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Woody B

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Everything posted by Woody B

  1. After last Saturday and Sundays skunking I started junk fishing today. I caught five 12 inchish Spots skipping docks with a wacky. That was enough to get the skunk out so I decided to chase real Bass. In addition to the 5 micro Bass I caught a 3 1/2 (3.48) pound Spot and a 5.64 pound Largemouth. The Spot was the strongest Spot I've ever caught. I thought it was a big Cat for a while. It wasn't fast (and spastic) like most Spots, it was just strong. It slowly went around the front of the boat, taking line going toward deeper water. It didn't take very long to tire it, but I was surprised it was a Spot and it was only 3 1/2 pounds. I knew pretty quickly the Largemouth was a decent Largemouth. When I set the hook it headed for the sky. It walked on it's tail for a bit, then headed around the boat toward a boat house. I got it turned before getting to the boathouse. By the way it acted and it's strength I figured it was at least 6 pounds. Largemouth turn into beasts when they get over 6 pounds. TnRiver will be mad at me. Both "real" Bass came on a (gasp) spinnerbait. According to the weather app on my phone the wind was 15 mph with gust up to 30. The lake was white capping. I decided to call it a day after the Largemouth.
  2. Mine started rotating. These were cell phone photos. I email photos from my cell to my laptop and was letting my phone resize them before sending the email. When I started sending them photos full size instead of resizing when sending they quit rotating. I resize them on my lap top now, and there's no rotating.
  3. This may be how y'all do it, but to instruct someone who's new at backing a trailer have them put one hand at the bottom of the steering wheel. Move that hand the direction they want the trailer to go. This accelerates the learning curve for most new backers.
  4. Start out skipping a weightless wacky. IMHO that's the easiest lure to skip. It also won't hurt anything you happen to hit. The exact specs of the rod you need will vary from person to person, and perhaps from boat to boat. IE a taller person, or someone in a higher boat will probably need a longer rod. I would try a bunch of different rods to determine what length "you" need before spending any money on special skipping rod. I'm not saying don't get one, just determine what length you need before shelling out the bucks. I've used several reels. I currently use a Shimano SLX but had good luck with SV Daiwa's too. With the Shimano when just doing normal casting I only have 1 centrifugal brake clicked on, but have the dial pretty high. When I decided to skip I pop the side cover off and click the rest of the brakes on. I still have to use my thumb near the end of the cast/skip. With the SV Daiwa for normal casting I'd usually have the brakes set around 6. I'd turn them up all the way (20?) for skipping. This was pretty much impossible to backlash. A couple years ago I was "trying" to get a wacky under a dock on Lake Norman. An old friend who happens to be a Bass fishing professional recognized me and came over to say hi. He gave me some advice that helped a BUNCH. The biggest thing I was doing wrong was trying to get some distance before starting the "skip". I was trying to get some distance first, then start the skip near whatever I was trying to skip under. He advised me to start the skip really close to the boat. That works for me. My first "skip" will be within a yard of the boat. The lure will skip several times before getting to the target. Start in open water, and just practice. You'll figure out what rod angle you need. I have the tip pretty close to the water and just "sling the devil out of it". You not looking for one of two skips/hops. You're looking for a BUNCH. In some situations you may want to achieve as many as 10 skips, for 50 feet or more. The angle that works for you, combined with your height, and whatever you're fishing from will determine what length rod you need. I use a 6'8" Med/moderate rod. A rod that's a little quicker would probably be best for just skipping, but I use if for casting light stuff too. Again, IMHO a wacky is the easiest thing to skip. Start with that. I skip jigs, shaky heads, and lipless cranks occasionally but save those until you gain confidence with a weightless wacky.
  5. Thanks for all the responses. I occasionally hook a longnose Gar but I've never gotten on to the boat. A friend of mine says you have to let them eat on a lure for a while to get it deep enough for a good hook hold. No thanks, I'm setting the hook when I get a bite, not later. I've planned on shaking them off next to the boat, but they throw my lure back at me before I get to that point. I've caught a few Bowfin, aren't they a Gars cousin? I'd hate to get bit by either one. 2 places, laydowns next to a rocky point, and a stumpy flat where I've regularly caught Bass became bassless after Beaver showed up. I've been struggling with the muddy, cold water so the Beaver probably have nothing to do with it.
  6. Every time my daughter and her husband go out of town I ask my Grandsons if they want me to bring my guitar and play music for "the party". They keep saying no.
  7. I've got a Tactacam Fish-i, It's not that great. The image quality is fair. You control it with a smart phone interface and the app is terrible. The Android app is unusable. The I-phone app is glitchy. Many times I thought I was recording but it had stopped. I was going to get a go pro but heard about all the overheating issues. I haven't even attempted to use the camera in months.
  8. It's not OK to lie, but I suppose it's OK to pretend. I'm going to pretend I didn't go fishing yesterday or today. That doesn't smell as bad as the Skunk I caught.
  9. Sorry for your loss. You'll be in mine and Mrs B's prayers.
  10. My Grandfather used to say there's no such thing as a dumb question, just dumb people. (The dumb people are the ones who don't ask questions) 1st, school me on Bass and birds. I see birds mentioned a bunch when locating Bass. What species of birds are we looking for? I know Velociraptors(Herron) and Osprey will usually be near bait fish, near the bank. I've also learned that the topwater bite is basically non existent when they're around. I've always assumed (and I know what assume is an acronym for) that the presence of ducks and geese have nothing to do with finding Bass. Am I right? What about Sea Gulls? I (think I) vaguely remember Gulls crushing Shad from above, while White Bass are in a frenzy below. Does inactive Gulls just floating around mean anything? Any other species of birds to look for? 2nd, Shell beds. I catch a bunch of Bass around shell beds. I've never targets shell beds to find Bass, I've always been fishing there for some other reason. What time of year should I be targeting shell beds? 3rd, Beavers, Musk Rats ect. What effect do these animals have on Bass? An area where I've ALWAYS caught Bass has......tuned cold for the last couple months. Yesterday I saw a HUGE Beaver swimming around there. Is this just a coincidence or does the Beaver have something to do with the Bass being gone? Do any of you see other animals, or certain animals and go find somewhere else to fish? 4th, other fish. I'm not really worried about this one, at least in the waters I fish. I've heard many people say you won't find Bass around Gar because the Gar eat everything. (Speaking of Long nose Gar locally) I've caught Bass, and hooked Gar on back to back casts. I've also caught Bass and huge Catfish close together. Is it rare to fish Bass near other big predators. Perhaps this is the case with bigger, more toothy predators like Musky ect.
  11. Tracker Classic XL, 16 feet 8 inches Mod V. Motorguide Tour Pro 24 volt, 82 lb trolling motor. I have 2 Ionic 12 volt 50 amp hour batteries. These will equal one 24 volt 50 amp hour. I have never ran them below 50% in a single day fishing and this would be a long day with a bunch of wind. I fish 2 or 3 days on a charge sometimes.
  12. Yep, time on the water is important. I think being a kid helps though. They are able to delve 100% into something. Once your grown a certain amount of brain space, and "bandwidth" is taken up by "adult stuff". A kid can be 100% into the moment. For me (and many others I suspect) fishing is an escape. Even when we're escaping a certain part of our minds are still on the electrical problem I have to diagnose Monday, whatever bills are due or any other number of adult problems.
  13. Opposite of the OP my range is lacking. My boat isn't super fast but it's fast enough. The problem is, normally I make a plan, and stick to it, even if it's not working. Mike Tyson said "everyone has a plan until someone punches them in the mouth". Too many times I just stand there like some of prize fighter taking punishment I don't even know I'm taking. I need to expand my range into knowing when, and how to adapt.
  14. There y'all go bringing back memories. My parents occasionally went out of town when I was a teenager. I didn't dare have a party at their house, or even have any friends over. However, I was hot during the Summer, and cold during the Winter. When they'd leave the first thing I'd do was adjust the thermostat. Glenn, it's cold so I just cranked the thermostat up to 80.
  15. Per NC law. "Any person born on or after January 1, 1988 must complete a NASBLA approved boating education course before operating any vessel propelled by a motor of 10 HP or greater." I'm way older than that but took a course just to see what it involved. The course.....wasn't very informative.
  16. "Someone that I know" used a personal day today and went fishing instead of going to work. I don't know what I......... I mean "they" were thinking. They used a ramp near the dam. The water was terrible with all kinds of stuff floating. "They" decided to go up the lake and try to find some cleaner water. It took forever to get above the debris and chocolate milk water. I still managed to hit a submerged log in the middle of a "mine field" but I was only going 10 mph. It pretty much stopped the boat. Everything looked OK so I continued up river. I finally found cleaner, clearer water, a few miles up stream of the landing I normally use. The current was strong, as they're moving a bunch of water. I caught 4 small Spots on channel swings, the finally a 17 1/2 inch long Largemouth in a current break off to the side of the main channel. It, or something rolled on a buzz bait. I followed with a wacky and caught it. I decided to stop then, and make my long slow trip back to the landing. My lower, and transom are OK. It amazed me how hard the hit was only going 10 mph. I was paying attention but the log must have been barely submerged. Water was 30 feet deep there. It wasn't something on the bottom. Just a reminder to everyone (including myself) to be careful. Winter time Largemouth around here are usually pale. This one had red lips though. Spot want be as pale, but some don't have their full Summertime colors this time of year.
  17. I saw a video earlier. Since it was practice I'm not sure BASS could have called it off due to fog. In the end, regardless of promotors or sanctioning organizations we are each responsible for our own actions. I was on Lake Wylie last year in terrible fog. There was a fairly big tournament going on that day. (CATT bass tournaments). I was fishing up a creek channel a few hundred yards away when they had their blast off. The horn sounded and ALL of the fast boat people just idled off. They were also occasionally sounding their horns. I was pleased, and surprised.
  18. First a disclaimer, My "big" fish are minnows compared to many I see caught around here. For me it's not so much that "I fish for big fish"......I just don't fish for tiny fish. Most of the lakes I fish have areas full of 8 to 10 inch Spots. While it is cool to catch 15 in 20 casts sometimes sore lipping juvenile Bass get's old. The last time I skunked I considered going and targeting an 8 inch spot but I didn't. The last time I went fishing I was struggling with the muddy water. I went to a bridge where there's always tiny spots and caught one. I didn't even take a picture. It still felt like a skunk to me. Laws vary........and don't really matter since I don't keep any fish, but 14" is the minimum most places around here. I want 14 inchers and larger.
  19. I only fish lakes with a decent Smallmouth population once or twice a year so I don't have a list for them. I usually managed to run into a few using the same lures I target Largemouth with. So, 5, in no particular order. Devils Horse Shaky Head Wacky Bladed Jig Flatside Crankbait I realize shaky head and wacky are kinda broad descriptions as I might put any number of things on them. The Bait Monkey said that was OK. It's hard to leave a Texas Rig off, but in the past year or so I believe I can catch most of the T-rig Bass on a Shaky head, but some of the shaky head Bass won't look at a T-rig.
  20. Some locations catching a Bass every month isn't going to happen. I caught a Bass every week of 2022, but didn't in 2023. I've already sit out a week this year too. I didn't catch as many Bass this January as I would have hoped to, but I'm pleased with the size of the ones I've caught. My numbers are miniscule compared to many around here. My big ones are minnows compared to many around here. I'm still thrilled with myself, and also with everyone elses catches. To anyone who didn't catch a January Bass, hang in there. February is a new month. (and yes, in keeping with my previous post in this thread I'll be nervous until I get the February skunk out of my boat)
  21. Congratulations!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!
  22. I probably work a bunch of stuff wrong. For some reason this incident, and the technique that morphed from it came to mind. I was "trying" to cast a shad rap between a dock and pontoon, a space of a foot or less in the wind. I don't know if the Bass could "see" what was happening, but for 3 casts the wind got it and I ended up thumbing the reel and jerking the lure back to stay off the dock and boat. It landed at the end of the dock all 3 times. The 3rd time it landed a 3 pound Spot clobbered it. This was before I had live/ffs so I didn't "see" the Bass. The technique that morphed from that? I could see fish that I believed to be Bass under docks, and near other cover but couldn't get them to respond to anything. They wouldn't respond to a buzz bait either, but I finally found out if I "buzzed" them a couple times they'd hit a wacky, shaky head or a few other baits after the buzz bait. Now if I see docile fish on sonar I'll buzz them a few times with a buzz bait, then follow with something else. Sometimes it works.
  23. Cornfield Fishing makes a "live sweep" mount for a Terrova. I considered it when I had a Terrova but ended up changing trolling motors and going with a different motorized, trolling motor mounted pole. https://cornfieldfishinggear.com/product/live-sweep-terrova/
  24. Since fireworks have been mentioned......(I shouldn't tell this, but it was fun). I had been to a local race with my motorhome and racecar/trailer. It rained the race out so I went home. Some friends of mine were hanging around in a parking lot in the small town I lived near. I stopped. They were having some "beverages". Someone else showed up with some roman candles. After a few "beverages" we got my pit bike (a Honda Spree) out of my trailer. We took turns wearing my fire resistant racing suit, and helmet, riding back and forth on the bike, while the others would shoot roman candles at the rider. We all ended up sleeping in my motorhome that night, as we were in no shape to drive.
  25. I don't think tournaments and really big bass.....go together. I suppose it depends somewhat on the waters fished, but the tournament anglers I know around here mostly start out the day trying to catch 5 keepers. (14" here) Then, after getting a limit they start searching for, targeting bigger bass. I'm not going to fish 8 hours straight so I usually start out targeting bigger Bass.
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