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Woody B

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Everything posted by Woody B

  1. I considered just resting today with my rare holiday off work but went early. (I have to work 2 holidays a year. This year I worked New Years, and I'm working Labor Day) Not up to Bass Resource hammer standards, but I had a really good day for me. I caught 17 between 5:30 and 9:30. All what I call "cookie cutters", between 14 and 16 inches, with the exception of one 12 inch Spot. It was a good mix of Spots and Largemouth. It took me 1/2 hours to find them, but when I did it was on. Last weekend they were off shore, no where near the bank on humps and long points. (not super deep, just off shore) Today they were up on flats gorging on Shad. I caught one on a Devils Horse, the rest were on a DT6. All but a couple were when I was absolutely burning it. For the most part they were barely hooked in the edge of the mouth on the rear hook. I tried slowing down but they wouldn't bite. Some had the rear hook in the edge of their lip and were skin hooked by the front hook. I suppose swiping at the bait. I also caught a couple smallish Channel Cats. I shook them off at boatside instead of sliming my boat. First and last Bass are pictured.
  2. I think it, at least to some extent it depends on fishing pressure. If Bass are crushing shad 6 feet deep, but everyone is fishing with a DT6, then a DT6 might not be the best choice. Perhaps a Spro Little John 50 or a Strike King pro model 3 would work better. All are similar baits, but I suspect have subtle differences in their look and action. If I'm correct then the "specific recommend lures" might not be the best choice.
  3. In NC (and I think SC too) the fish has to be examined by a biologist. That doesn't mean it has to be killed though. A decade ago a fisherman caught a 6.95 pound Bass in Lake Norman he thought was a new Spotted Bass state record. Biologist examined the fish, including take a small clipping from a fin and determined it was a hybrid between a Largemouth Mom and Spotted Father. It wasn't allowed for the record, but reports say the fish lived out the rest of it's life in the aquarium at Bass Pro in Concord NC. If I caught a state record anything I'd turn it in, but I'd try to keep it alive. NC's state record Spot is 6 pounds 5 ounces. I believe that record is breakable. I've caught one over 5, and several over 4 pounds.
  4. Best: Coming up with a plan how to find and catch Bass before I get to the lake. Most of the time my plan works great. Worst: Changing when my plan doesn't work.
  5. The good thing about mono is it isn't expensive. If you think you need to change it, change it. I change a reel or 2 every week, rotating them. On average I'm changing line on each reel every 3 or 4 weeks.
  6. Regarding age, and learning new things. Unless there's some underlying condition a healthy 73 year old can learn things as fast, or faster than the average 22 year old. The problem with adults learning new stuff is distractions. Many of these distractions are simply "life". A Grandfather/Grandmother, who's kids have moved on will learn things quicker than a Father/Mother with a young family depending on them. Also, the Grandfather/Grandmother probably has previous knowledge to help whatever they're trying to learn. The real "sponges" for learning new stuff is teenagers before they have a job/ family/ house/ bills to pay. The average 22 year old already has many "life" distractions. Learning new stuff, is....learning new stuff. I taught guitar lessons for a couple decades. My best students were kids in their early teens that wanted to learn how to play. (no the ones who's parents wanted them to play) My next best students, believe it or not were mostly retired, but all older empty nesters. My worst students (with the exception of the kids that's parents made them come) were young to middle aged adults. They simply had too many "life" distractions to concentrate on learning something new.
  7. You are both in our continued prayers.
  8. I can't comment on line noise, but I've experimented with turning all sonar pings off. I've found non responsive Bass, that either followed my lures for a short time, or ignored them. I've left the area, turn off all pings, then came back from a different direction, and still was unable to get a bite. One thing I've learned with Active Target is I can't make a Bass bite that's not in the mood. It's also been my observation (watching the screen) that accurate casting is somewhat important, but a cast that doesn't land like a feather is useless regardless of accuracy. I experimented with this some last Winter. I had caught a few Bass from a 40 foot deep school using an Alabama Rig. I was using a roll cast, thumbing it down, while lowering my rod. This results in a very light entry, even with the big heavy rig. I made an overhead "bomb" cast, then watched the remaining school swim away. I bet that Tom (WRB) can cast one of his jigs a very long distance, and still have it land like a feather. He caught monster Bass in clear, pressured water. I read an article a while back regarding telemetry studies of Bass on a couple big lakes. "They" (whoever they are) were able to track tagged Bass in real time. They could drive over a deep school with or without their sonar on and many of the Bass would swim away. This told me that driving past to verify Bass are there can, and may run some of them off. With FFS you can see the Bass without ever driving over them.
  9. I caught 9 this morning between 5:30 and 6:30. All Spots between 15 and 18 inches. First and last are pictured. Actually I caught 8 within the first 20 minutes. I'll only catch so many from a school before I move on. I decided 8 was enough. It took me 40 minutes to catch another, then they just shut off. After that I could get plenty of follows but no bites. There's been a BUNCH of fishing pressure all Spring and Summer. 99% of the people fishing are beating the bank and fishing docks. For the last bit I've only been finding Bass off shore. I'm not talking about deep, but off shore. The closest to the bank I've caught a Bass lately (in this lake) is probably 75 yards. There not on points or even deep channel swings near the bank. The school I caught 8 from this morning were 10 to 14 feet deep on a point that runs off an underwater hump. The last one (which was also in a big school) was off a channel swing, but nowhere near the bank. The school was up the channel "bank" on the inside of the swing 15 feet deep. I'd guess they were close to 1/4 mile from the bank. Look behind me in the picture. The trees are about the same distance as the other bank that's in front of me. So I think they've moved off shore due to fishing pressure. Is this also why they quit biting when the Sun got up? I left yesterday before the Sun got up good, but I fished until 9:30 today. This is one of the rare times I didn't catch a Bass on my last cast. I usually either leave early, on a catch, or stay and "catch one more". I had baked in the Sun enough today. I accidently left my hat in my truck, and my head was hot. So, last Bass, on last cast yesterday at 6:43. (I left at the right time) Last Bass today, 3 hours before my last cast at 6:24. It's time for another night trip.
  10. I had a short trip this morning. From 5:30 until I started sweating. I caught 7 Bass. 6 cookie cutter Largemouth, 13 to 15 inches long, and one 14 inch Spot. First picture is one of the LM's. I caught it on my 4th cast. The other picture is the Spot caught on my last cast. Alex is going to like this, but catching 6 LM's made me forget how strong Spots are. It wasn't any bigger than any of the LM's but I got my landing net ready after I felt it.
  11. Lynn has trained professionals taking care of her. You've got to take care of yourself. I don't recall, is this your first time with Covid? I had it last November for the first time. Ironically Mrs B, living in the same house, and sleeping in the same bed didn't get it, or at least any symptoms. We done nothing to isolate her from me, as we had been together a bunch after I had symptoms but before my test. It took me a couple months to get my stamina/wind back. I still have a coughing fit occasionally. My Dr said the cough could last up to a year.
  12. One more rule I didn't mention. BE QUITE My youngest grandson struggles with that one sometimes. I won't accept any money from anyone. If they offer to pay I tell them to put in the plate a Church or some other worthwhile charity. I'm going fishing. It doesn't cost any more to take someone with me.
  13. I doubt you'll find any boat that's going to sit still in the wind. Having a strong enough trolling motor is the key. Your Force should be plenty for your boat. Regardless of whether you're using Spotlock or manually controlling the boat in the wind, it's going to face into the wind. The only way to make it face any other direction would be with shallow water anchors. (assuming the water wasn't too deep at that point). My trolling motor is an 82 pound Motorguide Tour Pro. It's cable steer, with GPS and spot lock. I have the precision of cable steering, with the added luxury of GPS. I can plot "trails" with mine but I've never done that. When using autopilot there's 2 types of course headings. I forget what exactly they're called, but one keeps it at the compass heading you set if for. IE, if you were heading due South that would be 180 degrees. One setting maintains the 180 degree heading but can/will allow the boat the be blown to one side or another. You'll still be heading the same direction, but you'll be moved over a little. The other setting maintains the course. If the wind were to blow the boat one way or another it would correct for that drift. I suspect your Force has similar settings. Again, the only GPS feature I normally use is Spot lock. I do everything else with my foot.
  14. Dolly likes to lick fish. She growls at Catfish. I wonder if she knows they're "Cat" fish. I don't need my forward facing sonar when she goes. I just have her scan the water.
  15. I put Dolly's (Yorkie) life jacket on her when the waters too cold for me to go in after her if she falls out. She doesn't like to go when it's super hot though. She's not going to fall out of my boat without me knowing it so she wouldn't be in the water for long. Last Summer, (or maybe Summer before last) I saw a lab swim up to the bank and was barely able to climb out. It was really tired. I figured it had fell out of a boat. I went up to the bank and got it and was riding around looking for someone who looked like they were looking for a dog. I saw a pontoon full of people going slow. It was their dog. It had fallen out without them even knowing it.
  16. I love my boat. I'm not knocking it, or any Trackers. The length is fine for me, but something wider would have been better.
  17. Be careful with threads like this. Every time I get to thinking, and post that I don't lose many fish I lose a BUNCH. So......I never get them in the boat.
  18. You got catfished!!!!
  19. I use a Tempress Pro Series casting seat for leaning, and sitting. I've got 6 inch 9 inch extensions. I use the 6 inch for sitting and the 9 for leaning. I remove the seat when I'm underway to it doesn't block my vision. I would be stiff, and sore after a couple days fishing until I figured out switching heights helped. I used the long extension (that I use for leaning) when standing so I'll have something to lean against if a wake boat wave comes by. I suspect I'd be sore if I were to forget to put the seat back on before sitting.
  20. I fish standing, sitting and leaning. If I stay in 1 position too long I get stiff. (60 year old auto mechanic) I have a recessed pedal tray. I consider a recessed tray necessary when standing. When sitting or leaning the right height seat is important. I have a fairly short seat pole, with a couple different easy to change extensions. I use a taller one for leaning, and one that's a little bit shorter when sitting.
  21. I pee off the side all the time. I am respectful in the sense that I make sure I don't flash anyone. I've dropped a deuce on an island once or twice but the lake I fish has several public restrooms as well as a few on the water restaurants. I also have several friends and relatives who live on the lake I fish most of the time. Over the years I've visited them for a restroom, as well as to take shelter from quickly approaching bad weather. Added: I'm pretty "regular" and don't normally have a sudden urge for #2. However, I'm an Eagle Scout so I'm prepared. There's always a roll in my truck as well as my boat.
  22. There's only a handful of people who occasionally go with me. None of them are drinkers, and all know how to act. If a stranger or mere acquaintance were to go fishing with me I'd specify no alcohol or drugs.
  23. Y'all will be in mine and Mrs B's prayers.
  24. Where I fish big boulders, or rock piles + other structure are Spotted Bass magnets. During cooler weather exposed ones will hold fish. When it's warmer deeper ones are where they're at. I caught my PB Spotted Bass earlier this month at at big under water boulder. (about the size of a pickup) There's a tapered rocky point that ends at a smallish creek channel. The boulder is on the other side of the creek channel. I can usually find Spotted Bass either along the point, or in the creek channel or near the boulder. I've got "catfished" there a few times too. This spot is ~50 yards from a channel swing in the main river channel. I believe there's some "magic" current going on there when the power company is running the generators. FWIW this area isn't depicted correctly on charts by Navionics or C-map. I wonder if it's on Lakemaster maps. I'm guessing not. I rarely see anyone fishing there.
  25. I have a Tracker Classic XL. I didn't know anything about modern boats when I bought it. I'm not looking to change, but had I known 3 years ago when I bought it what I know now I'd have bought the Xpress Catt listed.
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