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  1. Deebo's post in Gloomis NRX+ JWR series vs. Dobyn's Xtasy Fast action series was marked as the answer   
    I have a nrx+ 854 and a drx725.  Both feel very light in hand and both balance very near the locknut.  I'm probably going to end up in the minority on this, but I prefer the way the xtasy fishes.  The nrx may be more sensitive, but by an amount that the brand of line your using probably has as much difference.  It's splitting hairs and I couldn't honestly say I feel more with the NRX.  Also have a zbone on the x ray blank...same thing it's sensitive, but would be guessing to rank it.  The jwr nrx line are quite fast, to the point I feel concerned about fighting fish for any duration and trying to horse them a lot, as it's easy to unload rod.  Having the backbone just a little further back is my preference.  I wish the xtasy line had stayed in the 7'3"-7'4" range, rather than going to 7'5", but that's my only gripe.  So I went down the the 7'2"
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