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Woody B

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Everything posted by Woody B

  1. Where did you buy it? I got some from the big company named after the big river last year that was junk. I've been buying line from a local tackle shop since then and it's all been good. (including a bunch of XL)
  2. I tried that but I got a headache, then had to find a restroom really quick.
  3. I occasionally use an infrared thermometer to check the temperature of fish I catch. If you know what depth you caught them at you'll know the temperature at that depth.
  4. FWIW I caught my A-rig bass in December and January.
  5. Good job. When you take kids fishing they're supposed to catch more and bigger fish that you do. In a few decades maybe they'll be taking kids fishing letting them catch more.
  6. I plopped down $40+ on a Shimano Armajoint. It's 7 1/2" inches long. I've caught one 10 inch spotted bass on it. I don't throw in much but try to a few times each trip. I haven't given up on it. If I finally give up on it I'm going to send it to @AlabamaSpothunter He has good results with huge baits. I laughed every time I cast an Alabama Rig for a while. I actually caught quite a few decent bass with one last Winter. I couldn't catch anything on a Chatterbait or a Jackhammer. Bass line up to get in my boat for a Seibert Bladed Jig. I don't know what difference the bass see.
  7. IIRC that's a reel with centrifugal brakes. They're probably all off. Remove the side cover and look at them. If they're locked toward the inside they're off. Since your having trouble turn all of them on.....pull them out. Turn them off as needed.
  8. We always get our dogs "fixed". Years ago we had a Beagle that was going to get fixed. My youngest Grandson was petting her. Mrs. B said "we going to get her fixed tomorrow". My Grandson looked at her and said "is she broke?" My Daughter explained that the dog was having surgery so she couldn't have any more babies "like Mommie had last year". My oldest Grandson starting says "Mama's been fixed like a dog". ? Here's a picture of Katie (rip) the dog that was getting "fixed" then.
  9. A couple nice Crappie and a Yellow Perch today while bass fishing. The biggest Crappie was 13 inches.
  10. Last trip for May. I got a rare holiday off. I caught 11 Bass, 2 Crappie and a Yellow Perch. (Crappie and Perch pictures in other species thread) I caught a nice Spot on my 3rd or 4th cast at 5:40. I caught 3 before 6. The biggest was a 18 Inch spot. I also caught a 17 inch Largemouth. The weather has been "funny". Water temp is down 4 degrees from last week, and 5 degrees from week before last. (69 degrees now) A few of them had beat up tails. I suppose these are the late spawners. Most were on a Seibert Bladed Jig, a few on Cranks. One on a Evergreen 105 and one on a Texas rig.
  11. I went out in the mid 50's pouring rain today for 3 1/2 hours. I pretty much had the lake to myself with the exception of 2 jet skis, 2 law enforcement boats and one boat from the local fire department. I'm guessing the LEO's and Firemen were scheduled to work this holiday weekend. I suppose the jet skiers were just crazy like me. I caught 17. The "big" ones were only 17" and 18" but there were only 2 under 14". Most were on a bladed jig on channel swing banks.
  12. Decades ago someone told me holding them vertically by the lower lip makes them dizzy. I've asked a few by they didn't answer. Bass, (or any fish) thrashing around can't be healthy. If you horse a bass in quickly it will show off more in the boat. I let them get tired before I attempt landing them. Especially little ones I could just snatch in. So what if a little one get's away occasionally. I suspect their survival rate is better.
  13. Are you wearing a tennis elbow brace? They're available everywhere. Put the brace on and leave it on 24-7 for a couple months. In addition to the magnesium @Hammer 4 mentioned also take some CoQ10. According to my hunting/fishing musician friend who's a Dr it accelerates healing. Like @throttleplate I'm a mechanic. At some point I've pretty much strained everything that can be strained. So far I've avoided any surgeries. I'm curious about PPP injections too. I've got a shoulder that's problematic at times. Thankfully it's no where bad enough to consider surgery, but it would be nice for it to be pain free.
  14. I'm good, I'm just full of crap. LOL Nice fish everyone.
  15. Thanks for all the replies. I assumed the tip guides were wrapped like the others. I got a kit at Academy and replace them. The guide failures I had last year were probably rod locker induced. I was keeping 2 per tube and bending the guides putting them in, and removing them. One came loose from the rod, the insert fell out of the other. Both broke during hooksets while using braid. I don't use the rod tip to poke snags. I broke a rod once doing that. I rarely reel the lure all the way to the tip. Occasionally while night fishing is the only time it happens. What amazes me is, whatever I'm doing wrong the $89 Lews rod is the oldest one I use, and also the one I use the most. All the guides will probably fail on it since I'm typing this. LOL Thanks again or all the help.
  16. I occasionally catch a White Perch. White Perch are actually a Bass species, related to White Bass and Stripers. I caught 6 today, but I'm don't think this one is a White Perch. I believe it's a small Wiper, Bodie, Hybrid bass. The other White Perch don't have stripes.
  17. 3+8= 11lbs. Technically that is a DD. I've got some kind of stomach bug today. I managed to catch 4 in between finding places to take a dump. 3 dink Spots and one barely not a dink Largemouth.
  18. I used a sick day today. ( 4 day weekend!!!!!) I fished from 6 until 12. I caught 15. I got "caught" too. My oldest Grandson sent me a text asking if I laid out of work today. Then he sent me a picture he took from the construction site he was working at. I didn't know they were working at the lake. The other picture is one of four 3 pounders.
  19. I don't know why but I can't wear flip flops. By my 3rd or 4th step one of them will be hitting me in the face. I simply walk out of them. I wear either Sketchers or New Balance running shoes most of the time. I "need" good arch support. I'll go bare footed in the boat, but I sit and lean quite a bit then.
  20. Last Winter my PB spotted bass(4 lb, 15 oz) got herself tangled in a falling down dock. I was using a Seibert Jig....... super sharp single hook bait. I got a good hookset so I wasn't worried about a big one coming off. I took my boat to the other side of the dock and "led" her out. When she saw the boat she went crazy, but I was far enough away from the dock to be OK by then. I'll have a BUNCH of BIG bass come unhooked for saying this, but most of the bass I have come unhooked are small. A good hookset just jerks them through the water. A big bass has enough resistance, due to it's mass/weight to allow the hook to sink deeply. Treble hook baits are an entirely different story. Many times bass are skin hooked with them. Sometimes I believe they're just going to come off, especially if you hoss them. I don't use a scale to set my drag. However, I do leave it fairly loose. I thumb my reel on hooksets, and anytime I need to pull a little harder. I usually fish with 12 or 14 pound mono. Good undamaged line, with a good knot is amazingly strong. Added: I'm not an expert, and I'm not intending to act like one. I rarely lose a bass that's over 3 pounds. I can't remember that last time a fish broke my line. Obviously in really heavy cover results, and probably the tackle I use would be different.
  21. I've got a tub of grease that's made just for hitches. I don't know what's special about it, except it's not supposed to attract dirt/grit like "regular" grease might. I bought it ~40 years ago when I was racing, and towing all over the Eastern US. I think it came from Camping World. I think some kind of lubricant on a trailer ball is a good idea. This is all I've ever used, and I've never had any trouble.
  22. I don't know where this originally came from, but I think about it every time I see a snake while I'm fishing.
  23. I don't want to be in anyone's shoes but there's a bunch of people I'd like to either take fishing, or go fishing with. I won't list them because I'm sure I'd leave someone out.
  24. My Dad's neighbor got 8 "Sterile" Carp for his 1/2 acre weed infested pond. Except for the carp there's nothing in there except Bluegill. I'm interested in seeing what the Carp do for the pond, and if they somehow multiply. There's a lake in Eastern NC that pretty much got overran with Carp. NC Wildlife stocked Bluegill. They're suppose to eat Carp eggs. I can't remember the name of the lake, but will try to look it up later.
  25. I work too much so I normally only get to fish weekends. I'll pretty much go every Saturday and Sunday. During the Summer I go early. I'm able to fish 4 to 6 hours before the lake gets crowded. Every now an then I'll go after work but I don't get to fish long, due to work the next day.
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