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  1. Thank you everyone for your help, I had another bass today, only fished for an hour of so. I will try to head out to some new ponds soon. I leave savannah on Wednesday, so I won't be doing any bass fishing after that for a long time. I will have to plan another trip over here soon.
  2. Well today I have caught 3 bass, 1 from the pond I have been talking about, and 2 from a pond behind where I'm staying. The pond Iv had to out of today I have fished every day for the last 4 days, either no bass till today, I had given up on it for bass really. Seems like a completely different place today, I missed lots of bites, seems they switched on today. Is that common???
  3. Iv posted a few times about this trip. I am in savannah, visiting from england I have found a pomd with plenty of bass in, Iv seen them in the shallows. I caught a small one this morning. My question is how can I catch more? I have hooked to while fishing a whiye fluke on a weighted hook, I think that the bass just took the tail and not the hook. I caught the small one this morning on a small mepps spinner. It seems that I get a few offers with whatever bait on the first few casts, then it goes quiet, is this what normaly happens? Do the bass spook easily? When trout fishing at home, you get one shot at the trout, then they spook, are bass like this? Thanks
  4. Thank you very much, I will try that. I'm trying to catch some bass at the moment, my brother caught one today, iv found a pond with plenty in, I think we made to much noise today and spooked most of them
  5. Think we will be setting off from near Wilmington Island
  6. I'm travelling from the UK to savannah to visit my brother, we are having a day on a boat, ot guided. I would like to do some fishing. What areas should I be going to, and how should I fish it? I am not to bothered about what species we catch, I would gut like a good chance of catching some fish. Thanks for your help
  7. Can you recommend any guides? Thanks
  8. Thanks for the help everyone. Are red fish a good fish to catch? Thanks
  9. Staffordshire, the Midlands. Its trout fly fishing that I do here. But I fancied fishing for something that I can ot catch in England.
  10. Thank you very much. I might get a guide for a day, but I am also going to get a rod and have a fish in some of the ponds, I might be able to fish early in the morning before the rest of the family gets out of bed! I would like to do as much fishing as I can
  11. I would love some tips on bass fishing in savannah Thanks
  12. I am visiting savannah in April next year. And would like some help on where and how to fish. I would like to catch some bass. Where am I best fishing around savannah? What baits and rigs am I best buying? I don't mind buying a bit of stuff, but I don't want to buy anything unnecessary as I will not use it again. I might buy a rod and reel, and take it back to England. Thanks for the help
  13. Hello from England. I am travelling to savannah in April and have got some questions. Im going to post in general bass fishing Thanks
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