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Everything posted by DRat

  1. Adjust so lure falls to ground and stops. Then practice untill you'r thumb is trained.
  2. I have four stella's. 1000,2500,4000, and 6000. I love them. There is no better spinning reel.
  3. How did you get them? I can't find them for sale on line anywhere. :'(
  4. I have two guided trips set up for this year. Both or inshore in the Keys. Does anyone know how much I am supposed to tip the guide or if I am even supposed to?? I have never done this before so I need some advise.
  5. If you want a spinning rod go with the 783 IMX. If you are casting salt and freshwater I would say the MBR784 IMX. Buy the Loomis. If you don't you will always wish you had later.
  6. Shimano and G Loomis. All I have ,All I want. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  7. I know the old style multi piece rods were no real good. The new ones (if you get a good one) are great. I have a 2 piece GLX spinning rod I carry in my trunk(in a rod tube) for just in case I find a new place day. It is just as much sensitivity as my one piece IMX rod. I love my one piece rods( when I'm in my truck or taking a boat), but 2 piece is great for the car.
  8. I have three stella's and would say"GET THE STELLA" You will be very happy with it. As far as the steez goes, it is not as goodas the stella. The steez baitcaster is fine but the spinning steez is not that great.
  9. I just got a 2 piece rod and have been told to put candle wax on the male end so it will come apart and go together without sticking. This sounds like a good idea or is there another product I should use?
  10. Man when you ask to compair between Shimano and Diawa you are opening a real can of worms. Both make great reels. You may want to expand on price range and what you will be doing with them.
  11. I am in Suwanee Georgia and am looking for someone to service my shimano reels. Help if ya can.
  12. Buy both. You can sit in your recliner, play with your rod, and surf this site. ;D ;D
  13. I don't think anyone here is saying that one should go out and buy a high end rod if they can't afford to. If how ever you can afford it by all means get one. I have been able to afford G loomis rods and have several. I also use high end reels. There is a hugh differance in high end and low end, don't fool youself into thinking other wise. I am also a better fisherman than I was 40 years ago when I started with just a cane pole.
  14. I had to get a part time job just to keep that D--N Monkey fed. :-[
  15. You should buy the best geal you can. I only buy the best. I'm worth it. If I'm not cathing fish at least I can look at my rods/ reels and say cool. If people have a problem with the stuff you like to use then they need to get over it. You are not spending their money.
  16. Go with the St Croix and zillion.
  17. Ditto ; Bass Pro, Cabelas.
  18. I ordered a Loomis Pro Blue rod a little over two weeks ago and when I called today to find out status of my order I found out that Loomis has not made a run of them yet. Apparently there is a shortage of high grade cork that handles are made from. The good thing is I was told that I get the second one made when they start production. Cool! 8-)
  19. I try no to transport rods unless I have the line wound down to the reel ( no lure ). It takes a few minuts to rig on site but it is no big deal.
  20. I dont know you price range but Gloomis escape travel rods are great. You cant tell they are not a one piece rod when using them.
  21. Use backing on your real. This acts as backing so the braid will not slip. Make sure you keep the line tight on the spool and it will not cut into itself.
  22. I use Power Pro braid and like it. Been using it now for about four years. Once you get used to it(no strech) you will injoy it. As far as brand names they will all act pretty much the same. You still have to stay within the rods recommended line rating. Rods take a lot of stress and if you go up to much in line class the rod and or the real may not take it.
  23. I see some people are still in to money *** again. I can afford high end equipment so I buy high end equipment. You do get value for your money at the upper end also. By the way for all who have money ***, ;D ;D ;D. I won't rub in that I have it if you don't rub it in that you don't.
  24. We are not ugly stick haters. We have simpily moved up to better products. I am now at the point were I only use Loomis rods. Each to his own and what he thinks he wants to use. By the way, the only time I have broken a rod it was my fault. (not the door I closed it in or the pickup bed I threw it in)
  25. If you are useing a spinning rod the line has probably become lose on the reel. I have never had a wind knot on a baitcaster.
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