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Woody B

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Everything posted by Woody B

  1. In my previous post I was talking about when I was a kid. Several people here influence me. I hate to name them because I'm sure I'd leave someone out. I love fishing, but have conversations with myself in my head while I'm fishing. Terms and phrases like "life zone", "learn to catch pressured fish", and "don't leave bass to find bass". Go through my mind almost every fishing trip. My boat and fishing tackle are somewhat of a mess, but one certain smallmouth slayer is an inspiration for organization. My stuff would be an even bigger mess if it weren't for this person.
  2. I'm tight, and I'm an avid do it yourselfer. I installed my own (electric) heat pump. However, you're messing with gas. There's several things that could potentially go wrong, especially with a 16-17 year old system. I'd bite the bullet and call a professional. (I don't know anything about a gas furnace) Sorry, I'm sure this isn't what you wanted to hear.
  3. I've never "followed" fishing. When I was a kid I watched Virgil Ward all the time. I've got the song from the show in my head right now.
  4. That's not many amps, or guitars. A 56 gun safe is a start. I don't have 11 amps but one of my amps is an original blackface Fender Twin. I've got way more than 11 guitars, as well as a few violins, mandolins, and an old Gibson banjo. I've also got a trumpet and a few harmonicas. I actually think I have "decent" self control with the bait monkey. I'd have to count, but I'd estimate that I have less than 10 rods and reels total. All of my tackle is in my boat. I spent most of my bait monkey allowance on live sonar, lithium batteries and such. I think @A-Jay is on the bait monkeys payroll. He isn't pushy about it.......and that's the kind of sales pitch that works on me.
  5. M/D 20-20 and Carling Black Label.
  6. The only thing that's changed is I rarely drink anymore. When I was real young I'd drink whatever I could get. I've always been a cheapskate, so since I've been old enough to buy my own it's mostly been Natty Lights and Evan Williams.
  7. Nice bass @AlabamaSpothunter. Save up, bite the bullet and get you a lithium battery. You'll kick yourself for spending money on those antique batteries. Not to mention lugging them around.
  8. I like a rib eye. The fat gives it flavor. I'm a cheapskate and it's not a very expensive cut. Still beef/other. I LOVE brisket when it's cooked right. (I don't cook it)
  9. He's the Cowboys kicker.
  10. Ours isn't....great. We get mail, and packages delivered to the wrong addresses all the time. (just USPS. UPS and Fed-EX can read the house number.) Sometimes we'll go 2 or 3 days without seeing a mail delivery. Going to the local post office is a nightmare. Whoever is working there is usually rude, and acts like I'm bothering them by being there.
  11. I don't believe anyone has mentioned Bear. It's good if it's cooked right. I've had it several times. I didn't cook it, I believe the friend who cooked it put it in a pressure cooker for a while, then cooked it in a crock pot. I had rattlesnake once. It was OK. I don't drink anymore, so I doubt I'll be eating any more rattle snake.
  12. Are DO levels pretty much consistent lake wide during the Winter? I'm talking big reservoirs, but no ice. I've heard the term "stratified" after a lake turns over, but I may not understand correctly. Low water temps (below 50?) really slow down the shad around here. It's my belief the bass can basically gorge on stunted shad until they're so full they throw up. I struggle when surface temps are under 50, especially during extended cold air temps. I'm getting better, but I still struggle. Yesterday I caught 9 in 2 hours, then fished 4 more hours without a bite.
  13. And insect repellant, that works and doesn't smell terrible.
  14. I'm pretty good a math.....not so good at typing.
  15. That's interesting. My fishing/hunting/shooting/musician, Doctor friend says to stay away from decongestants as much as possible. He says they can cause the mucus to harden and pretty much turn to gum. According to him this causes infections.
  16. My Mom loved me. I suppose she just thought I was full of crap.
  17. Without a doubt people are the most dangerous animals we're around. I didn't go today. It's 38 and raining. I like fishing in the rain, and don't mind fishing in the cold. It's the combination that kept me home today.
  18. Y'alls Moms rubbed Vick Vapor run on your chest? My Mom thought that ANY sickness was caused by constipation. My Mom gave me a dose of castor oil anytime, anything was wrong with me. Did anyone else get castor oil when you were sick?
  19. I'd go for a flying boat also. No Interstate traffic, and no crowded landings. There's one problem though. I won't fly. When I was a kid (6) a Great Uncle took me up in his small private plane. I wasn't sure I liked flying or not. The next day he had a mechanical failure and had to crash land. (no injuries) I decided that was a signal that I was supposed to stay on the ground.
  20. I think many of us my age and older (I'm 58) haven't "adjusted" for inflation. As I stated earlier I paid $22k for a new diesel dually in 1992. I graduated High School in 1982. My first year working full time (1983) I made $30K. According to an online calculator $30K in 1983 is $85K now. Inflation scares me a little. I've got several years pay in the bank, 401K and other (safe) investments. I fear that inflation will wipe out my savings. I like eggs.
  21. I've been concentrating on not letting people tick me off. It's easier to tell myself "just breathe" occasionally than going through life gritting my teeth because some worthless idiot done something.
  22. I wonder where they work or what they do for money. I don't think there's that many people with rich parents. These $100K boats, and $80K trucks are sitting in fancy subdivisions at cookie cutter houses jammed right up next to each other. These houses around here cost $350K or more. I'm sure they're higher in other parts of the country. That's too much for a house on 1/2 acre, with an identical house right next to it. So, very conservative figures say, $700 per month for boat, $1000 per month for truck, $1800 per month for mortgage. That's $42K per year in payments. On top of that you have food, utilities, insurance, taxes ect. That's not even considering the bait monkey.
  23. Cuts the hooks off all his baits because "fish have feelings too".
  24. Fish with it a few times before you cut it down. Going to the back of the boat, or adding a passenger will raise the bow quite a bit.
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