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john nowell

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About john nowell

  • Birthday 09/27/2006

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Memphis Tennessee
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lyles lake in millingtion

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  • About Me
    I'm 15 and love to fish for largemouth bass and want to learn tips about them.

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Is the Bill Dance Quantum special edition baitcaster any good? and is it worth buying?
  2. i dont want to wast my money like broken i ment to say broken
  3. i am looking to buy my first bait caster what kind of bait caster would be best for a noob to use? but i do want the bait caster to last and not brake in the first week. my price range is $80 or less can someone help me out with this please and thanks.
  4. thanks brother
  5. what kind of giveaways do they have and how do I enter?
  6. Can someone give me some tips on when is the best time to fish for largemouth bass what month and time? please I'm 15 and don't really know much about when they bite the best any tips will help thanks.?
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