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Woody B

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Everything posted by Woody B

  1. Here in NC Snakehead are considered an invasive species. I haven't seen or heard of any. There's posters at most landings, and on the NC Wildlife Resource Commission web site showing the difference between a Bowfin and Snakehead. It says if you catch a Snakehead don't release it. You're supposed to freeze it or put it on ice and call a certain phone number. This refers to "Northern" Snakehead. Is this the same species that's in Florida? I suppose they haven't made it up here in large numbers yet. A few decades ago I used to go to Florida racing every November. There was a canal around Moroso Motorsports Park (West Palm) that was full of big bass and gators. I've caught bass as big as 8 pounds in a canal that wasn't over 20 feet wide. I suppose those canals would have Snakehead now. Moroso Motorsports park was renamed Palm Beach International Raceway a while back, but I believe it's been sold to a real estate developer now, and is no longer a race track.
  2. What is the purpose? I've seen props like that on wake boats (not outboards) and always wondered. I'm just curious. I'm sure it's not needed on my 50 horse.
  3. It's only money. Fishing is FUN!!!!
  4. Get a part time job making $900 a month. Work 4 or 5 months and you'll have your $3 to $4 k for a boat. No debt needed. There's plenty of jobs now, at least here in NC.
  5. I'm with you. I don't fear death, but I do fear being messed up to the point I can't take care of myself. I don't fly but consider it a choice more than fear. When I was 6 I went flying with an Uncle in his small private plane. I wasn't sure if I like it or not. The next day he had engine problem and had to crash land. (no injuries) I decided then that I didn't "need" to fly. 9-11 reinforced that choice. When I was a kid I was really scared of lightning and storms. I used to like to play outside. My parents would have to find me and force me to come inside during a storm. They sit me down one day and told me how dangerous lightning was. The next day my best friend from kindergarten, along with his Grandfather and dog were struck and killed by lightning. I was deathly afraid of storms for many years after that. I don't really fear lightning now, but I still respect it. If I hear thunder, or see lightning on a lake I'm headed back to the landing as quick as I can.
  6. I guess the best one I've seen was when I was a kid. The old man that used to take me fishing would beat his lure on the water if it picked up a leaf, shell or something. I asked him once "doesn't that scare the fish". He said "if anything it makes them curious about the noise" A few trips after that he was beating lure on the water to shake a leaf off. He ended up jerking a 14 inch bass into the boat. It came up at hit while he was flailing it on the water.
  7. I've got a perfect record with the lottery. I've never lost......I've also never won. I figure every time they draw I win whatever a ticket cost.
  8. I normally set the hook as soon as I feel anything. What about small mouth? I only fish one lake that has a decent smallie population and don't fish it often. The reason I ask. 40ish years ago I took a kid (12 at the time) to Lake James. (the lake I fish with smallies) It was spring during the spawn. The water was clear. We could see the fish on their beds. He threw a t rig to a BIG one. She picked it up by the tail and moved it away from the bed. He was wanting to set the hook but I could see she only had it by the tail. I grabbed him, kinda in a bear hug to keep him from setting the hook. The third time he threw it out there she engulfed it. She was over 8 pounds and is on his wall. He's been hooked on bass fishing since then. I don't have enough smallmouth experience......are they slower to fully take a bait, or was this just a spawning thing? I've only been to that lake 1 time this year. I caught 3 LM and 3 SM, but none on a Texas rig.
  9. I use a small split shot if I want to turn a texas rig into a carolina rig. It might not be the way it's supposed to work but it works for me. I don't know what a bobber stop is, and I don't have any tungsten weights.
  10. Curtis sitting on his bucket eating everything he catches is quite a bit different than 240 anglers, in 120 boats with millions worth of equipment.
  11. Too many tournaments. No one will EVER convince me that carrying bass around all day in a livewell isn't detrimental.
  12. Night fishing is the only way to fish on Lake Norman this time of year. Especially on the south side. Like most lakes the action doesn't start until later. I rarely catch anything between sundown and 10PM or so. After midnight is better at least this has been my experience. I haven't been to Norman at night in 30 years though. I caught some good bass there during the day earlier this year. (I sold my boat 30 years ago, and recently bought another and started back fishing) Decades ago the shallow humps, and islands near the main river channel, or creek channels were hot spots at night. I usually launch at Little Creek Landing. I've caught a bunch at night on a shoal that's just out from Little Creek. My PB came from an island that's West of Little Creek. I love to fish topwater at night (and during the day) when conditions allow. My PB came on a Devils Horse. There's a bunch of what I call free floating docks. They have a walkway down from a dock. The floating part if positioned by this walkway. No poles. I like to cast a flatside crank bait over the dock, loop my line around the dock, stick my rod into the water and bring the crankbait under the dock. You can do the same thing with a jig or worm, but I believe the bass are usually suspended near the bottom of the dock. In my mind a flat side, or square bill running by their face has a better chance at a reaction strike than a jig or worm on or near the bottom. Thanks for the knowledge. I've never done the research. I've targeted some deep structure bass with decent luck on Lake Wylie at night recently. The lake get's really crowed during the day. I'm afraid someone might run over me if I spot lock off shore on a busy lake. Regarding the light required white light at the rear of the boat. I got a really tall mast/light, and I wear a bonnie style hat (like in the sun) to keep from ruining my night vision by "seeing" that light.
  13. Nice bass!!!
  14. I caught 6 this morning. 3 on a devils horse, and 3 on a t-rig. This particular spotted bass was 18 inches long, but only weighed 2 pounds 1 ounce. I don't think the weight is a scale malfunction. When I got home my 10 pound weight weighed 9 pounds 15 ounces on it. Lake Wylie has plenty of forage. Most of the bass I catch are fat. I wonder if this one is sick, or just thin.
  15. Icast is the bait monkey trying to separate us from our money.
  16. Yep.....IMHO fishing isn't a spectator sport. I don't think it should even be a "he man mines bigger than yours" contest. Fishing should be a family activity. Leave the contests at the pay lakes. (there, I said it)
  17. My oldest grandson went fishing with me last week. He was marveling over my DC reels. (I bought used from a co worker who tried, but hates baitcasters) I decided Monday I was going to give him one of them........then, it hit me. I can't give him one without giving my other Grandson one. So today I gave away both of my DC reels. I'll need to replace at least 1 with something. Pictures when I get something. I'll be using a 30+ year old Quantum this weekend for my 4th reel.
  18. By this time of year the dock bass have been overfished. Give the dock bass a break and try to find the ledge bass. They hang around steep drop offs like creek channels or the main river channel, then come up on the flats at night to feed. I suspect the deep bass, the ones that hang out around deep structure don't even know it's night. How deep does sunlight penetrate in the average lake? Fish them the same as during the day.
  19. Use stuff you like. I'm sure, (just like autos, but probably not quit as much) the major reel makers just assembly reels made from parts that are made by common suppliers. I don't put much thought into where my reels are made or where the parts come from.
  20. Nice gar. In the past I've had them hit stuff but I've never been able to keep one hooked. I've never targeted them, but there's longnoses in Lake Norman and Lake Wylie. (Maybe more lakes I fish)
  21. I've been catching mostly catching dinks lately. (we call them nubbin's around here) It's been a month since I caught a 5 pounder. I was pleased to catch this 3 pound 3 ouncer Sunday morning. It gently sucked in my devils horse, but fought like heck. It walked on it's tail a BUNCH trying to throw my lure back at me.
  22. I'd go with the bigger one. I bet it will still be crowded with 4 people. I should have taken a picture. I saw 5 people today in and older, smaller (fiberglass) Ranger.
  23. (I hope I don't get kicked off the forum for this) If I'm truly searching....... trolling with a berkley dredger or 2. I've got one with no hooks that I tie a 2nd to with another 15 feet of line.
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