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Woody B

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Everything posted by Woody B

  1. Come on down to NC. We'll go get wet and cold together today. Regarding how to fish. Yesterday the bass I caught (including a 6 pounder) had moved from the community holes onto primary points. I doubt they'd go back off shore, but stay near their migration routes. FWIW I'm far from an expert and I REALLY struggle when water temps are under 50. Water was 52 yesterday. I was fishing Lake Wylie in both NC and SC.
  2. I've got two 10 pound weights. Both weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces on my Berkley scale. Both weight 9 pounds 15 ounces on my new scale. (it's green, googan maybe) I took one to the grocery store. It weighed 9 pounds 15 ounces on their produce scale.
  3. I go fishing when I can. If conditions are tough I still have a good time. I'm not going today in the mid 30's rain.......but I may change my mind. A bad day fishing is still a pretty good day.
  4. I put my lsmount on Friday after work. I like it. I fished in 10 to 15 mph winds yesterday (with higher gusts) and was able to keep my transducer pointed the way I wanted it. @HenryPF call LSmounts and tell them you want a kickback for the sale. I had never heard of them.
  5. So Riggs didn't get to go? Dolly wanted to go, but she just had a hair cut. She would have been too cold.
  6. This guy today would have been OK. I don't think the one last year would have been. The guy was making his way back to his boat. He somewhere around my age, and didn't panic. I suspect panic is responsible for many water deaths. He had a ladder on his boat, which I'm considering for mine. I keep a rope tied from a bow cleat to a stern cleat to use to climb in, but it would probably be difficult in cold water. He had a super nice Vexus boat.
  7. I was fishing today and heard a high speed boat suddenly cut off. It was a couple hundred yards away. I could see someone in the water so I went over quickly. The guy had a inflatable life jacket (that worked) but his boat had "coasted" 50 yards or so. He was by himself. I pulled him into my boat and took him over to his. He was cold, but said he was OK. He had a dry coat, and blanket in his boat. He said he was OK to go back to the landing but I followed him, until he got in his truck. He didn't know what happened to throw him out. It was windy today but I could cruise comfortably in my tin tub. So, my safety idea. I assume the reason boats don't have seat belts is because of the danger of trapping someone when capsized. How about seat belts with a "trigger" similar to an inflatable life jacket to release them if they're under water? The "trigger" would have to be located up high, so it would release even if someone's head was all that was under water. There are problem, like being trapped under a capsized boat after the seatbelt releases, but I think "something" to keep people in the boat could be worked out.
  8. (I hope this is allowed) I've got a couple Daiwa Tatula SV TW reels. One is 6.3 to 1 the other is 8.1 to 1. Both are scuffed a little from being in my boat. They've got pretty aggressive brakes, so I'd say they're good for someone new to bait casters. I unintentionally adjust the brakes while palming them. I'll send you which ever ratio you choose to try. If you like it you can pay me 1/2 of retail (I think retail is $199, I haven't looked). If not send it back and you'll have an idea of what you want to spend real money on. I don't usually sell stuff. It's no big deal if you don't like or want it, or even if you like it and decide to buy a new one and send mine back. You can take a couple months to decide to keep it or not.
  9. I hadn't read this thread, only the title. I caught one today that wasn't gold, but I'd say it's goldish.
  10. I made it out for 5 hours today. I caught 11 including a fat largemouth that was 6 pounds even. 20 1/8 inches long 17 1/2 girth. She's been eating good. I also lost a ~2 pounder while boat flipping it. The bill pulled out of a DT6. I caught a couple on a chatter bait (my first chatterbait bass.) a few on a DT6. The 6 pounder came on a T-rig. I also caught 1 on a Jig. It was really windy today. Temp was around 50 but I was cold. Water temp is up to 52.
  11. Was the electronics installed at the factory or at the dealer? If they were factory installed I suspect you'll have a hard time getting any "real" credit for them. If the dealer installed them make them a low offer for the boat without them. All they can do is say no. Can you order a boat without the stuff? Offer them that price. Play hardball with them. You don't need to yell, or be rude, but tell them if they want to sell you a boat "this is what's going to happen".
  12. Super nice Bass. Have you checked your scale? I've got Berkley scale. A 10 pound weight weighs 8 pounds 14 ounces on it. You might have caught your DD.
  13. I saw a similar situation last Summer. This guy was going to load his boat. He was standing on the dock holding the rope. His wife/girlfriend was trying to back the trailer down the ramp, but was having trouble. He was yelling all kids of bad stuff and bad language toward her. Mrs. B was with me. I tied my boat to the other side of the dock, then Mrs B and myself walked up to the drivers door. I coached her through backing the trailer down the ramp. She was proud of herself after she got the trailer in the water. "Ken" never said another word. I wouldn't have done that had Mrs B not been with me. Way to many problems can come from helping a woman who has a man with her.
  14. I've never had much of a problem on the lakes. I witnessed a Hooligan......or just a kid being a kid that was really funny. I was fishing a ways up a no wake cove. There was a kid having a ball on a jet ski flitting around doing doughnuts, making waves, then jumping them. He lived in that cove. His Dad (I presume) came outside and saw him. The kid went back to his dock. The Dad yelled "if you can ride that thing you can ride the lawn mower" (with some added profanity) The kid put the jet ski up and got the mower out. Maybe I was a crank one day. I was skipping docks and a guy cut right in front of me 50 feet or less away at the next dock. I didn't say anything at first. He was burning a spinnerbait, but couldn't cast very well so he wasn't getting very close to the dock. I caught a 4 pounder right behind him. I held it up and yelled "Hey **** head, you forgot this". I work with the public. I could tell Karen stories for days......... I even have a couple Karen, and Ken co workers.
  15. There was a cryotherapy place near me for a while. It was a super cold chamber, but not wet. It's no longer there. I guess not enough people were interested. I would have considered trying it, but their hours were basically the same as my work hours.
  16. Looks great!!! Enjoy.
  17. Sitting in a cold tub for health reasons is one thing. I saw 2 people water skiing last Sunday. Water temp was 49 degrees, air temp was low 50's.
  18. The 75 is quite a bit heavier than the 60. It's the choice I would have made.
  19. Even though I fish other lures more I expect my biggest bass of 2023 to come on either a Devils Horse, or a Texas rig. In 2022 I caught 10 over 5 pounds. The biggest (7 lbs 13 ounces) came on a texas rigged motoroil worm that I threw where something had just rolled on my Devils Horse. Mrs B's biggest of 2022 came the same way, the same day.
  20. 10.375 dia, 14 pitch. Stainless with cupping. 35mph with the stock aluminum 10.375 X14 before I damaged it.
  21. That's what I do for Mrs B. FWIW my 16'8"(that I call 17 foot) Tracker's storage length is 20'1" with the outboard trimmed down, and the tongue folded per Trackers web site. It isn't any, or much wider than my truck. It would fit width wise, but it's too long.
  22. My Son in law is an avid striped bass fisherman. He has the same Lowrance unit I have. He said it was Stripers. I can't believe at least 1 didn't want.....my tackle box. He uses some type of live bait fishing for them, but I've accidently caught a few bass fishing before including a 21 pounder on a spinner bait. He said people use A-rigs for them all the time.
  23. Get the electrician to fix whatever is wrong, as well as install all grounded outlets.
  24. Your Ranger is 14 inches longer, and 15 inches wider than my Tracker. It's probably several hundred pounds heavier too. Best GPS speed on mine was 39.1 mph when it was dead calm. I can get 37.5 after going to lithium. Like I said earlier, I cruise at 4500 rpm. I'm not in a hurry.
  25. I'm going to guess a little over 100. I fished every weekend except for Christmas, most for 2 days. I also made a few night fishing trips after work. I get 3 weeks vacation, and fished most of those days. It's early in 2023. I'll see if I can add up how many days I've already fished this year and keep track rest of the year.
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