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About IdahoLunkerHunter

  • Birthday 01/20/1982

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    Northern Idaho

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  1. I would take all advice with a grain of salt. Us fisherman are all compulsive liars! Just kidding... Not really I would have all levels of the water column baits. Top water, sub surface right under top water, 2-5 foot depth bait, 5-10 foot diving bait and a bottom bait. If you have all these you will get bit. I would definitely listen to RW. He knows what he is talking 'bout.
  2. X2. My kayak is great. I can't really fish tournaments or anything but my health is better, lost 20 lbs this summer, and I don't have any problems. The only problem I have had is one bolt fell off... replacement bolt 15 cents. HAHA
  3. Jeff, Glad you liked them! PS:I am so thankful for Glenn taking me out and allowing me to help with this video. I learned a lot and the spinnerbait is now one of my go-to's.
  4. Awesome... Great to see them getting the attention JJ's deserves!
  5. Kenny, my go-to spinnerbait selection is a 1/2 oz head custom painted chartreuse and green, large willow leaf gold blade, small colorado silver blade , 65 strand 7" white lumaflex skirt with chartreuse and pearl flashabou. I can make the skirts to order if you are interested.
  6. Water temp in the creek was 78-80 river channel was around 76-78
  7. I threw a couple rattle traps and cranks in between. No takers
  8. Able, I think I understand what you are asking. Why use a larger spinner bait than a smaller one? A larger spinner bait is a much more practical all year presentation. As Glenn said, he only downsizes after spawn. With the larger spinnerbaits you can throw these things through the thickest trees, "Crashing them through" that a smaller weighted spinnerbait would hang up in. I also find it a little easier to slow roll these baits when you are fishing deeper water and you also will ctach all sizes of bass on a 3/4 oz bait. When we were fishing the 8-12" fish wouldn't keep off them. It was getting so bad by the end of each day we were yelling at the dinks, or reeling in faster before they hooked themselves. It was pretty comical. Larger baits will attract the mid sized fish just as well as a 1/4-1/2 oz bait will.
  9. Or trying to squeeze a fart out lol. Try smiling next time!
  10. That's awesome Russ! Two Thumbs UP!
  11. I think you might be looking at the pic the wrong way. I believe he is holding the fish vertically which is no big deal on a fish that size. At least he isn't jacking the thing up vertically by the jaw. That's a whole 'nother ballgame... X2
  12. So I went out yesterday and found fishing to be very tough. I started out in a creek channel busting a spinner bait through reeds. I had one good strike but he just hit the bait and didn't close his mouth. Changed blade color twice and skirts three times nothing. Moved back a little farther in the creek to a pocket with a little deeper area with some downed trees. I thought that they would be hiding in the brush. Tied on a space monkey and started banging the brush. Had one follow but nothing. Threw back into a grass pile in about 1 foot of water and bang got a 2 lber. I thought I had found a pattern. I banged the grass line for about 30 mins and nothing else. So I wasn't seeing much action in the creek channel in water between 3-7 feet. I moved out to the main river/lake channel to the first drop off. 6-7 feet to 12 feet. Heavily weeded I threw a spinner bait for about 15 mins but just wasn't feeling it. Changed to a owner twist/space monkey and was getting nibbles from smaller fish but no luck. Moved to a deeper ledge in about 18-25 feet. Started throwing a 6 inch shakey head motor oil. Started getting nibbles. I was like finally I found something. After about 20 mins of fish nibbling on the bait I finally hooked one and it was a 8 in smallmouth. I switched over to a smaller profile craw and threw that for about 30 mins and nothing else, just nibbles. I was going to try drop shotting a 4 in stick but had to go. Any suggestions. I tried locating the thermocline but no success.
  13. Here are some quick ideas of lumaflex skirts as Glenn mentioned. I have white in bulk if there are people who want to buy them cheap. Will make them to order. I have polarflash and flashabou in some colors.
  14. I have Lumaflex in white in bulk. It's all I use and dye to specific using JJ's here are some ideas. I also use polarflash and flashabou in my skirts
  15. Well got out for a change of species for a couple hours. Was visiting the grandparents and their lake is just loaded with Pike. Cuahgt this nice one and lost one that was about 20 lbs... Couldn't do much on the kayak with the bigger one it just kept jetting in and out of brush and finally snapped the line. Was raining like a monsoon also and of course forgot the rain gear so had to buy a cheapie at the gas station. This one was a great fighter! [img width=500 height=375]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j241/caffineman29/000_0014.jpg
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