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About gone_bassin

  • Birthday 09/15/1980

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  • Location
    eugene, oregon

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  1. so how many of you are here every day? i was just wondering the other day so i figured i would ask.
  2. my 2 year old neice. my brother in law & my neice came trout fishin with my son and me up the mckenzie river. they just were not biting ne thing i through at them so i busted out my fly rod and walked up stream a little bit. finaly i started having luck just befor evening then the wind picked up and whipped my line over the bank on one of my false casts and set the hook right in her cheek. she dont let me forget about it either. oh and when i lived in ketchikan alaska i was halibut fishing and i pulled this ugly fish out of the water with a long nose big teeth and realy weird speckled. i now know its called a rat fish. they are UGLY!!!
  3. doritos spamwiches and beer thats how u do it
  4. i get a huge thrill out of a good fight so i would go for the 10, unless my son was with me. that way he would be impressed by how many fish i landed
  5. Largemouth bass usually spawn between mid-April and mid-June. Nests are constructed by the male in 1 to 6 feet of water. The female lays between 2,000 and 20,000 eggs in several different nests; one nest can contain eggs from several females. The male guards the eggs until they have hatched. im not actualy the one who wrote this, i just found it the other day and i remembered so here it is, im sure the spawn also dependes on how warm the water is as well though
  6. well the lights dont realy make noise but they are annoying
  7. i might listen to a little 2pac while im fishin if im sittin at docks drinkin brew with my buddys or if we're just killin time away from the ladys but once the serius fishin starts the music off. i like the sound of nothing. where im from it aint loud, and down here in the lower 48 you have cars and street lights and all sorts of other noise so fishing is a good excape from all the chaos and rackit.
  8. well to be frank im not a guru, but i wuold try using small double blade spinner bait. but thats because im rather partial to spinner baits. i would thro it parallel to the banks and reel in kind of slow and repeat several times befor leaving the spot. the bigger bass will come into the shallows in the evening to feed, and i have had lots of success doing this but i always use silver blades and even wait untill sundown and fish untill after dark to stop if you dont have an open mind to fishing in the dark and prefere day light hours watch find a routine that works for the time & season and toy with it making little changes and keep to it untill u find the one that slayes them. after a while you might get lucky set into a real lunker
  9. well i realy thinks it changes from fish to fish. just this last year i was fishin with my son when he set into a 5 pounder and lost him along with one of my crank baits. no more than a few hours later i landed him and got my rapala back. im not sure if my little story helps at all but bass being territorial as they are i think you could catch the same fish the next day. i however would not gamble on it though
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