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Everything posted by ska4fun

  1. I did a slow-mo video of a casting, using a 3.5g plug. Didn't noticed it. I'm going to look at it again.
  2. The setup weight (mass center) must be concentrate in your hand, for any casting/spinning configuration. I saw several times a gear were the weight was concentrated beyond the rod last half. That makes lure working tiresome, even more so when continually twitching/jerking lures. People makes a mistake when equate a lightweight setup to a well-balanced one.
  3. I have the kestrel elite and I'm not having overbraking problems. I cleaned the bearings with isopropyl alcohol, since they were greased and set it in the manner daiwa call ''zero-adjust''. I casted a 2.2g lure beyond the 20m limit, using it with my centron lite.
  4. Not copy cat per se, just brought from the same source, Banax. Piscifun and Kastking have each one their own issues. KK released the Centron Lite BFS rod without doing any test in the model. The sop section is grossly loosely connected to the other one. This is GROSS! The situation is explainded by delivering reasonable performance at a very low price. Just it. PS: Doyo uses a plastic cluch system too.
  5. I didn't opeded it, but agree. Screws direct in the frame are a serious issue, since the threads will get loose after some few maintenances. A dual spring clutch is always welcome, yet, the quality of the springs is way more important than them double. See the problematic Curado K.
  6. It has affordable and very good for the price reels. Piscifun gained momentum with the cheap but astonishingly decent Phantom and Torrent reels. And now, the Carbon XCS, wich I used some two weeks ago, have an absurd quality for the price. And casts like hell.
  7. Chose a SV model, for an all-round, general purpose reel.
  8. So people is paying that much money for a transverse cam oscillation reel?
  9. Try the Zata. Even with the resin-carbon frame, it weights more than 200g.
  10. Zillion, even with SV spool, isn't a lightweight lure caster, but more of a medium-heavyweight one. The magforce Z on it has a higher spin threshold, before the inductor cup activation. The Alphas 800S will be way more efficient.
  11. Take a Zata in your hand, and came here to speak about it. It's something absurdly sturdy for a resin-based frame.
  12. Did you ever used a Zata? That carbon-resin frame is very strong, probably the stronger one I ever saw in a low-profile reel. True carbon-fiber is only found on reel's handles. The Chronarch frame, like the Casitas ones, is too much flexiblw for my taste. The zata ones is waaay stronger.
  13. I'm my surfcasting days, these superb pieces of work were one of my dream gear!!!
  14. High-quality Carbon-resin frames. Almost as good as aluminum.
  15. Quite well-known problem on the K series. Cheap springs in the thumb bar disengaging system. Really? Cura K (Krap) is well-known for it's thumb bar issues.
  16. I never seem that. I Had an Abu Garcia Revo S which had pitching and flipping specific blocks. The ones for flipping were spring-loaded.
  17. You will not be disappointed. Best value for money spinning reel.
  18. Best value for money: Ryobi Zauber 1000 series. Shares the same basic project as the Stella 2008. There is a mod here who don't like the fact, neither is able to contradict it.
  19. Isopropanol for fine cleaning over metallic stuff, like bearings. Water and detergent over other metal stuff like the worm shaft... Plastic stuff should not be cleaned with organic solvents.
  20. I can't fish without a nylon or fluoro leader. Without it, the braided line gets exposed to attrition with rocks, logs... Fishes with abrasive mouths, like snooks, simply obliterate braided lines. And they tend to get coiled in the treble hooks too. I tie them using modified Alberto knot. You pass the line two or three times inside the knot eyelet, instead of one, like in the classical knot.
  21. A casting gear focused on distance, made for spinning reels, ones with a conical cup, to improve casting distance.
  22. That's what I though when used spinning cast gear... Thanks.
  23. Used it to separate vertical fishing spinning gear and lure throwing ones. How you guys call the act of throwing a lure using spinning gear?
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