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Everything posted by IcatchDinks

  1. Nice fishes, @A-Jay! I showed my wife and said "And here I was, happy with my 16incher!" Her reply: "Yeah. His name isn't 'Icatchdinks' " 😆 Always love seeing the fish you catch. Some beautiful smallies, for sure.
  2. @ol'crickety it was. She gave a couple good leaps and head shakes on the way in, too. Lots of fun. @gimruis the parents were nowhere to be seen this time around. I usually give them a wide berth. I've never had to actually tangle with a goose, but I imagine their necks make a good handle for flinging them about. That and a few well aimed kicks are my current combat strategy. 😄
  3. I always love a good photo of @Bluebasser86's tie-dye Crocs. I went to the pond this evening. It was low sixties all day and quite windy. I was afraid I wasn't gonna get a bite. Tried using a drop shot rig for a while but wasn't getting any action, so I switched over to the trusty Rebel wee-craw. I caught a lot of slimy weeds. Then a big gust of wind came up just as I went to cast and carried my lure way farther than I had intended, landing it in about a foot of water on the other side of the small pond. The water boiled as a fish struck and missed. I reeled the bait in just a little bit, and she chased it down. Fish on! Lovely, fat old girl, 16 inches long (which is a very respectable size for my small pond) and 1.84 lbs. Then I caught a dink from the same spot just to live up to my username, About a hundred fruitless casts later and I was done. A pair of Canada geese have nested in the same spot at this pond for three years running. This was the first time I've seen the nest without one of them on it. Usually they chase me away with loud hissing and spread wings.
  4. Havent had a chance to go fishing lately, and the weather has gotten pretty coldish. Really enjoy seeing everyone's fish. Keep it up, y'all.
  5. That's too bad, but I guess ya gotta throw what the fish are biting.
  6. @LrgmouthShad You gotta throw a topwater in there. The idea of going through a whole fishing season without the joy of a topwater blowup has me horrified.
  7. @ol'crickety I'm glad to see I'm not alone in my struggles with spinners and jigs. I've felt crazy when I get online and see all these other anglers killing the bass on those two baits. I tend to stay away from them for the most part. @Pat Brown summed it up for me. T-rig senko not getting bit? By gum, imma stick with it for another hour or two before I switch. 😅 Although rather than move locations too readily, I'll fish the same dang lay down for way too long. Also, I'm a far more inaccurate caster than I'd like the rest of you to know.
  8. Ever since I started wading, my "Lost Lure Ratio" has dropped dramatically. (As has my "Locating Some Other Poor Sap's Lost Lure Ratio.")
  9. Tell that to the hundreds of lures and hooks I've left impaled deep into sunken logs. 😆
  10. HECK YEAH! Super stoked to see you posting big ole beauties again. .
  11. This. I had a story similar to @Jar11591 while bank fishing my favorite pond. Hooked something on a crank bait and it TOOK OFF. I know there are catfish in the pond, and also good size carp. I'm guessing it was a carp, although the story is cooler if it was a massive cat. I've landed carp on that little 8lb mono I was using, but not this time. Sucker snapped me off about a second after hooking him. It was fun for that second though. I think probably my craziest fishing story was my first year of fishing since I picked it up again. (This would have been 2021.) It was a short fishing trip after work. I still had my work clothes on. I had walked maybe a half mile of river bank and was on my way back to the car. I fished both ways, and had caught nothing but a handful of rock bass. I was tired and sat down on the bank, my feet hanging just above the water. I had tied on a T-rigged senko and was just fishing the bend in the river very casually, not really paying attention. I was listening to the Tampa Bay Rays beat my Detroit Tigers. The part of the bank I was sitting on was deeply undercut by the river, and as I reeled my bait in and was about to lift it out of the water, a long, dark shape darted out from underneath my dangling feet. I'd never seen a pike in person before, but of course I knew what it was. I was enamored by this long, carnivorous fish. It seemed to levitate there in the water, nearly motionless, his nose not four inches from my worm. I was locked on him, he was locked on my bait... I gave it a twitch and he struck. I went to set the hook, but all I managed was to rip the worm in half and Mr. Pike was gone. Did I really expect to hook this guy on a T-Rig? Not really, but it's what I had tied on. As fast as I could, I cut off the bass bait and tied on a big jointed crank bait. I didn't know much about pike at the time, but I figure he'd be more likely to hit a big moving bait like that than a rubber worm. Plus, the lure was big enough it might protect me from getting bit off. Five casts later, I hooked him. It was a rush of a fight. I'm afraid I was too scared of losing him that I don't remember much of it. But I managed to lead him to the bank, and now I was in a pickle. The water was two feet or more below the bank I was standing on, and I had no clue how to lift him out. I didn't have a net, and I was still squeamish of getting bit. (What a coward I was.) I think I eventually just lifted him out by the line, praying the bait wouldn't come out of his mouth. Once I landed him, turns out he wasn't nearly as big as he'd looked in my adrenaline fueled state: only 25 inches. But it's still one of my most memorable catches. My heart belongs to the smallies, but boy if the pike and musky don't turn my head.
  12. I really like this idea. Seemed like a pretty great system that really limited the stress the fish would under.
  13. @Fried Lemonsthat's super cool! Must have been a sight to see. Very nice fish, too!
  14. Went fishing yesterday and caught one little guy on a drop shot rig using a little hellgrammite type bait. Fishing is still slow, but as the water temps rise, I expect the catch ratio to rise as well. I've only found one spot on the river where they'll bite. I would have fished more, but left my phone on top of my car, and when I pulled out to go to the next location it fell off and broke. I don't like catching fish I can't document, so I called it a day. (P.S. I didn't have any appropriate drop-shot weights so I made one from a snap-swivel and some split shot.)
  15. Just got my order in from engineeringhooksets.com. The guy is a YouTuber and smalltime bait-maker. I've had success with his soft plastics last year and loaded up on baits again for this year.
  16. On my favorite river, there's a good stretch that's all weed beds. You can cast just about anywhere in that stretch and get bit. Further down stream there's a long, flat sandy stretch with nothing but a couple of downed trees. Of course the bass will be up under those trees. You can cast all day, but if you're not working the lay downs, you won't catch anything.
  17. No shame in that. I'll be proud if my little guy grows up to love fishing as much as myself. You're raising the next generation right in at least one aspect. Kudos!
  18. Well, now I gotta go learn how to fish a tube.
  19. This has also been my experience. Always seems to take a few days after a big blowout for the fish to start biting again. Could be I'm just fishing them wrong, but I always struggle finding bites after an event like that.
  20. There's a little pond sandwiched between TJ Max and the freeway that I like to fish. No more than an acre in size. I've seen photographic evidence of someone else who caught a good sized largemouth out of it. I haven't caught any bass yet, but it holds hawg sized pumpkinseed, bluegill, and hybrids. There's a lot of little ponds like that all over town. I like to get on Google maps and find little hidden ponds and backwaters to fish (as long as I can be sure I'm not trespassing.)
  21. Took me way too long to figure out what "ICD" meant. Lol
  22. First two fish of the year on the board! My wife and I took our six month old to the park that's circled by the Chippewa. I threw on the waders and tied on a Ned rig. A few casts in I had hooked my first fish of the year. She was a beautiful, fat 13 incher. I know I don't look it in the picture, but I'm elated. That's my happy face: A few casts later I had the second fish of the year: a smaller and not nearly as colourful smallie: My wife was kind enough to take the pictures and watch from the bank. After breaking off my last two Ned rigs (my spring resupply is still in the mail), I called it "good enough" and my wife and I finished the evening with a stroll around the park. Finally I can talk about fish and not naps or flowers. Neither of these are giants, not even keeper size. But fish are fun and I'm living up to my username.
  23. And I third it. Super awesome, @deep I, on the other hand, am still fishless for 2024. Got a few bumps and tugs while on the river yesterday: assuming they were were little fish like chubs or bluegill or something that couldn't get the bait in their mouth. But I did see some beautiful flowers!
  24. If I could catch something the size of one of those "little guys" I would be a very happy man.
  25. Everyone at work took a break and we all used our welding helmets to look at it. Coworker got a pretty cool photo of it. https://i.postimg.cc/d0kn9pj8/signal-2024-04-08-21-28-33-938.png
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