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Everything posted by Tatulatard

  1. I have those 2 piscifun reels. Out of those two the alloy m is better for frogs with an aluminum frame. The carbon xcs is made from carbon dust mixed with plastic and will flex under load making less powerful when winching in a fish. The allow m is $90 on amazon and at that price I would rather have a lews lfs of just for peice of mind since it is a know quantity.
  2. I can only imagine Sent via Tapa Talk from my Samsung Smart Fridge
  3. It encompasses light and medium light as well. When referencing bass rods they are often significantly more powerful than you would assume for a L powered rod. Line is that 7 to 10 lb flouro that you typically wouldn't want to throw on a spinning reel. Baits range from 1/8 oz jigs to smaller version of neko rigs and weightless worms. At the time this spilled out into western bass fishing circles in 2010ish things like neko rigs were unheard of. That's usually how these things go. They start in Japan and then enthusiast circles start using them and then they spill out into the mainstream. I remember reading about guys buying some paddle tail from Japan called a "keitech" like 10 plus years ago and now they are on tacklewarehouse. We are at that point now with BFS with a number of USDM rods available on tacklewarehouse. Once it goes to normiewarehouse it's mainstream at that point. There is also a subset, that is actually older, of using casting gear on little trout wands to throw true UL baits. These stream rods are much shorter and softer for targeting trout with little micro baits you wouldn't typically throw for bass.
  4. The culprit was the the near 90° bend in the bail wire that would catch braid and hang up. I had one of these that would do the exact same thing.
  5. You want the ray's studio "long cast" for tatula ct/100 with no porting for extra strength. These use an sv brake but with a stiffer spring and thinner inducton rotor. They pitch extremely well and are freer casting than a normal sv spool. You can find the same spool sold under SDS customs on eBay.
  6. No. It's a tatula sv 70. There are however plenty of spool options for those two reels.
  7. That's the worst thing I have ever read. How dumb do they think we are? You can look at the two reels with your eyeballs and tell they are not using the same frame. Their only similarities are "black spinning reel". This is the kind of false information that is rampant with these reels and low information buyers. "Made in the same factory" even if true means nothing if the tooling and IP is all owned by diawa and just happens to be operated by the same chinease wagies that also make piscifun reels in a nearby production line. At some point when the current tatula egg beater is retired the chiease will use the old tooling to make the reel under a different brand. They do this with the old black max 3 tooling in China and you can buy the old black max with fraudulent shimano branding on it. I can't leave this alone. This is the kind of misinformation that is everywhere with these plastic china reels. This is clearly some blog post by someone who has no idea what they are talking about and it trying to cram in a script handed to them from piscifun. The purpose is to paint an image that piscifun is using the same frames of higher end reels like daiwa ans just offing a cheaper product. Incredibly misleading. Look at this goofy line. "Many reels are made on the frame or with one of the same two braking systems that are so popular with anglers today."
  8. Outside of North America lews is basically unknown and piscfun the better known brand. These rebadged Korean reels sold at big box fishing stores as house brands was a North American maket phenomenon. Lews does the same thing minus the big box store. The guy that brought lews reels back was actually involved with this process at bass pro before he left and re-started lews. Also even in the US to a new angler a known brand is what they see and encounter the most. For newbies looking on amazon for fishing reels piscifun or kastking become known brands really quick.
  9. Nope. Your only option for a shallow SV type spool would be the ray's long cast.
  10. People have been casting light weights baits with baitcasters for ages but no one thought to give it a name other than "going fishing". BFS didn't enter the lexicon outside of japan until 2011 when Yukihiro Sawamura of KTF was using prototype rods on his KTF tuned Alphas to present small plastics and jigs on hard 7-10 lb flourocarbon line for bass in cover. The rods were designed with larger blank diameter on the back half of the rod to significantly stiffen the rod and make controlling a bass around cover possible. What separates these BFS rods from other rods with the same power rating used for trout is the significant increase in power for bass fishing. You can skip very easily with it as long as you have the right reel. The guy who invented BFS also invented the air brake the SV spools use. He was doing it 1st with his KTF spools before daiwa stared using the same brake with their air spools then later SV spools. He spends the entire video skipping baits into brush. I
  11. Perfectly normal. I avoid anything over a 16 lb sniper for distance casting because of the poor manageability with faster spool settings. The heavier flouros I use are for more close in work with target casting. The exception is 20 lb big game which is the size of a 30 lb flouro with a bit better management and I use that to cast baits that weight multiple ounces with reels with stronger braking profiles to help tame the line. I find that a larger level wind and heavier braking profile like a t-wing SV reel really helps to manage heavier flouro especially without using line conditioner or spool tension. For your case with money already spent I would turn up the brakes and spool tension and give it a go. Also make sure you didn't spool it on backwards. If you did that's ok. Just wait a few weeks and the line will take the memory in was wound onto the pool.
  12. Tatula 150. I'll have to compare spools again but last time I did on my black widow 2 and tatula 150 they were the same size indicating nearly identical capacity. I belive the arbor was slightly smaller on my black widow 2. Both are magforce z reels. If you are willing to forgo magforce z you can get a magforce tatula 200 for more capacity. https://www.tackletour.com/reviewdaiwablackwidow2.html https://www.tackletour.com/reviewdaiwatattyper.html
  13. There are a bunch on aliexpress and ebay. The best lighter weight long casting spool is a daiwa spool from the tatula elite. The tackle trap used to sell them. I would check there.
  14. Those ticas remind me a lot of the old pflueger presidents and other pflueger spinning reels from that time that were highly regarded. I wonder of there is a connection?
  15. No but they have a spool that will work. You want this one. You'll want one with the induction plate that sticks out vs the flat kind. This is because the SX is dual brake and the magnets are designed to work with a induction plate that is mounted to the centrifugal brake. In its absence the induction plate needs to be in the same location on the amo spool. If it were a flat sided spool it would be too far away for the SX. Push the store home button to go to the amo store and you can drill down to find the spool from there.
  16. I like my shimanos with braid to leader and fast spools with a set and forget spool tension of just enough to eliminate side to side play. Two brakes on and start high on the external dial and work your way down. I have daiwas for non braid and clunky baits that like to backlash. I'm not going to start smashing down on the spool tension to slow a shimano or any other centrifugal unless I have to. I went out of my way to get a shimano for a specific fast and free braking profile. I'm not going to spool it with a slinky then fight the line constantly with spool tension. Braid to leader.
  17. I managed to make it through the piscifun shill video. I do like the way this platform uses brass threaded inserts for the side plate screws and where the clutch spring atraches to the frame. Compare that to the plastic of the carbon XCS above to see how cheaply made the carbon XCS is.
  18. This is EXACTLY the type of misleading infomercial masquerading as a "review" that makes these reels popular. I own piscifun reels and I know what they are and can even recommend them at times but this is clearly a misleading infomercial. I can't even get past a few min in before rage quitting the video. The statement that piscifun plastic is "carbon fiber" and not actually plastic but abu plastic is just plastic is nonsense. This followed a comment about how "the 1st thing you notice is how light the reel is" as if reading a from a teleprompter. The Abu has the same plastic side plates as the entire reel of the phantom but has an aluminum frame. Of course it's heavier. 100% sponsored and scripted fake "review". These videos are EVERYWHERE for this brand and others like them and is the answer to the OP. I say this as someone who LIKES the phantom because it offers a dual brake with a real centrifugal brake and lighter weight spool at an affordable cost. You just have to know you are getting a cheap plastic reel and be willing to tolerate that. The misleading info in that video that paints the reel as something other than what it is angers me. Just be honest. Stop calling plastic with some nanometer long carbon dust mixed into the plastic for the sold purpose of preventing shrink after injection molding as the plastic cools, "carbon fiber". This applies to everyone including lews calling plastic with carbon dust mixed from Tanso "made from Tanso material frame" OP, the video above is your answer. That video outlines why people buy them. Low information buyers are mislead by YT videos and coerced into buying these reels. It's not that they are bad for what they are but that they are favorably portrayed by people on YT that are promoting the product without disclosure and are using careful wording to heavly imply things without actually making direct claims. Eventually with enough real world experience with other reels not made from plastic at similar prices people who start with these types of reels typically move on to one brand or another. I have seen this here with users starting out with kastking when it was sponsoring the forum and then moving onto lews once they learned more. I guess it's a gateway but I don't like it. The reels are fine but I hate the way YT content presents them. Same with forum sponsorships like we saw with kastking.
  19. As a connoisseur of cheap reels I am very familiar with how the plastic ones feel winding under load. The thought of throwing spinnerbaits with a whitemax is unsettling. It's unpleasant to think about. I'm amazed one person can find it completely normal and to another its like scratching nails on a chalkboard. The duality of anglers. To add to this i think higher end reels made me into a snob over time. I have owned many plastic reels from quantum, pinnacle and bass pro when I was younger and newer to the sport. Didn't think they were bad at the time. Seemed normal.
  20. That brand is selling aliexpress stuff at high mark up. You can get an equivalent handle for like $12 on aliexpress. Personally that kind if handle is too cheap and ugly for me. I would want a daiwa style handle from there and re-use my knobs or buy other daiwa knobs.
  21. Steez a 2. The hd has a strong braking profile for heavy baits. The regular zillion is also quite good at distance while still being able to dial up the control to skip plastics.
  22. Open that clip a bit and the hook will unclip on the hookset and never rip the keeper out of the bait. This works for weightless presentations but I imagine the impact of a sinker would knock the hook off the keeper constantly if opened.
  23. 1/20 oz ned head and 2 inch plastic at the lightest on L or UL rod. Common weights are 4" stick-o weightless. 1/16 oz flick shake head with 4 or 5 inch stick-o and 4.8 flickin shimmy worms. 10 lb flouro on a stiffer JDM L or ML rod. I prefer a JDM BFS rod as they are pretty stout. The skinny toothpick trout rods are completely different animals from a bas rod power to power. I would break down the two into bass or stream rods. Bass rods are going to have a emphasis on fishing around cover and the stream rods are going to be much softer able to hook and land trout. Your classic bass BFS as envisioned in Japan is to present 3.5 gram jigs and small trailers, no sinker worm and neko rigs to highly pressured or inactive fish in clear water near cover on 7 to 10 lb hard flouro line.
  24. I belive max 3 and revo 4 x share spool sizes so any of the shallow max 3 spools out there will fit revo 4 x. Amo is the highest quality of the max 3 spools but there are some super cheap questionable ones out there too if that's your thing.
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