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Everything posted by ska4fun

  1. If you are doing casting, it is very hard to perceive the sensibility gain. But when lifting and dropping, it's a solid advantage since you need to feel when fishes like Snooks, grab the lure by suction, to hook them. Micro guides and spinning casting gear simply aren't compatible.
  2. Micro guides for sensibility, in such cases as lifting and dropping lures. Normal guides for when casting bigger lures. Fuji had the ideia that smaller guides would improve casting distance in surf rods. So they introduced the Low-ride guides. Theory was the first guide ''taming'' the spiral, to allow the line to follow a more straightforward trajectory, with less attrition to the wind. But the taming was done at the cost of dissipating energy from the cast. The solution was a middle-ground between normal and micro guides, what Fuji dubbed '"New Concept'', like the 'O-series guides.
  3. The new braking system has a noticeable learning curve, yet when you get used to it, the reel casts very good. I cleaned the spool and side plate bearings, the casting ones, because they were greased.
  4. My low-profile BFS crew. I'm more fond of round profile BFS reels, but these tiny reels have their appeal.
  5. Its a general purpose, bfs-friendly reel.
  6. Daiwa Emeraldas LT
  7. I pass the blue line another time, inside the mono eyelet (step 3). Common alberto tends do untie when jerking/slashing topwater lures, when a big difference in diameter between lines is present.
  8. I use mostly PE0.5/0.08mm/6lb braided lines for my finesse presentations. Leaders around 8-10lb and modified alberto works like charm. Is the Crazy Alberto the same knot as the modified one, finished with the braided passing twice into the knot eyelet?
  9. Use the modified alberto knot. Maybe the braided is hurting the fluoro leader.
  10. I use 6lb braided line. It doesn't last 8 expeditions, too much sensitivity to abrasion.
  11. Usually happens when the braided line isn't tightly coiled in the spool. Avoid retrieving with loose line.
  12. No I'm not, even more so because I avoided these newer Shimano reels. And yet, these reels are covered under extended warranty without costs, being very well-known in the angling scene. Facts don't care about your feeling, sorry.
  13. May I put you in the same corner as the ''My Ford Pinto never ignited itself'' or ''My Takata airbargs work like charm''? Yet I don't see the Met 2019 and it's derivatives in your list. Where are are the Curados K and their low-quality disengaging system?? You must allert Shimano to stop fixing without cost those reels affected by the met buzz! You with these reels should send them back to Shimano for them being analyzed, since Shimano itself reduced the use of duralumin main gearing. Daiwa, Doyo, Banax, Dawon and Haibo are able to make duramulin-geared reels without any problems.
  14. Kastking Kestrel Elite BFS reel. Got it for less than $100.
  15. I don't think so. All the problems I listed were noted on US scene first, very well-known problems. What we really get is 2nd-tier post-sale support.
  16. You are barely an anecdotal evidence. I listed the problems, you seem to be unable to comment on them... Maybe if you serviced your own reels, you would understand my point.
  17. But I listed several known problems over Shimano modern gear. What could you tell me about them? If you serviced your reels, would know what I'm talking about.
  18. I use it in a custom fiberglass trout rod, with 6lb braided line.
  19. Do you service them?
  20. A longer handle is a option if you want more torque. I never used the Steez 22 CT SV.
  21. How do you explain the infamous Metanium buzz, the chronic fatigue on pre-2020 duralumin gearing? Could you tell me about the cheap AR clutch Shimano is using since the Stella 2019? The problematic Curado K and its low quality disengaging system springs? Have you ever saw a Shimano Socorro internals? A cheap reel sold as mid-range reel.
  22. The millionaire CT SV basically is the smoothest reel I ever used, one step above my Calcuttas/Conquests. Casts well and at the same time is a astonishing workhorse. If you are going for it, buy a third party BFS spool, the same one used on the Alphas CT SV.
  23. I'm usually more fond of daiwa and doyo, sometimes even banax reels, over Shimano. The way Shimano decreased the overall quality of its reels is just astonishing, even in the high-end line, like Stella series. Yet, I have more Shimano reels just because I love the calcutta/conquest series, having all of the 51-size series. I don't like the Cq BFS, since it is quality don't gets even closer to the old Conquest series.
  24. Braid with fluoro leader for lift drop jigging.
  25. I mostly abandoned spinning, only using them for rock and general saltwater fishing.
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