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Everything posted by Unk

  1. I guess it's not unusual for newbies like myself to get tired of asking questions all the time and want to try to contribute somehow . It makes it difficult to think about doing this when it's brought to light by more experienced members that your contribution is stupid . I'll continue to try to learn as much as possible here but , for now , I've learned at least one important lesson . Thanks for the help in the past and thanks in advance for the help in the future .
  2. Guess that would be the smart thing to do . Sorry for wasting yall's time . I'll try not to let it happen again .
  3. This may be old news but , if you're on a new fishery and want to know which banks will be shaded at a specific time of day , there's an app called Photoephemeris that will tell you the exact angle of the sun at any time of day - any time of year - and any location world wide . It's free but you have to sign up with your email address . Just another tool that may help ??
  4. Short answer . Yes . But , if you don't heed @bulldog1935 advice , be prepared for a bit of a learning curve . Once you've spent some time with a good baitcasting reel , you'll understand why they're still used by most every fisherman you meet . Just don't try to chunk your lure into the next zip code when you're starting out
  5. Thanks Mike . I did some searching and found the site . Thanks Mick . As I mentioned in the above reply , I did some searching and found the site .
  6. I would be very interested in the Fuji info on Static Load Testing . I went to the fujitackle site and could not find a menu button . Typed Static Load Testing in the search bar and got no results . Could you point me to the correct site ? Thanks . Please disregard this . I found the site .
  7. Nope , no brakes on the trailer . I went through the same thing you did looking for small trailers with brakes . I did find that you can put on aftermarket brakes from Etrailer but decided against this . I ended up with a G3 1610 Sportsman with a 50 HP Yamaha . With a full tank of gas it is within 50 pounds of my Subaru's rating . With the exception of the transom mounted Lowrance , I have been very pleased with the rig .
  8. I was in the same situation . I have a Subaru Outback 3.6 rated for 1700# / 3000# with brakes , I couldn't afford the boat and the tow vehicle both so I downsized on the boat. Glad you're able to do both . We have a friend who can tow heck and half of Georgia with her Chevy diesel SUV .
  9. Hello and welcome !
  10. What Ski describes above is , I believe , called a Fish-n-Fool knot . What DaubsNU1 describes is what I have been calling an "Improved Trilene knot" because the difference is the same as between a clinch knot and an improved clinch knot . Lubricated and snugged down properly either Ski's or DaubsNU1's knot should be secure . There's an informative list of knot strengths with different line types at https://www.knotsforfishing.com/knot-strength-chart/ . They do not list DaubsNU1's knot but I would think it would be slightly more secure than the standard Trilene knot .
  11. Hello . Welcome to BR .
  12. Like it ? No . Man , I'm just thankful I can still mow
  13. Cherish the memories . You are fortunate to have had him in your life . What would he want you to do now ?
  14. Hello and welcome . I understand what you're talking about when you mention the insane rise in reloading cost . I hope your choice to get back into fishing is as rewarding to you as it has been for me .
  15. I have to agree with ATA . I did a quick search of boat trader and craigslist . Boat trader had NO listing in anything close to what you mentioned and the cheapest things on craigslist were $1500 and that doesn't count the work you would have to put into them . And , man , that's in Alabama . I can't imagine what prices are in your neck of the woods . You can probably find something in the price range you mentioned in the late fall or early winter months but , even then , the cost of getting it to the point that it's safe enough to take your family out in will be $$$ . Good luck .
  16. Hope your mom is comfortable and recovers soon .
  17. Hi Jordan . It's amazing how life can get in the way of the important things some times Welcome .
  18. I guess if I had taken time to think on it I wouldn't have been surprised . But , for years and years I just associated the area with the third Saturday in Oct.
  19. Thanks . That's sort of what I would've thought but didn't know for sure . From what I can see , the river looks better around the 168 bridge . I would imagine the pressure can get pretty heavy at times.
  20. Please pardon for me jumping this topic but I gotta ask .. Where ya'll are talking about is only a mile or two above Neyland . Never thought about fishing around Neyland and just wondered if it's done much ? I've heard the stories of the raft up parties at Neyland but none about fishing Again , sorry about jumping the thread .
  21. The two batteries should be identical and both new ( don't use your older failing battery with a new one ) . You can do your searching to decide size , amp hours , etc and decide which brand you want but the two batteries should be identical . As long as the two new batteries are hooked up in parallel , you can use your two bank charger - just look up instruction for hooking up your charger model . I believe having the two batteries hooked in parallel will reduce the percentage of daily discharge and , if you recharge them with your smart charger after each use , the useful life will be much longer .
  22. Don't know about brands to avoid ..... I would suggest you consider making Trojan and VMax two of the brands you consider . Regardless of which brand you decide to go with , I'm sure you know that a good smart charger is a must and that - the more you discharge the battery before recharging - the fewer charging cycles you'll get . I don't guess you have room to hook a couple of batteries in parallel?
  23. Welcome Logan . Looks like you're doing just fine without a boat
  24. Way too much but not nearly enough . Surely , if I spend just a little more , I'll catch 1) more 2) larger fish ?
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