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Everything posted by Muddpuppy

  1. I finally found the new show and they have videos of trips to Lake Fork that can be purchased and also TV programming schedules. http://www.alloutdoorstv.com/about.html http://www.alloutdoorstv.com/products.asp?category=Videos http://www.alloutdoorstv.com/schedule.html
  2. Hallsville has a small bass club that I think meets on Tuesday, but I will have to check to see when and where it is held. I believe that somebody had posted earlier on here about the meetings so you could look in the past posts if your interested. It has been a while back. I'll check with a friend of mine that I think belongs to it Monday. There are some open weekend night tournements on Lone Star and Gilmer lakes at least through the summer months and I'll check on those too. This was the post I was refering to I guess it is the same club. Bass Fishing Forums / Bass Clubs / Hallsville Bass Club on: Jun 15th, 2005, 12:42pm Started by bassfishinbrad | Post by bassfishinbrad For anybody in the East Texas area looking for a bass club here's the ticket. The Hallsville Bass Club is a friendly competitive club that enccourages family: father son, father daughter, and others. We fish most all Texas Lakes. For more information contact me at bradmoughon@letu.edu Fishers of Men also has several tounements on Lake of the Pines. http://www.fomntt.com/division.php?id=48
  3. I've known several people that have had catfish ponds and the fish can sense when they are heading down the bank or clang a metal object to call them up to feed from a pretty good distance away and they will begin to surface. The catfish have been conditioned to respond like that because of their anticipation of food so it seems reasonable to me that they could pick up vibrations and relate it to a physical danger for an adverse effect. True, they probably do make a lot more intentional noise and even calling them or walking much harder then you normally will while fishing, but they seem to be able to sense their pressence. I have also seen where they will not bite if you are standing on bank or where you can see them in a boat.
  4. You might try KLTV.com or Barry Hansons East Texas Angler (same reporter) here in Tyler. I don't know if they have any vids that can be downloaded but they do a regular report online that includes Fork and the East Texas Angler is a weekly show that covers alot of lakes in this area. Might be worth a shot at least for a lead. I believe they used to have some videos at Honey Hole Magazine that would have included Lake Fork, but since they sold the tv rights, I haven't been able to find much about them except for their sponsering of a few tounements lately. It was my understanding that who ever aquired the show was still going to do programing again, but I haven't been able to find any of those so far, although I haven't done an extensive search, either. They always used to have a very informative program that covered Texas lakes and rivers back when Dean had it.
  5. Last time I saw or rather heard that happen was when I snagged a friends rod durring a cast and slung it out out of the boat and into the lake. ;D We were night fishing and heard a splash, then later found that the rod was missing. I'm not sure this really counts though.
  6. I am pretty sure they will feed on the little bass, but we have an real nice local zoo with an aquarium exibit that has a local freshwater display and they have both gar and bass in together, both species are trophies to say the least so the size may be a factor.
  7. I know I probably would need a permit for zooalogical exibitions also scientific research, medical purposes and breeding to sell, ect. I just am presently unaware of a regulation regaurding keeping one in a tank for private purposses here in this state. There maybe one. :-/
  8. Bass aren't considered endangered or exotics and native to my state, so what Federal law prohibits me from keeping one, since I am unaware of a state law? I can introduce them into private water and harvest how and all I like. True I need to buy a licence for some animals species here like deer, lions and aligators but a permit is easily obtained. I can see where I would need one for a snakehead, since they are not native and present a problem to the local fisheries. Just curious.
  9. You might check with Earthworm, I was looking around on his site earlier today and I believe I saw something about Kistler rods.
  10. I carry one with me, but have only used it a couple of times bass fishing, it works great for crappie and catfish though. Mine is made by Minn Kota and rated for a 18' and pretty much a basic rig. I have added floats and weights to it so it will open faster also snaps to disconect it in a pinch and still be able to go back and find it later. A lot of the water we fish is way to stumpy or covered in thick weeds for it to work properly especially now that it no longer rains in this area. I hope to pick up an extra one when I ever find one priced right (cheap) for more drag.
  11. I'm not sure I would rather drag one of those over logs or sandbars over a Jon or canoe, but to each there own. It looks to me like you could mount one on it, especially if you can split the hull and install a thru the hull transducers. I wonder if you might not get too much disturbance that close to the jet useing a transducer that mounts to the back of the hull. Most of the riders I see don't keep one in the water jumping around enough to use one. Ever thought about getting a portable finder and just takeing it when fishing?
  12. At least 2,500ac for the scenery, I like the larger ones until the weather gets bad.
  13. Even though this might be considered more for the vehicle then the trailer I like to have plenty of spare fuses and electrical tape. I also carry a small votage meter, but I guess those would be more of a tool then a part. A 12v tire pump has come in handy a lot of times.
  14. The first plastics that I first remember were a pre-rigged purple worm by Creame complete with a little propeller, and fished C-rigged. Some of the others many I no longer recall the manufacturers, but one I really liked was made in Louisiana and was a ribbon tailed worm called a Baby WaterMacasin that we fished unweighted and snaked though lily pads with great results in the summer. Mister Twister was really hot for a while when they made the scene. It seems like Bass Pro Shops first catalogs came in a magazine (Texas Bassing or something of that nature) that I subscribed too and consisted of only a few pages and may have even been a mail order club you joined at first. Some of the crank baits that come to mind were a thin fin, river runt, hellbender, Devil horse, carrot top, and the revelutionary Big O. 6:1 was smokin' for a baitcasting reel and Kingfisher was a choice boat. Lake Fork was still a couple of creeks and the first true "Bass Rig" that made a lasting impression on me was an 18' silver/red metal flake Skeeter with a massive Mercury Black Max (115hp. I think) and about a 30 lb. trolling motor probably Shakespere at a boat show when I was 15 or 16 that was absolutley "It" for the day, with a whoping price tag of $18,000.
  15. If you are useing just an air infuseing type pump it might not hurt to still try to change out some of the water periodicly. As I understand it amonia can build up in the water that just adding air doesn't remove. That is why I try to use both types of pumps when I can't use the boats areator. Supposedly some of the amonia evaporates as it sprays thru the air.
  16. I use a couple of the Mr. Bubbles pumps fairly often along with my boats areator or when trailering in the summer and it seems to help quite a bit. I have both the air and the water circulating types ( it is 12v.and hooks directly up to the boat battery) if you use one of the spay type I would consider putting on a pvc spraybar if it doesn't come with one so it would be less stressful on the fish. They do have a tendency to knock off a few scales sometimes if the fish get close to the stream. I also put a 12" bubble bar for aquariums on the air one it to spread the air flow. They make a smaller pump that costs less then $20.00 but it eats batteries and doesn't hold up well if they get damp, at least the ones I had didn't. You may be able to get an bilge pump at Wal Mart for around the same amount as the portable ones. I often see the Wal Marts here have some lower volume bilge pumps on sale that might work on the boats present setup, if it just the pump. As stated the AC pump will not work without an inverter.
  17. I believe that Hydrilla is considered an invasive species and not a native plant, so I dought if they will intentionally introduce it to any new lake. It is causeing alot of problems this year on numerous lakes due to the growth rate from lower water levels and warmer winters in this part of Texas. Texas is getting tougher on the transfer of non native plants and fish and implementing new laws partaining to them like this one, if you are thinking of introduceing some, it wouldn't hurt to do some checking first. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/wild/species/exotic/ General Fishing Rules for Fresh and Salt Waters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW LAW: On leaving any public or private body of water in this state, a person shall immediately remove and lawfully dispose of any harmful or potentially harmful aquatic plant that is clinging or attached to the person's vessel, watercraft, trailer, motor vehicle, or other device used to transport or launch a vessel or watercraft. Fine $25-$500. For a list of harmful and potentially harmful plants, visit our online directory or call TPWD at (800) 792-1112 (menu 4) or (512) 389-4444.
  18. There are about 4 or 5 articles on this site on electronics that you may find helpful for a few tips http://bassresource.com/fishing/features.html#equipment scroll down until you see Get Serious about Depth Finders
  19. I have a friend that took one of those mechanical deer "out" with a 300 Whetherby one day, that they had set up. He said even though he should have suspected something by just seeing a deer that size around here the adrenaline got the best of him and ended up putting about 6 rounds into the thing before he saw his friend and a Warden both running towards him waveing their arms trying to get him to stop shooting it. He was completely legal, and thought the event was rather humorous, but he sure messed up the deer. ;D Back to the original subject at hand- anouther thing to take into consideration when useing live bait and fishing in general, in Texas is that regulations often vary from lake to lake. So what is legal on one may not be permitted on anouther.
  20. One big problem with doing surgery on degenrative disks is that once they are fused together it tends to transfer more pressure onto the weaker disks above and below the ones that were the main sorce of the problem in the first place and then it gradually stair steps out from there. Finding the exact disks that are the source of pain is sometimes anouther major problem. I think most people suffer from it to a small degree over the years, but age isn't always a requirement, back abuse and injuries tend to hasten the condition. It took me out of the running when I was 36, allthough some of mine was possibly due to a para thyroid gland absorbing calcium from the bones. There are a few things that can help with pain at least to a degree even if it fairly tempory in some cases if it involves the nerves. I have seen a few people that recieved some relief from some of the non surgical procedures if it's not severe. RR are those the Fentanyl Patches? I tried those a few years ago and they about ate my lunch, but still get along pretty good with meds.
  21. BigTex As far as ponds go they're your fish. As for, lakes I wouldn't set out to keep fish caught on "all" lakes around here for one reason or anouther, but we do have at least 5 state hatcheries across the state on top of the private ones so you keeping a few along off of some of them shouldn't upset the balance. The numbers they produce and release annually are staggering and the management is closely watched. A few years ago there was growing conceearn that people weren't keeping enough fish from some of the lakes in this area and the effects it might have in the future. Not everywhere is like that though, and the laws and views differ in each area. I spent alot of my time growing up in the mid west and I remember when they didn't really even have any lakes much less bass of any numbers in that region. And just because somebody releases all the ones they catch does't mean that they all will live anyway. I would much rather see somebody catch a few fish and use them for food then as turtle fodder, like I've seen many times following some C&R Tournements around here. Your always going to get some oppossition anytime you fish or hunt whether it's catch and keep or catch and release.
  22. If you travel those roads alot and can handle the looks you could try some mud flaps on your truck, they will stop quite abit of gravel, especialy if you have dual wheels.
  23. Last year we experienced a significant drought in this area and some of the lakes were 6 to 8 ft. below full pool maybe dropping the lake down to about 3/4 it's normal size. On one lake in paticular that we mainly fished the most the fishing was usually good once you located them. Bass of all sizes would conjest in weed beds on the remaining flats close to channels and seem to go into feeding frenzies on shad. Although we didn't always have luck with some of the favorites and even colors when it came to baits, you usually could find something that did the trick. Some days our numbers ran around 30 or 50 even though the size might range from dinks to 8lbs. from the same spots.
  24. It really isn't going to make much difference as far as a game warden from any other officer of the law, if you are detained by a cop here in Texas, and there is reason to suspect that you might have committed a crime of any nature they can hold you until the gamewarden arrives, if they have enough evidence to show that you could have been fishing or hunting illegally, then it can give them reason to stop and detain you until he gets there. The warden can also search the vehicle ect. once he arrives and it gives them a reason to hold you.
  25. I use the Dip- It pens quite abit and carry 3 colors of the bottle dye, a couple of Sharpies and a bottle of red fingernail polish. I think it does help at times. I probably use the Dip-It pens on spinnerbaits as much as plastics. Tails I usualy dip and use the pens mostly for appendages and highlights. Chartruese would have to be the one I use the most. The pens are more convienent to use, but so far I haven't had a major spill with the bottles. I do try to be pretty careful and I imagine that it could cause a big mess especially on a lighter colored surface, pretty bad.
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