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Everything posted by IcatchDinks

  1. Killing it! Wish I could still be down there with y'all. Looks like a blast!
  2. Shore: 6 or 7. It's all I do. I feel pretty confident. Kayak or canoe: never fished from one. Bass boat: never fished from a dedicated bass boat, but I've fished from a rowboat and a John boat on several occasions, but not enough to really rank myself. Neither had electronics. I always feel a little lost from a boat but usually manage to get some fish. Probably rank myself 2 or 3.
  3. Sunrise of my last day fishing in NC.
  4. Can confirm! 😂
  5. I always believe there's one bigger. I caught a 4+ lber in my home pond- the biggest fish I've ever seen in that pond, by far. But I guarantee there's a bigger one in there somewhere. And I aim to catch her.
  6. Note to self: don't creep around the woods and water ways of Maine without knowing where Katie is at all times.
  7. I spent the better part of the afternoon solo fishing a small pond in NC that @FishTaxand @Pat Brownintroduced me to. I caught three nice bass, the largest at 18.5" and the smallest at 17. Two on a single Colorado bladed spinner. The third fish absolutely CHOKED on the crankbait. I finished out the afternoon fishing with Pat Brown and his family. It was a great time, but I didn't catch anything. Right as we got back to the dock the heavens opened up, and I spent a soggy drive back to where I'm staying. 😆
  8. Beautiful fish!! I especially love that smallie! 😍
  9. @ol'crickety yeah, you'd definitely want some heavier gear on the waters you fish. And judging from your fishing reports, it lands some fish.
  10. That's what nets are for, Katie. 😂 Me, looking at my go to rod:
  11. Sunset over Lake Brandt in North Carolina
  12. Well, @Pat Brown is a great fishing guide and an excellent fishing buddy. There weren't a lot of fish biting during our night fishing trip, but Pat put me on the biggest one that was, and gave the perfect advice of how to cast and retrieve to catch him. It wasn't a monster, but fought like the Dickens. We had loads of fun. I owe a debt of gratitude to Pat and @FishTax for showing this Michigan boy how it's done the North Carolina way. Edit: fish weighted 2.6 lbs
  13. @Pat Brown, @FishTax, Jake, and myself hit up another urban pond this morning. I hooked a skinny 17 inches right away just after 5:30, and the rest of boys absolutely slaughtered them while I dipped my lure in the water and watched. 😄 I'll post mine and let the others speak for themselves. It was a heckuva fun morning, with more fishing planned for the week.
  14. @Pat Browngo to bed. We gotta go fishing in the morning. 😄
  15. I'm envious of that crawler. 🤤 I own that reel. I hate it. 😄
  16. Bait Monkey got me pretty good today. The biggest expense was a long sleeve Tshirt to fight the sun, but wanted to try some of these swimbaits everyone is talking about, Academy kept throwing stuff in front of my face and like a first year bass, I bit on every single one.
  17. I need that Old School fishing report ASAP. I love old lures and gear.
  18. Praying. I'm so sorry.
  19. Can confirm that @Pat Brown is indeed a real person. I have yet to see the Giants he posts on here, but I believe it's just a matter of time. The man is a master at working a frog. We had a blast. Thanks again for inviting me out! Nice fish, @Woody B! Your spots are always so pretty.
  20. Ooh, yeah, I remember seeing that photo. Such a fat hawg. 😂 Congrats again on the fish. What a catch!
  21. Did I miss this when you posted her? Or did I just forget? I must go find this unicorn and gaze at her beauty.
  22. That's a lotta nice fish. Glad to hear of your success and how you continue to improve! Also, a great homage to one of the premier children's authors. Maybe I'll read this to my little boy alongside the original. 😄
  23. Well, we head for North Carolina tomorrow evening, and I'll be away from my home waters for 11+ days. So I went down to the Chippewa for a few goodbye casts before I pack up all my fishing gear for the trip. Landed one very fat smallmouth who fought like the Dickens and decided to call it a day. Now I'm off to fuel up the car and pack before work tomorrow. It feels a shame to leave my home waters behind just now. The water levels are back to the perfect depth, the fish seem super active and healthy. But I will have the opportunity to fish some private ponds down south, and that should offer some new opportunities. Plus, I really love the in-laws we're going to visit. Should be fun.
  24. Same some for the rest of us, Jeremy Wade. Very nice catch!
  25. @CDMTJager this is what I do. I hate resizing photos. It's too much hassle for me.
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