I hit up my favorite pond before work this morning. I don't usually fish finesse here. Most of my fish have come on crankbaits and spinners. But the weed beds keep getting thicker, and I've been trying to fish deeper into them under the suspicion that there are bigger bass hiding out in there.
So I tied on a 1/16 oz weighted green pumpkin Yum Dinger Texas style, and started casting to open pockets.
About my third or fourth cast I realized I had one on. She must have taken it on the fall, because I didn't feel a thing till I went to hop the bait up off the bottom. I'm glad I noticed her when I did, because she's was perilously close to getting gut hooked.
I had my drag settings pretty light, and I realized pretty quick into the fight that I had a solid fish on- she was pulling drag while swimming towards me. 😅
I've always been bad at adjusting my reel as I'm playing a fish, but I handled it like a pro and was able to set the drag a bit tighter. I'm glad I did, too, because shortly after that she made a run for it, and even after my adjustments, she still pulled a good amount. She jumped just enough to put my heart in my throat, as by this time I realized I had a new PB. I was frantic to get her out of the water. As I got her to the bank, she made one desperate run for it, but she was pretty tired out by now.
The fight felt like an eternity, but it probably took half as much time is it took to read my description. This is the biggest bass I've ever seen in person, weighing in at 4.29 lbs, and a bit under 22" long, which qualifies for Michigan's Master Angler program.
Words can't describe how pumped I am. I had no idea the bass got that big in this pond, and I have the theory that however big the fish I catch is, there's always one bigger out there.
I also owe @ol'crickety a debt of gratitude for her tips and advice on how to fish heavy weeds. Muchas gracias!
After some fruitless casting with the Dinger, I switched to a homemade crank bait and landed a couple more smaller bass.
Now I'm at work trying to survive the heatwave.
Man, it was a great morning!