I can’t find specs for the overhead loss by the charger but 40 amp at 12vdc is only 3.3 amps at 12vac. If you don’t get a satisfactory answer you can pick up a Kill A Watt for $30 and see what your charger is actually pulling.
If you count any type of bass mine would be strippers off the Point Judith breakwater. When they chase bait into the corner of the beach and breakwater the fishing is fast and furious. If you are lucky no one notices, if they do fisherman show up quickly out of nowhere, even in boats, it starts looking like salmon fishing. Catching keepers with Sluggo’s on every cast is amazing. As fast as it starts, it ends.
I’d have to say soft plastic baits, from Crème worms to whatever the current rage is.
Started for me with purple Cremes for whatever was in the local ponds, then Sluggo’s for saltwater strippers, and now Rage baits for freshwater bass.
In Ma it gets halved to 18.25 for 65-69, then free after that. Of course they have a $5 Wildlands Conservation Stamp that gets tacked on, kind of like the fees on the electric bill. 2 more till free, at least at the moment.
The closest I’ve gotten is coming upon tracks while out hiking off trail, once in Zion, and once in Kodachrome SP. Just Bobcats here in Ma.
I’ve seen panther, or at least that’s what I’ve called them, in Florida near Naples, 40 years ago before the retirement community boom.
Different brand, but I’m trying amber with blue mirroring. Haven’t tried them fishing yet but for driving in the snow they are okay. I think I should have gotten 1 with black lenses and blue mirroring and left the amber without mirroring.
I went the rubber shelf lining route, works pretty well but I do get an escapee here and there. I don’t keep real small items in there #1 hooks and 1/32nd bullets are as small as I go. I did find the hooks get stuck in the rubber, had to add a small magnet to the hook bins. Not ideal but good enough. I don’t want to go the zip lock bag way as I like to leave the trays open so everything will dry out after every morning out.
Since you added a Time Machine to the possibilities. I’d be 10, fishing for flounder, back when you caught as many as you wanted, from a row boat in Westbrook Ct. What a completely carefree time.
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