I suppose I'm old and tired......and I work too much. I'm 59, I normally work 45 to 50 hours a week. Since I was a kid I've always loved fishing. I bought my first boat 43 years ago when I was 16. I entered one tournament 41 years ago. I hadn't planned to enter. I didn't even know about it. I showed up at the ramp and someone asked me if I wanted to enter. I knew the lake well, and usually had a decent catch there. I entered, won, with 20 pounds, compared to 2nd place 11 pounds, but I didn't enjoy it. Instead of just having fun fishing I was very focused on a bunch of big bass. I decided then that was my first, and last tournament. It wasn't relaxing. Over the next 10 years I got the opportunity to fish less and less due to "life". I was working a public job, also running my own business and raising a family. I sold my boat in 1992 and didn't wet a single hook until December 2021.
I've fished at least once a week with the exception of Christmas week every since then. I normally only get to go on weekends except when I take vacation time from work. I have other things I have to do on weekends so I usually only go for 3 to 5 hours. I would be happy fishing for 12 hours straight, but simply have obligations.
I enjoy fishing alone, but I'd take any of you fishing with me anytime you want to.