Just to throw some more love to the round reels, mine are Abu Garcia: I have a Royal 1 push button (4501?) and a 4601 C4 that I cleaned, oiled/greased, added ceramic hybrid spool bearings and carbontex drag washers. On 6' ML rods with 10lb braid to 6lb flouro leader will throw 1/8 with no issues. I also have Morrum 1601C and 3601C that I cleaned, oiled/greased, added micro ceramic hybrid spool bearings and carbontex drag washers. On 6' L (1601) / ML (3601) rods with 8lb braid to 4lb flouro leader will throw 1/16 with no issues. I couldn't find the micro ceramic hybrid spool bearings for the 4501/4601. I still have a few 4601 C3s to clean up.
I have a Kastking Zephyr BFS setup (6' UL rod and reel) and a Piscifun Phantom that I added the Phantom shallow spool on a 6' L rod. I cleaned, oiled/greased, added micro ceramic hybrid spool bearings and carbontex drag washers to both. I really like both of those and can throw down to 1/32 with no issues. To be honest I like the Phantom on the light rod v the Zephyr on the UL rod.
Ultimately though, I personally seem to enjoy fishing with the round reels more. Call it nostalgia or whatever, it makes me smile. I hope this helps answer your original post.