatever is extra-terrestrially exposed and quarantine such person, property, animal, or other form of life or matter whatever. The quarantine may be based only on a determination, with or without the benefit of a hearing, that there is probable cause to believe that such person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever is extra-terrestrially exposed. Determine within the United States or within vessels or vehicles of the United States the place, boundaries, and rules of operation of necessary quarantine stations. Provide for guard services by contract or otherwise, as many be necessary, to maintain security and inviolability of quarantine stations and quarantined persons, property, animals or other form of life or matter whatever. Provide for the subsistence, health and welfare of persons quarantined under the provisions of this part. Hold such hearings at such times, in such manner and for such purposes as may be desirable or necessary under this part, including hearings for the purpose of creating a record for use in making any determination under this part for the purpose of reviewing any such determination. During any period of announced quarantine, no person shall enter or depart from the limits of the quarantine station without permission of the cognizant NASA officer. During such period, the posted perimeter of a quarantine station shall be secured by armed guard. Any person who enters the limits of any quarantine station during the quarantine period shall be deemed to have consented to the quarantine of his person if it is determined that he is or has become extra-terrestrially exposed. At the earliest practicable time, each person who is quarantined by NASA shall be given a reasonable opportunity to communicate by telephone with legal counsel or other persons of his choice. 1211.107 Court or other process NASA officers and employees are prohibited from discharging from the limits of a quarantine station any quarantined person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever during order or other request, order or demand an announced quarantine period in compliance with a subpoena, show cause or any court or other authority without the prior approval of the General Counsel and the Administrator. Where approval to discharge a quarantined person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever in compliance with such a request, order or demand of any court or other authority is not given, the person to whom it is directed shall, if possible, appear in court or before the other authority and respectfully state his inability to comply, relying for his action on this 1211.107. 1211.108 Violations Whoever willfully violates, attempts to violate, or conspires to violate any provision of this part or any regulation or order issued under this part or who enters or departs from the limits of a quarantine station in disregard of the quarantine rules or regulations or without permission of the NASA quarantine officer shall be fined not more that $5,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both.
  13. Well, some I can't talk about without violation of my national security oath and I DO Not want another debriefing! Thank you very much! Give me the guys in Black any day which I have never met so I would prefer the unknown as I don't need my life threatened any more. I can tell about when I was in college, which I have said since I was a child I have had one foot in both the physical and one foot in the "spirit" or some refer to it as paranormal world. I never asked for it but it was just part of my life from my first memories onward. Anyway, I will give you the Cliff Notes version and simply say that during my sophomore Christmas brake I was spending it at my uncle's house because my father had just been transfer to Lovington New Mexico which is not far from Roswell, New Mexico. My sister, her best friend Debby, I and my cousin George, with him driving went out at about 8pm to go look at Christmas lights around the El Dorado, Arkansas. We decided to take the new by-pass around the town to a rich housing area thinking they would have bigger and better light displays. The bypass was very dark as it was a near moonless night if I remember correctly and there were no businesses on the by-pass as it was so new. As we drove I noticed a large amount of colored flashing lights coming from within a stand of pine trees of the side of the road and pointed them out ahead to everyone. I wondered aloud that it must be the first house on the new road but from the amount coming from the trees the display must be awesome. We searched for a driveway but could not find one and finally gave up. I said to everyone how odd it seemed that someone would go to so much expense and effort to put out so many lights when no one could see them. After a short distance down the road my sister and her friend in the back seat started to cry hysterically. I turned and asked my sister what was wrong and she pointed out the back window of the car. I looked out the back window but could see nothing. So I told her I could see nothing but she kept pointing out the back window. It occurred to me perhaps what she was pointing at I could not see through the limited view of the back window so I rolled down my passenger side window and half pulled myself out the car looking back down the road behind us. At first I did not see it as it was almost immediately above and behind us. I actually felt it first as it was emitting a soft but powerful throbbing humming sound. The sound came in waves like when you are at a football game and you feel the base drum's wave strike your chest only this wave passed right through you. It was a disc shaped object with what appeared to be portals of some type around its widest point. It had a large black opening under its belly that took up about half the surface area. It was close. If it came any lower it would start shearing off power lines. I could see every seam and detail of whatever you care to call it. There was a flash of red light and everything seemed to go into extremely fast motion and I was only able to get what seemed like flash pictures of events. The next thing I remember is being in the car and the craft followed us all the way into the edge of town. We stopped right in front of the Drive-in-theatre as cars were just starting to come out. George and I jumped out of the car looking up at the craft hovering maybe forty feet over us. The first cars came out of the Drive-in and I can still hear and see the girl passenger in the first car screaming when she saw the craft because she made me look away and at her before looking back at the craft. The UFO hovered for what seemed like a long time but I am sure it must have not been over a minute or so and it then shot strait up and out of sight in the blind of an eye without a sound. My sister, her friend, a and George wanted to turn in a UFO report but I told them Yea right, three High School kids and one college kid see UFO all the cops are going to say is what have you kids been drinking or smoking. I said let's just go home. They agreed, so we did, but when we got there my uncle was upset because it was past 11PM and he wanted to know why we were out so late. I felt waves of exhaustion and was just too tired to make up a story so I told him the truth and sure enough he wanted to know if we had been drinking or smoking something. I said whatever, I'm too tired, I'm going to bed and crashed. The next morning as I was heading to get some breakfast my uncle stopped me and said he wanted to have a word with me. I thought oh man, I was the oldest and I am about to catch hell now for last night. But the first thing out of my uncle's mouth was I want to apologize for not believing you last night. Now I am high alert and freaking out because my uncle NEVER apologizes to anyone for anything, not in the history since I have been alive have I ever heard of him doing such a thing. My uncle tells me he has insomnia some times and last night he had a hard time getting to sleep. So he gets up about 2am and goes outside to have a smoke. He describes how suddenly all the hair on the back of his neck stands up and he slowly turns around to find the exact craft I described to him hovering over the house. As he stands there he says it slowly and silently flew of the northeast. I packed my bags and returned to college that day. My thoughts were oh my God I must be tagged somehow like a test animal and they can take me whenever they want. I know how a tagged animal must feel. Our fears can do strange things under such circumstances. My sister would never speak about this event to the day she died and none of us that experienced it together ever spoke of it again to each other. I am not one of those that will claim we are being visited by beings from another planet, galaxy, dimension, or time as some do. Most UFO sightings are misidentified common phenomena, military experimental aircraft, etc. however there are a tiny fraction that are the real thing and are solid objects which are not ours, the Russians, or Chinese, and are truly Unknowns. More is known than the average citizen knows. Personally, I wish everthing was released so colleges and universities could work on everthing openly so that perhaps major breakthroughs for the good of all mankind might be possible. But then my opinion never counted from day one. This was the ultra condensed version. I tried to look up some UFO pics to attempt to give you some idea of what I saw looked similar to so here goes. from the bottom it appeared somewhat like this in that the center was quite dark in appearance: The middle section had what appeared to me like lighted portals which in the night looked something like this pic the shell of the craft was matte metallic silver. I forgot to mention before that around the craft there appeared to be some type of field that rotated around the craft. I am not sure now after so many years if it rotated clockwise or counter-clockwise but the colored lights I had seen were from this field because brilliant reds, greens, and blues flashed within this field that surrounded the craft. If you can imagine rather than the pic with the red glow this multi-colored field it would be pretty similar.
  14. I told you how many I have seen; so why do you ask? I say this because like I say when you are standing close enough to touch something larger than a house it is not a matter of thinking you have seen something. It blows your whole concept of everything you thought you knew up to that time. It changes your whole way of thinking about what is reality, your paradigm has to shift. When people have experiences with a UFO of some type; especially close contact. People have no frame of reference to understand such a personal event. People in such highly stressed events view things through the lenses of their fears, their preconceived expectations, as well as what happens during the event so the event is colored by all these things. That is why eye witness accounts of crimes are so well known for being described so differently by different eye witnesses despite viewing the same event. I have experienced very close events but to share them here would not be appropriate as to put them in context would require far too much typing and very long posts. I once thought anyone that saw such things as either drunk or on drugs but I do neither. I would not wish upon others the things I have witnessed for if what I understand is true they will see such things soon enough. So I see little purpose in crying wolf now far as we all know those of us who have seen have no proof. If what I have seen is not true then the things I have seen are better left unsaid. Either way each person must come to their own conclusions for I doubt what I say will change any minds.
  15. They have my prayers as well.
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