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Everything posted by flippnfish

  1. Check with your state director of The Bass Federation(FLW) or Federation Nation(BASS).. There are a lot on Junior Federation Bass Clubs popping up..
  2. If I am not mistaken, it has Silica Sand in them. The same stuff that comes in your box of new shoes and beef jerky to absorb moisture... A little science experiment for ya..The next time you use a Yamamoto Senko, leave one on your hook and place it back in the rod locker. Go back and look at it the next day. It will have beads of condensation all over it from the moisture in your boat.. I would not suggest eating silica sand!!
  3. When watching the video of KVD from the classic. Anyone see a Biosonix sitting on the front deck... HELL NO!!! Another gimmick to catch anglers..not fish!! Kenyon Hill has been sponsored by them for a couple of years... What has he done? Anglers say they use alot of crap...It puts sponsor money in the pocket..
  4. I have run Itaska and Pennzoil synthetic in another boat that I own for 10 years. Have never changed the plugs, and they still look brandnew. A Mercury 150 efi with a ton of hours on it. It has only known 3 speeds, Reverse off the trailer, idle to the dock, and wide *** open from point A-B. Do Not Use synthetic in a new motor. Needs to be well broken in before you do. However Mercury says to run the premium plus in my 250 xs..Always do what they say while its under warranty! Always run 93 octane in a 150 or larger. The mechanics always say 87 or 89.. Thats because it brings them more biz!!
  5. Some of my biggest sacks of fish have come on rainy days and nights! Hard to beat a spinnerbait and a buzzbait in the rain. The fish don't care, they are already wet!
  6. 3/4oz Spinnerbait
  7. Cheap and easy way to store plastics. Gallon ziploc bags. You can put 15-25 bags in each one. They save alot more room than plastic boxes. I also keep a shoe box with everything I will need that day. If you don't know what to do when you get to a tournament, 9 times out of 10 your just throwing away your money.
  8. 3/4 oz. Spinnerbait w/ 3 rattles Single #6 Emerald Blade, Jig, Texas Rig Lizard w/ rattle...... Catch BIG Spots and Largeheads...
  9. Don't do Dick or Wal-Mart.. We are lucky enough to have a couple of real tackle shops close by. Privately owned shops have better service and a better selection. If you want something they will get it for you. Try that Wal-Mart. They have no idea what you are talking about.
  10. Mostly Skill!!! A little Luck doesn't hurt!! 80/20
  11. I've been his observer in a BASS tournament before. He used a 7' Diawa Hvy. w/ Diawa Reel for pitching.
  12. spawning a little in central and south Alabama
  13. Alot of it is the driver. Prop selection will also make a world of difference in the handling. A boat is easier to control at mid-range rpm's, running creeks and rough water, with a 4 or 5 blade prop. My 21x Triton will not bite at mid range rpm's with a 3 blade 27. It will blow out every time you hit the gas. So, I swap props depending on conditions. It rides good in rough water and is very fast with the 250xs motor. I also have a 94 model Astro F-20 (the fast hull) that has the same hull design as a Bullet or Blazer (Gambler is similar) and it runs the same mid or high range. Great for river's and creeks. It will turn on a dime. But, Will beat you to death on a big lake in rough water. Hull weight is only 1200 lbs. or less. A Champion also handles well, but, the livewells suck. Skeeter is also a good boat depending on the setup.
  14. Buzzbait,spinnerbait while its raining or still overcast.. If a strong front comes through and you have high bluebird skys, try flippn or pitching a jig or beaver into cover till you find out what they are holding on...
  15. 175 and 150 will weigh the same!
  16. Whatever bait you use to fish a laydown. Make the first few cast at the front (the point furthest out in the water) and then work your way in. Reason being, if you catch a fish off the front, it won't spook a fish laying half way or all the way at the base. Usually pick up a couple more fish this way. The opposite usually results in only one fish!
  17. A 5lb fish is a 5lb. fish in a tournament. However, A Coosa River Spot is by far the meanest fish alive. Not to be confused with a Kentucky, two totally different fish.. Pound for pound a Coosa Spot will drowned the other 3..
  18. If they are already established I would not add to them. They will dig some holes and a sandy soil doesn't hold up very well. Tree's on the dam and Muskrats are a really bad thing also. I would do whatever the fisheries biologist in your area says to do. He would know better than anyone. Our soil around here is a chalky clay. Hard as a brick. Make very good pond dams. Not worth much else!
  19. Crawfish shouldn't do to much damage. They will make your bass fat. The fish should keep them in check also!
  20. Skeeter don't waist your money. Take that 100 dollar bill put another one with it and get a G.Loomis.. I know a lot of females that like vibrating rods, but, I don't think bass females do. I could be wrong. I think I can get the same effect using a 1/2-3/4 oz tungsten and shaking my own rod. Big weight will hold the bait in one place while you shake it!!
  21. I have seen alot of Rat-L-Traps painted with Alabama and Auburn on them. You might check with them and see what they will charge to do something like that for you.
  22. Threadfin are a little harder to keep alive when handling them and you will have times when some will die off in cold weather but that will help keep them in balance. If the lake has some depth they should find a comfort zone. I don't know how they react North of Alabama in extreme cold weather. In the south our water temps rarely get below 45 degrees for very long. The Bad thing about a Gizzard shad is they will grow very large. To big for the average bass to consume. Both are very good forage. If you have someway to keep the adults in balance, gizzards should not be a problem.
  23. Not enough forage for the predators. I would imagine the bream are big also. Crappie will ruin a small pond. The Catfish and the crappie will compete with the bass for food. When the bream and crappie bed, and they get to fingerling size 1-4 inches they are eaten by the bass, catfish, bluegill, and crappie.Try stocking more bream and/ or threadfin shad. If you live in the south call American Sportfish 334-281-7703!!
  24. lol!! then won't ever be able to go fishing by yourself!
  25. Be American and Buy American...Hey GamblerOH, it's probably a big seller among the women over there!!lol
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