My youngest and I didn't have a fishing goal until June. 2 years ago she wanted to learn how to fish, and I came out of "retirement" to teach her. 12 years ago when my kids were small, I had just started fishing and wanted to go all the time. That made my other half upset so she chewed me out one night so bad that I just quit. Fast foward to 2 years ago, and my youngest got me back into it. I swore I wouldn't get so hardcore into it and here we are now, a couple of hardcore anglers. My other half doesn't mind at all now since things have changed, and she now sees I'm passionate about a hobby and lets me do it as I let her do hers (always did but no need to go there).
We go out just about every weekend, and I go out solo when she wants a break. We tend to fish the same lake since we know it so well, and its 10 minutes away. We switched lakes for 2 months, and it paid off as our catch rate went up from that lake. We went back to our regular lake, and started catching more of bass out of there and finding some areas with low fishing pressure. We accomplished quite a bit. But the main goal we had this year was to catch 100 largemouth bass. We hit that number in mid-September, and we've added 30 more on top of that.
We average 8 - 10 bass over the weekend. Yeah its not much compared to some of you more seasoned folks, but to us, its a big deal. We went the first few months this year getting skunked repeatedly. Then things turned around as we started to learn what baits worked and what colors worked in our lakes.
My daughter, well she's started catching bass more frequently and has mastered her hookset enough that shes not losing fish too often. She knows how to adjust her baitcaster and roll casts awesome. But she's learned an important lesson: how to be persistent, patient, and how to deal with failure. She's 11 and I hope she stays my fishing buddy forever, but enjoying the time I have with her now before she gets too grown up (although she tells me she'll never be too old to roll out in the boat with me).
Anyway, sorry for the long post. But this year has been an awesome year of learning for both of us, and we accomplished our main goal and many others. It doesn't freeze too bad where we live so we'll go out in the winter; at least I will. This winter might be different with El Nino but we'll see.
Our new goals which we've started working on is trying out different rigs than our go-to/confidence rigs.