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Everything posted by oliverG

  1. Funny I actually have that rod and its extremely light, great quality and would have bought more EXCEPT! the running and tip guides are so small, size 6 I think, which can be a bit of an issue when you are using 40lb leader even with a super stealth braid to leader knot. Sometimes you do need to reel that knot through the guides and its an issue. I also have an Omen Black OB3S71MH and it also has the micro guides and its a tad lighter on power than I would like for a 4000 but I like it a lot so saving for a 3000 Vanford while i search out a replacement. ALSO, the hook keeper is in the split grip which is an odd choice but not a dealbreaker... just odd.
  2. I saw Kistler for the first time at ICAST and the rods are super impressive. I've been building rods for many years and they seem to be very well designed. My only wish is they made a spinning rod suitable for use in saltwater with a 4000 series reel, but none of the great bass rod companies seem to do this. I fish lures all day long in the mangroves of the everglades and 75% of the time a 3000 series rod and reel is a recipe for disaster on even a medium sized snook or goliath grouper. Anybody know a comparable company making spinning rods this nice in HVY or even MEDHVY+ that would be this nice and this light? I guess the G Loomis E6X is ok and some of the st croix avids are also decent. But these BASS rods have the artificial user in mind which I love. Thanks
  3. Learning so much reading this forum and I did search for this first so sorry if i missed a post. I am curious about the reasoning behind the o-rings on wacky/neko rigs and the neccessity of using a tool for rigging them on. Why does the o-ring make it last longer? less tearing of the bait i assume? would you still need the o-ring on a Z-Man worm since they are so squishy? Ordering all the stuff soon but is the VMC tool the best one? If you were to have only one rigging tool which is going to be most versatile across multiple worm brands/sizes? or do i need multiple to really do this properly in varying conditions? I just stuck a hook in my first wacky worm attempt and it worked fine, caught several fish with it and still have the whole thing - but it was a zman... and fish were admittedly very small. ALSO, off topic but how do i add a signature to my posts? assuming i need more posts to earn this feature?
  4. Hello everyone, I am new. Been a saltwater guy all my life and now I am trying to learn about bass fishing. I live in S Florida and have a small skiff so really the only missing ingredient is the know-how (which is a big problem). I will probably be posting some very dumb questions soon, but will do my research first. There is just so much to this I hardly know where to begin. In addition to living near a ton of great freshwater, I also recently developed a product i use a lot in saltwater fishing for snook, redfish, etc. and i think bass fisherman will like it too - but i need to know what bass fishing really is in order to speak intelligently. I wont promote that here as its not the place. Just saying hello and hoping you guys can, without giving up the secret spots, help me find my way moving forward. I do seem to be able to catch plenty of snakeheads on my trusty z-man hardleg frog, but the bass are few and far between - and then usually peacock bass. but south florida is like that. here's to the journey! -Oliver
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