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Everything posted by CGray97

  1. Sent you a message Wayne. Let me know what you think.
  2. Is the US zillion worth the extra money vs the JDM? I've heard JDM uses aluminum gears vs Brass in the US?
  3. Brand new Curado mgl 150. Left hand retrieve. 6:2:1. Spooled with 12lb yozuri hybrid, casted around the yard twice never seen water. Looking to trade for something different. I can add cash for the right reel. Pm me what you have
  4. Curious on when everyone uses these knots and and for what type of baits? I've always just tied a uni style knot for everything I throw but realize now that it may be hindering my success with certain baits. What I mainly use are: Flukes Senkos Shallow diving Crankbaits Topwater prop baits/poppers Bass jigs Spinnerbaits/buzzbaits I'm curious as to what type of knots you all use for different baits or if you just use one knot for everything?
  5. Update. I stripped the tatula down for the second time but this time did a deep clean and relube/oil. Mainly targeting gears and spool bearings. So far, (fingers crossed) it seems alot better. Haven't gotten to take it out and throw it around yet but just reeling in hand feels much more free and smooth. We will see.
  6. Maybe its already been discussed here but which one (in your opinion) is the better reel? I got the Tatula as a finesse/lighter baits reel but I've been unimpressed with the "smoothness" of the reel. I've tried lubing/oiling and has not helped. However, It does work great for what it is intended for. I have an opportunity at a curado DC and am curious if I should pounce on it or deal with the Tatula? I guess my main concern is will the DC perform as well as the Tatula with finesse and lighter presentations?
  7. What's everyone's preference as far as brands for Rod sleeves and Reel covers or do you even use them personally? Been eyeing some Amazon specials but don't know if they're junk or not. Want to try to keep my new rigs as nice as possible
  8. My Metanium showed up today. Shipping was crazy fast. Ordered Sunday night, was here today(Wednesday). Very pleased
  9. Thank you for the response, I reached out to them and they are no longer shipping the Fury series because they lose money that way. Local sales only on the Fury's is what I was told. I did however end up finding a used one on ebay today and bought it.
  10. Hey guys, so I've got several rods and reels now that I have rigged up, not a lot but enough for me. I'm mainly fishing ponds and small creeks or rivers. Out of curiosity I was wondering how everyone else on here would go about pairing these rods and reels and for which techniques specifically? Rods: Shimano SLX 6'10 M/H Fenwick HMG 6'6 M/F Dobyns Fury 734c 7'3 H/F Dobyns Fury 703c 7'0 M/H F Reels: Shimano SLX(base) 8:1 Daiwa Tatula SV TW 7:1 Curado MGL 150 6:1 20 Metanium 7:1
  11. I received confirmation and tracking yesterday, I will learn to be more patient lol thanks guys. Interesting. Have you found the solution? I read somewhere to take spool tension knob off as they sometimes pack them with grease, clean all grease out and then lube with low viscosity oil and it will cure it but not sure how true that is.
  12. I enjoy the Curado but just ordered a jmd Met to try as well. If it's any better I will be ordering more as well
  13. I'm not complaining by any means, was just curious if anyone else has experienced this. It literally says "a confirmation email has been sent for your order" right after you purchase. Most companies have an automated email that's sent after an order. I have not received that email was my concern. I did go ahead and contact them regarding it, so we will see. I'm not worried, and I'm positive everything with show up as it should, just thought it was strange.
  14. I did use my debit card. I've heard good things about them so I assume everything will be good (I hope) just weird I didn't receive an email regarding my order like it had said I would.
  15. Yes it was the correct email, I had to confirm it twice. Money has came out of my account already but never received an email for my order.
  16. Those of you that have ordered a JDM Metanium or any model for that matter from Digitaka..did you receive a confirmation email for your order? Just curious as it said I'd recieve an email but have not gotten anything in my inbox or spam folder. Maybe an email is only sent when the item has shipped or what am I missing?
  17. Just bought a curado mgl 150. Still waiting on it to get here. I ordered it in 6:2:1. Is there a big enough difference in the Curado mgl and Metanium to purchase a Metanium also? Don't want to burn more money if it's not a huge difference between the two.
  18. Looking for a Dobyns 703c. Preferably the Fury series but open to other affordable option series as well. Thanks, Codi
  19. Those with experience with both, which do you prefer and why? Love my Tatula SV paired with Dobyns fury 703 so far but looking to add a Shimano to my arsenal to compare brands. Will be going on Dobyns fury 734. I've narrowed it down to these two reels I believe. TIA
  20. What's your favorite, most versatile shimano baitcaster that will cover about everything?
  21. What are you referring to when you say "G"?
  22. Coming from cheap abu garcias and lews, aside from the base slx I recently picked up, I'm sure the tatula will be plenty "smooth" to me although maybe I should have held out for a zillion.??‍♂️Lol
  23. How many of you, if any, are using straight braid no leaders for topwater and weightless plastics like senkos, flukes, etc? If so, what brand and weight do you prefer?
  24. Just trying to research and gather as many opinions before pulling the trigger as I feel most people do. I did end up ordering a tatula sv earlier today, so there's that.
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